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Everything posted by Blackeye

  1. That's up to Hollywood I suppose. Right now it's slightly confusing as the name hints GPL but in a file public domain is mentioned.
  2. I paid for it and got to use it earlier than those in the future, and that's absolutely cool with me - especially since we're not talking about a huge price tag here. I can understand people who bought it 2 weeks ago being a bit miffed, but then again the alternative is being stuck with a version that does not work at all, so I think even those would prefer a free version over that. I haven't really found a license even though the github repo is named vaicompro-gpl, so I'm not sure how feasible creating restricted payware out of this would be. Plus there's absolutely no requirement to honor previous purchases (might be hard to verify as well), so people who bought it before then would have to pay twice...
  3. I fully understand not wanting to be part of generalizations but your "at this stage in Early Access" part of the comment doesn't really apply when the issue has been tagged as "correct as is" imho. So I hope you can find the time to look into this because given that tag I'd assume this is how ED wants it to be and how it is going to be in the final release.
  4. It lets you know that the stability augmentation cannot properly support you once the green bits are at the edge of the box because it has reached its authority limits. To recenter it you can press and hold the trim button down for 3+ seconds.
  5. As far as I understand it Wherever the sight is pointed at is where your weapons will (attempt to) go. The Acquisition Source is simply the source of coordinates you can slave your sight to (if you want to). * For example if you have the TADS selected as your sight and set the Acquisition Source to W02, then pressing the slave button will move the TADS (sight) to W02. If you set the ACQ source to the HMD of the pilot (or the CPG) then as long as the TADS (sight) is slaved it will follow wherever the pilot is looking at (until you unslave). The goal here is to provide a quick way to move your sight to a specific (potentially dynamic) point. Similar to how you can slave the TGP to waypoints - just that here you can select what you want to slave it to and the coordinates can be changing constantly. * IIRC the coordinates of the ACQ source are also used to launch Hellfires at in the LOAL modes.
  6. Thank you for the update - the problem persists with "Let Windows Decide" set on my machine.
  7. The really frustrating part is that because the CM could not reproduce the issue it's not going to be brought up to the actual developers and thus will never be looked at and perhaps fixed other than by accident. Sadly no feedback either other than adding the tag.
  8. Because a) that's a big if and b) it stifles invention: Since the community solution is open to interaction people built new stuff around it and created overlord bot and connected LotATC. If that was locked behind corporate walls we'd have to hope ED listens to new ideas and implements them on short notice... From the customers perspective absolutely. For ED I guess it depends on what they want: scraping by with minimal effort or creating a great user experience allowing customers to create features ED didn't know they needed. And while you obviously cannot create a public API for every aspect of DCS I think radio features are disconnected enough from the product as nicely demonstrated by the tools you haven't used and call "stop-gap" whereas I think they're pretty much the gold standard on how it should be done. It's the best voice chat I have seen in any product and ED hasn't caught up to it after 2-3 years of development. I really hope they go with an open approach and not just work with the authors of existing tools "in secret" as this would lock out any future improvements by the community.
  9. You need to align the Mavericks if you do a cold start (and presumably a hot start) on the ground - they should be aligned if you start in the air. To do this pick a target with your TGP then slew the Mavericks onto the Target, lock and press the BSGT button on the MFD - repeat for the second station. After that the Mavericks are aligned with the TGP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p_DObCNDI4
  10. AFAIK this only happens if you have the heading channel engaged and it needs to move the pedals to keep the heading you've set and since it cannot move your physical pedals it does this by adding an offset to the input - not sure if that is avoidable. FWIIW you can also "trim it out" by keeping the AP channel on and either us a throttle/stick setting that forces it to return the pedals to neutral or dial in a heading change but use the stick to fight it. "Reset rudder trim" would work as kludge - especially if it worked like setting a new trim position, i.e. it would disable you pedal input until you've matched the ingame pedal position and then kill the offset. That way you can smoothly take over the pedals - perhaps with a timeout so you don't disable the rudder for too long if you forget to match the position. To properly solve this we'd need force feedback pedals... and (new) force feedback joysticks for that matter.
  11. I think it's because Jester (in the wheel) only has 2 options for locking afaik: friendly and enemy, and they decided to use the phrase bogey for the latter. Friendlies should not be Bogeys for long assuming IFF is working and employed correctly. Also I think on a PvP server it's fairly safe to assume that every Bogey is hostile as there are usually no neutrals, ROE is weapons free and IFF always works (if interrogation is done correctly).
