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Everything posted by Agost

  1. +1 Maybe we could have an option like "custom gun convergence" in the misc. options? If someone finds it "unrealistic" then he can forbid it on his server.
  2. Yesterday after landig, letting the engine cooling down I halted the engine and after a couple minutes minutes BANG it failed - it seems like a random script or something - engine was not running, oil temp ~50 C, coolant~60 C... :shocking: After that I was able to fly a good 50 min. sortie with a good share of MW50 usage (30min+) without any problems :unsure:
  3. Today I respawned my Dora (after ditching my bird after engine failure) on the Burning Skies server. While preparing for the engine start (switching circuit brakers, closing canopy etc.) suddenly a loud bang and my motor was dead. I lose much more aircraft due to engine failure than being shot down and engine failures come completely out of nowhere it seems. Are random system failures simulated on this server? Anyone had a similar experience? Unfortunately I haven't got a track to post :noexpression:
  4. Hi Kwiatek, As far as I know the seat of the FW-190 was intentionally lowered to provide a deeper sitting position (like sitting on a very low stool or on the floor instead of a chair) to increase pilot endurance regarding high G load. I have a book or something about it but sadly I couldn't find it yet. So it is modeled correctly I guess.
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