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Posts posted by MAD-MM

  1. Hmm come on dont exaggerate something is not there. Thats why is our 190D9 flying with Wfr. Gr21 around, where have exact data how much more drag that cause and influnce the rollrate or shift CG and the behaviour of the Plane special for a D9 Variant? There is only one problem, never saw a D9 with Wfr. Gr21!

    They never 100% simulated, there still a part that is more reasoning calculating and guess work.

    More likley limitations of the DCS Engine does not allow change like internal guns in the Modul itself, probably this same reason we have clipped and no clipped spit in two seperate Moduls? Was it worth in the End?

    Maybe this huch undergoing task thats not earn them any Money, thats why probalby they dont do it.

    • Like 2
  2. Hey Azrael,

    hast zwar geschrieben das du die Achsen geprüft hast, bei mir gehen die Fußbremsen tatsächlich richtigrum wenn Sie auf inverted gestellt sind.

    Vielleicht das nochmal prüfen und mal auf inverted klicken was dann passiert. Bild im Anhang

    Sonst sollte da eigentlich nichts sein vorrausgesetzt die DCS Bodencrew hat dir nicht die Luft aus den Reifen gelassen 🙂


  3. Hi Amarok,

    gerade geprüft, ich hab zwar die nur die alte Normandy Karte aber bei mir funktioniert der Funk bzw. das Kommando zur Bodencrew auch nicht weil wie gesagt der Flugplatz "Neutral" ist im schellen Missions Tool.

    Kannst du prüfen in auf den F10 Karte in der Mission.

    Wenn der Flugplatz neutral ist kannst du weder rearmen weder noch das Kommondo für den Schwungkraft anlasser geben per Funk.

    Das wäre in dem Fall ein BUG von ED oder besser nicht bedacht. In dem Fall würde ich dir empfehlen den normalen Editor zu nutzen.

    Falls du doch unbedingt das schnelle Mission Tool benutzen willst, wie gesagt geht als abkürzung den Schwungkraftanlasser per Tastenkürzel zu nutzen nicht über Funk. Kannst zwar die Signalpistole nicht ausbauen, sollte nicht so schlimm sein.

    Bilder im Anhang.




  4. 32 minutes ago, WarbossPetross said:

    This is great! Would be better if you did things a little slower, the process looks a bit rushed. And I do hope you do the sound justice because the real thing induces serial eargasms pretty much like the P-47 and der Messer at the same time! At 1:10 you can even hear the supercharger!


    Yak 11 from your video not use the same Engine as the La-7. Think the only flying Version where you can find youtube is the La-9 flying over Wanaka. Not sure that is even us the orginal Engine.

  5. For what reason are the Gun safety catches, are they the master Arm for the Cannons? No charging for the Cannons like on the MIG15 or 109 for example? are the cannons ready to fire when the pneumatic pressure is released on the Startup aside from Flightstick cover? 

  6. Hi Amarok,

    Kann sein das es an DCS liegt, kann nur raten gerade. Frequenzen vom Funkgerät sowie Flugplatz passen im Editor? Flugplatz hat auch die richtige Nation (rot,blau) als nicht "neutral"?

    Für den Schwungkraftanlasser gibts auch einen Tastenbefehl als short cut ohne Funken. Das andere müsste ich testen, grad kein DCS zur Hand.

  7. On 4/15/2023 at 9:37 PM, motoadve said:

    Been flying sims for 25 plus years, and DCS for the past 2 months.(only fly warbirds)

    I find DCS the most realistic WWII sim by far, I also fly real planes and one of those a warbird trainer, last week I offered here in the forums to take any DCS pilot who lives in WA state for simulated dogfight (have done the same with IL2 and taken a few people) this time no DCS pilot showed up, so took a friend.

    After flying DCS Warbirds for 2 months constantly, I have a good feel for most online dogfighting and have seen the impossible jerking maneuvers, which kills immersion. During my dogfight simulation last week, I tried to compare the real event to DCS, FMs and DM are pretty good in DCS.

