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  1. Sandman1330's post in How to change nose direction in a hover, what is correct way? was marked as the answer   
    The correct, by the book answer is #2. Hold the FTR. It isn't what people want to hear, but if you can't hover for short periods with FTR depressed, you haven't mastered flying the aircraft yet.
    Practice hovering with the FTR depressed. Once you master that, everything else will be easier. This is the way.
  2. Sandman1330's post in CMS Aft cause Chaff release when Hostile AC get lock was marked as the answer   
    Frederic is correct.
    The way around it, if you want ECM only, is to use TMS aft before you are locked up. This gives the ECM consent to transmit in advance, so when you are locked up it will automatically transmit without need for TMS aft. Then you just TMS aft when you want the chaff.
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