  12. Worked fine for me just now on the Forrestal in SP, so it might be a MP problem.
  13. Well maybe if you described what exactly your problem is someone might be able to help. Quick checklist: Data Link set to Carrier and on TACAN set to carrier ICLS tuned to Carrier Steering CMD to AWL/PCD (front right) HUD and VSI to ACL HUD mode to LDG Configure for landing Throttle slightly forward engage Auto Throttle (left side) Auto Pilot to ACL (left side, left button back) turn AP on fly the needles (AT takes care of throttle) engage AP once the AP/CPLR light comes on (NWS button) sit back and watch I'm probably forgetting something but there's a very detailed description in Chuck's guide https://www.mudspike.com/chucks-guides-dcs-f-14b-tomcat/
  14. Well the driving mechanism is usually designed in a way forces cannot reverse turn the system (e.g. worm drive) so in order to slam back you'd have to break the mechanism and/or the mounts probably causing severe damage to the wing in that process. Not to mention that there's no guarantee that the process will be symmetric, so you may end up with an aircraft that has full flaps on one wing and gaping holes on the other while diving at M 0.9 towards the ground... There are better moments to eject. That's why I think they probably never did test for "at what speed will the flaps rip off" just confirming that they won't at sane speeds. If you over-speed your flaps the best thing you can do is slow down and see if they will retract at lower speeds, if not you'll have to limp home or eject.
  15. Nope. And since it's marked as "cannot reproduce" I don't think it's on their list of things to fix, but I'm low-key hoping that some unrelated update will fix it, perhaps Vulkan when and if it surfaces.
  16. By "works" you mean you can use it in SP or that you can join MP servers with IC enabled? The latter is the issue here.
  17. Wait, are you saying you do scan the mods on your site for issues during the open beta phase as suggested - in which case we need not report any mods uploaded here, or are you referring to a general "we are taking feedback" - in which case the suggestion still stands. Thanks.
  18. You do host a large selection of mods on this site - why not run a script over them that detects which ones create lua files breaking the IC. In addition to an extensive list of mods that break you also get some interesting metrics along with it, like what percentage is affected, how popular (d/l) and well liked a particular mod is, what module is affected, what functionalities the new IC breaks and where DCS might need improvements.
  19. Unfortunately that doesn't fix the issue I have - however with set mirror to both I can take a better screenshot of it: In 3x view the bottom (almost) align - apparently my eyes can deal with that or it corresponds to some offset in the headset. Zoomed in however there's a very visible vertical distance between left and right side.
  20. Weird the forum ate my text and I can't seem to edit it in: No extra settings for DCS in the SteamVR per app setting, i.e. use global settings and 100% scaling. And some of the SteamVR System report: SteamVR System Report created Tue Aug 31 15:49:43 2021 <Report> SteamVR Version: 1.19.7 (1629236071) SteamVR Date: 2021-08-17 Steam: Steam Error Steam Branch: Steam AppID: 250820 Tracking: holographic OS: Windows 10 OS Version: Direct Mode Vendor: NVIDIA Direct Mode Version: 471.68 Admin: No AsyncReprojection: Enabled Performance drops: 334/1 37/2 11/3 14/4 18501/101342 Display Mode: Direct Mode </Report> <Devices> Device 1 - WindowsHolographic Headset Samsung Windows Mixed Reality 800ZBA0 WindowsMR Device Path: /devices/holographic/WindowsHolographic Best Alias: /user/head Firmware: Hardware Revision: Camera Firmware: Version not available. VSync to Photons: 0.02 Display Frequency: 90.002 User IPD (m): 0.0605581 Current Universe ID: 452919729772600 Previous Universe ID: 0 </Devices> <ConfigFile> { "LastKnown" : { "HMDManufacturer" : "WindowsMR", "HMDModel" : "Samsung Windows Mixed Reality 800ZBA0" }, "dashboard" : { "desktopScale1" : 1.033452460106383, "lastAccessedExternalOverlayKey" : "elvissteinjr.DesktopPlusDashboard", "position" : 0, "position_2" : 1 }, "driver_Holographic" : { "dynamicResolutionIndicatorSize" : 0.69999998807907104, "headsetReorientationDisabled" : true, "indicatorAreaXPosition" : 0.34999999403953552, "indicatorAreaYPosition" : 0.44999998807907104, "motionReprojectionMode" : "auto" }, "steamvr" : { "debugCommandShortcuts" : "", "enableHomeApp" : false, "haveStartedTutorialForNativeChaperoneDriver" : true, "installID" : "15601552411908674238", "lastVersionNotice" : "1.19.7", "lastVersionNoticeDate" : "1629242773", "motionSmoothing" : false, "overlayRenderQuality_2" : 0, "showAdvancedSettings" : true, "showMirrorView" : false, "supersampleManualOverride" : true, "supersampleScale" : 2.2000000476837158 }, } </ConfigFile>
  21. Ran repair right before recording the track and no autoexec.cfg present in ..\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\ Motion Smoothing is off in SteamVR and Advanced Supersample Filtering is on. And the Track file demo-vr.trk Thank you.
  22. Well since you don't actually use the trim button it's no wonder you don't experience (or understand) the problem/bug associated with it. Sure you can work around it by using the POV trim instead in the style you seem to prefer or not use trim at all, but it should be fixed regardless. If you wanted to understand it you'd have to try trimming in the way that causes the problem to manifest itself. Personally I just find it a bit irritating that you're selling this as "I have no problem" which makes it sound like the problem does not exist on your end and only further discussion reveals that you're not actually doing the thing affected by the bug so it's more like "you can work around the bug by adopting this style of trimming".
  23. Nope still the same old bug we talked about a month ago where you said that you don't even use the trimmer except for takeoff and thus don't experience the bug, but it is still there.
  24. Probably that and the alliteration in "Nagging Nadia".
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