    In VR checking six is pretty realistic, a bit easier than being strapped to a 4 point harness IRL, getting the head out of the cockpit is not (VR limits would be nice)

    Force feedback its something that will make things closer to real.

    And the most important is pilot fatigue, even in a simulated dogfight you start to get tired, and the speeds are between 200 and 350KPH, DCS warbirds are a lot faster and heavier, so more demanding, some sort of pilot fatigue red out blackout should be modeled to avoid those impossible jerky maneuvers, because really ruins immersion, the pilot is superhuman, blackout happens and its good, but jerking the plane  positive Gs then negatives time after time repeatedly , its not realistic,  we never see these in real WWII footage.




    Agree with you 100%, but you just see this only from a perspective of a real Pilot. As matter of fact at least for me, when i dont do easy aerobatics for half year in real life, after 10 Minutes i am done in sommer heat with only 3- 4G, without any exhausting negative G's Maneuvers. (you can say i am weakling, but most of the WW2 docs says 4G is what avarage untrained Pilot can sustain 🙂

    Spitfire after the release was much more unforgiving with negative G jerk's for example. I think for non pilots that even fly with possible worse desktop Joysticks with hard centersprings where flying precisley about the center point for aiming is mutch more difficult, it is unpleaseant experience when you allways red/blackout.

    They even have no experience how unpleaseant that is in real life after some positive G's to push the nose down.

    Think from company standpoint you will not sell much, when 75% of the Players have difficultys to fly smooth without blacking/redout allways.





  8. 13 hours ago, kira_mikamy said:

    i didnt think the preset can be linked to the farp or airbase, they are linked to the aricraft itself, probably in the core dcs game folder where that aircraft is installed there is some configuration file that manage the preset.

    for some aircraft, the path is in the install folder -> DCS World\MissionEditor\data\scripts\UnitPayloads
    you can modify the one for the F16 and setting to have only one preset, but this means this is the only one available for the F16 in entire game.
    you of course can modify that from the loadout menu in mission editor, dont need to directly edit the Lua but you can make a backup of original one.

    im not so expert to know if there a possibility to dynamically reload the payload.lua, for example using the one with only one preset when you are in a trigger zone over the airbase, and then come back to the original when you are away from it.

    Thx for the Reply,

    also found the LUA payload und unitplayload after some searching, so far came for the same conclusion nothing what you can edit per se over the SP Mission and more DCS Core feature linked to each Modul/Aicraft itsellf.

    Right can edit these but afterwards only limited to my game not the mission itself.  Thought myself that's would be nice you have not accidently scroll to the list of pre selected loadouts that is not even there in the SP Mission because of the limited Weapon loadout in the Editor.

    littel bit of loop hole that i tought must be easier to fix, can understand from where it comes




  9. 9 minutes ago, Doc3908 said:

    Every time ED announces a new Open Beta update, I keep hoping to see the La-7 release announcement. How close are you to release (next few weeks, next few months, next year)????

    Wondering the same, think doesnt go faster when i write 3 times per Day how far is the La-7 🙂 But last year they wrote first half of 2023 but that is pretty big time frame, pictures looks pretty promising should be not so fare in the future i hope?

  10. 2 hours ago, IIIJG52_Otto_ said:

    Dass in den speziellen Einstellungen des Spiels für dieses Flugzeug auf die Verstellung der Ausgleichsplatten zur Höhenverstellung verzichtet wurde, lässt auf ein besonderes Interesse daran schließen, dass dieses Flugzeug nur mit hecklastiger Fluglage geflogen werden kann.

    Hallo Otto,

    so long around here could be some of the forum inventar. It is long time ago but rember you discuss this topic with YoYo allready in lengthy debate.

    It will not change even you dont like it or think it should be different.

    109 could not be recoverd from dive. Again Data from G 109, maybe the K4 was different but there is no indication for it. Next Time DCS should do G Model instead of K4. For different Trim behaviour there is simply not Data with changed Trim Tabs nose down.

    1 Degree of nose Down was here Cruisespeed setting.

    The limited the Stab Trim to even less foward 1.45 Degree


    German Forum there only 2,5 People that fly even WW2 think you have here not more success to discuss this.

  11. Know that is the russian section but could not find any Info in englisch. just for building a singelplayer mission in the future maybe i was looking for some info.

    Looking for Information about the prelude of the sovjet Petsamo-kirkenes opartion to expel german forces in the far north in early Oktober 1944. around 9 September of 1944 sovjet forces liberated the town and the airfield of Alakurtti. was before the main base for germans to operate against murmansk an the railyway.

    My Question: what Soviet Unit was operating from Alakurtti after the liberation form the Germans? have seen 415th Fighter Aviation Regiment but without source and maybe 324th Fighter regiment? 

    maybe someone can helb thx

  12. Ich hab leider das orginal nicht, DCS Damage Model ist vll nicht das beste aber in dem Fall eingentlich nicht falsch. Problem in DCS ist das wir eher die falschen Bomben statt falsche Damage Model haben. SD und SC Bomben sind eher nutzlog gegen Panzer, deswegen wurden auf deutscher Seite die Stuka und die HS129 mit Panzerbrechenden Boardkannonen (BK 7,5;MK103) ausgerüstet bzw entwickelt nach Erfahrungen. FW-190 SD4 Holladungsbomen als Streumunition eingesetzt. IL-2 Sturmovik hat auch auf deutsche Panzer als Gegenstück PTAB Holladungsmuntions aus Streukasten eingesetzt.


    Es zeigten um mit einer SC 50 einen Panzer 1 zu beschädigen muste der einschlag der Bombe näher als 5m am Panzer sein sonnst reichte die dünne Panzerung aus um die Besatzung zuverlässig gegen Spliter und Druckwelle der Bombe zu schützen.


    1942 wurden weitere versuche mit 10 erbeuteten T34 einen Sherman und 3 englischen MK IV Churchill gemacht. Letzterer war der am wenigsten wiederstandsfähigste Kampfwagen eine in 5m Entfernung gesprengte SC 250 riss das genietete Panzergehäuse auseinander. T34 und Sherman trotzten solchen explossionen sogar noch aus 3m Entfernung. Allerdings sind durch den Luftdruck die Versuchstiere im inneren der Panzer getötet worden. Bei dem T34 entzündete sich der Dieselkraftstoff. Im Ergebnis der Versuche wurde klar, dass zur Panzerbekämpfung kleine Streubomben benötigt wurden, mit denen sich direkte treffer erzielen ließen und die mittels einer Hohlladung eine ausreichende Durchschlagsleistung erbrachten.

    Hier macht es also sinn mehrere Bomben gleichzeitig abzuwerfen um mit sicherheit mit einer so nahe am ziel zu liegen damit der Panzer auch wirklich zerstört wird.

    • Like 2
  13. Not sure that ever happen in fighter sized plane someone flying around with binos. Could maybe but think it difficult to spot trough the Binos and the same time flying dont get lost in orientation of your Plane in horizontal vertical alignment. Bombers frequently happen one of the crewmember was spotting with binos targets. Keep in mind the human eye can focus some Object, like near and disctance setting. so find personaly nothing wrong with the zoom in DCS solong they dont simulate the Human Eye 🙂

  14. 15 hours ago, Nimbur said:

    1.was mache ich falsch?

    2. verhält sich das bei der BF 109 genau so?

    3. kann ich den spin irgendwie umgehen? zbs flaps raus, weniger drehmoment ect pp?

    4. wie geht ihr vor den feind von oben nach unten zu endecken, wenn er tief fliegt?

    5. ist die dora im turnfight besser als die anton?

    1. Anton würde ich dir nicht empfehlen als Anfänger, am schwierigsten zum Fliegen von allen WW2 Flieger. Steigt am schlechtesten von allen Fliegern, hohe Flügellast (Gewicht,Tragfläche) also will nicht turnen und ist gerade mit ach und krach 5 km/h schneller als die Spitfire. Wenn du gern Dogfightest wirst mit der Dora auch nicht weiterkommen weil die im Prinzip das selbe Flugzeug ist mit mehr Leistung. Nur die mehr Leistung sinnvoll anzubringen ist nicht leicht weil das Handling eher schlecht ist.

    2. Bf-109 ist "anfängerfreundlicher" weil die  109 mehr Anstellwinkel durch die Slats verträgt (kann mehr am Stick ziehen). Allerdings ist die 109 immer ein Kampf mit der Trimmung weil die  Höhenruderkräfte sehr hoch sind bei moderaten/schnellen Geschwindigkeiten. Braucht auch eine sichere  gefühlvolle Hand beim Starten das Sie keine wilden Manöver am Boden macht.

    3. 190er nutzt Spliflaps die sind im Dogfight nicht wirklich hilfreich und eher schlechter als das was die Konkurrenz zu bieten hat, wenig Auftrieb für maximalen Luftwiderstand. Wenn dann nur Takeoff Setting nutzen, sonst ist man ziemlich schnell eine stehende Zielscheibe die nicht Manövern kann. 

    4. In DCS tatsächlich schwierig von oben was zu sehen. Würde die vielleicht SRS (Radio) empfehlen zum besseren koordinieren mit dem Teammates. Sonst ab & zu einfach mit Vollgas in in den Sturzflug gehen und schauen ob wann sieht gegen den Horizont und dann sofort wieder Steigen.

    5.nope, tatsächlich sind die blauen Flieger anfängerfreundlicher gerade z.B P-51 ziemlich ausgewogene Flugeigenschaften und schnell sowie keine komischen Macken, und wenn man nicht komplett quer im Kopf ist   (muss unbedingt rot sein) spricht nichts dagegen blau zu Fliegen bis man den dreh raus hat.

  15. On 11/30/2021 at 7:57 PM, ButcherBiird said:

    Lastly it is noted in the Haynes publication on page 83 that "in early 1945 orders were given that limited time emergency power for fighter variants (A series) could be achieved by a simple manifold pressure boost to 1.8ata, giving the equivalent power boost to around 2,400ps." (2,367hp). I am not arguing for the inclusion of this as it doesn't make clear if this was a result of MW50 or the Erhöhte Notleistung system, it makes it sound like the Erhöhte Notleistung is the system used but I have no backing evidence and that seems to be unrealistic as I can find performance charts with 1.58ata and 1.65ata but not 1.8. Interesting to note though.

    Just small Detail, the BMW 801D2 Fighter Engine was not running behind that 1.58 and 1.65 AtA Boost. The A9 with BMW 801S engine running in both low and high supercharger Gears  1.65 ATA and in the final version in 1945 with 1,82 ATA. 

    And BMW 801S version was build from the BMW801 E Version with different supercharger Gears for better high alititude performance some strengthen internal parts.

    And the final version was 1,82 ATA with 2200 PS, when compare the numbers it is linear makes sense. 1,42 - 1.65 roughly 200 PS again 0,2 AtA more boost to 1,82 ATA 2200PS.

    Only the BMW801F engine was developing 2400 PS, but this was never produced in mass production.


    In the End you cold not tell what is A9 or A8 Version because they build the Plane with engine what was availble the improvments like blown canopy was also mounted on the A8.

    Was a note i posted allready sometimes ago in the German War diary from the OKB about Engine devlopment from BMW. Letter is the internal engine coding from BMW, pretty sure it is BMW801 S Engine. Test aprroved the Engine without MW50. there is now where to be find in any doku that a 190A was ever running with MW50 in service.

    BMW 801-2.jpg


    Not realy good Picture but there all different Versions in level speed diagramms next to each other, note the different altitudes for the supercharger

    fw190-a8-3jan45.jpg (950×1295) (wwiiaircraftperformance.org)

    • Like 4
  16. 8 hours ago, Eldur said:


    This is interesting, because I expected it to be different as I remember the discussions about this back in the day of the old Il-2 series. Can't go back there anymore, RIP Ubisoft Forums... ORR was a great resource that's now gone. The thing is, what I have kept in mind was the Oleg Maddox stated that you'd get no Forsazh and only the first supercharger speed with the handle in the back position and either Forsazh or the 2nd supercharger speed in the forward position, depending on altitude and based on how the Forsazh worked by utilizing the supercharger to create that overboost. That statement was due to a discussion why the La-5F, FN and -7 series only would go to 100% THR and not 110% (as most other planes) while having the separate WEP button work and he also stated it would not technically be possible to model it accuately to enable Forsazh with the supercharger gear commands which is why it still used the separate WEP command even though the throttle quadrant neither has a specific WEP zone (the reason for it being maxed at 100%) nor any kind of mechanism that enables Forsazh since that's been done by flipping the supercharger into the 2nd gear position while being down low at altitudes where you'd not use the 2nd speed.

    can only speculate my russian works also only with google translator 🙂

    While IL-2 had also some special quirks that was also not allways realy true, could for example also not set MW-50 under full Power without blowing your Engine. They posted some catouts form the La-7 Manual in the russian section of the Forum, seem's to be the case 2nd supercharger Gear was not allowed in Take Off mode.

    9. Unabhängig von der Höhe des Fluges im Startmodus ist es nicht erlaubt, die zweite Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit zum Kompressor einzuschalten.

    seem's with the La-5 from what i can understand it was possible to damaged your Engine because you can accidently fly in "Forsazh" mode 2nd supercharger Gear mode. Was in the La-7 not possible anymore because of some automatisms. 

    Probably they set the boost controller on the ground to what was possible with the engine when you raech your full Mainfold Pressure at 100% Throttel? Saw some post for example from Saburo that the engine was limited to 1000mmHG the first 10 Hours.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, GrafRotz said:

    gab es da auch eine Änderung? Bisher war es so, dass es trotzdem aufgeht, allerdings "cannoc comply" kommt.

    Bin so wenig auf nicht-blauen Airfields 😄

    Wenn das Airfield blau tatsächlich zugeordnet ist kann ich immer noch einstellen das zb. keine Waffen gibt oder kein Sprit also das Rearm nicht möglich ist.

    Dann sagt die Bodencrew "can not Comply" . Wenn das Airfield neutral ist kommt einfach kein Funkmenü gibts auch nichts zum Auswählen, das war schon immer so soweit ich weiß.


  18. Das Airfield muss im Missionseditor beim erstellen der Mission der entsprechenden der Partei/Allianz zugeordnet sein. Wäre möglich das in deinem Tutorial das ändern der Waffen einfach nicht vorgesehen ist und der Missionsdesigner das Airfield auf neutral gestellt hat. Somit gibt's dann auch kein Funkmenü zur Bodencrew bzw. Waffenauswahl.

  19. 8 hours ago, Rudel_chw said:

    significant? I googled ffb marketshare and couldnt find anything, but my subjective perception is that less than 1% dcs users own a ffb joystick, so I hardly would call it significant. 

    Not significant terms of sales because there is nothing to sell "new" thats true... but when i look the old tread about "what is your priamary Flight Controlls". MS Sidewinder 2 FFB Stick despite not in the pole is very often metionend by the individual users. That looks alot more then 1% of the DCS Users. Every new Prob FIghter the missing FFB thing seems to reappear. 

    Even think the major part of the Prob Pilots still using FFB Joysticks



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