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About Aarnoman

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  1. Strongly agree with the general sentiment in the thread regarding the current stance of logistics overhaul at some arbitrary point in the future. This module should not release without an improved DCS logistics system. Lots of things are being "actively worked on by ED" i.e. super carrier ready room/ATC overhaul/improved damage models for non-WW2 jets/clouds that obstruct IR and vision for AI yet these are still not currently in DCS after 3-4 years of "being actively worked on", to name a few. I think it is a reasonable worry the user base is demonstrating here that logistics will be yet another thing that ends up on the backburner once there is a new latest and greatest project for ED to focus on. At the very least if this is not going to be present at release, there should be a clear timeline of when it will be implemented - there are too many "high priority" projects as selfdescribed by ED for these words to still have any meaning beyond colloquial sales language.
  2. SRS has something similar with a dedicated testing frequency where it outputs the users transmission as if made by a second user, allowing you to hear your own transmission. Very useful for troubleshooting a range of issues. I support something similar and agree that current troubleshooting is a pain.
  3. Negative regarding sonar. I personally have not had a recurrence of this issue in the past two weeks, and am unsure if the latest DCS update (common) or turn server backend things have resolved it or whether this remains an ongoing bug at this time. I will report in this thread if we have any further instances of this VOIP issue in our group.
  4. I would offer the counterpoint that things change (including dev attitudes) in the timespan of a few years, and I think it is worth rediscussing this. We've had a number of longstanding issues in the past that were definitive "no's" from the dev team, which have since been rectified more recently. Again, if you don't want to bug the dev team that's fine, but I would at least expect @BIGNEWY or @NineLine to rediscuss this.
  5. Would like to see this changed to conventional wind direction as well. I like many others have been confused by this when starting out in DCS.
  6. This still seems to occur in latest version of DCS. dcs.log.old
  7. Something that may work lime this (dynamic spawning) is currently in final testing as per Wags, though we don't know the details of how it functions yet. There's a chance it will be introduced in this February update.
  8. Thanks for the info. As DCS has not been updated, unlikely that the underlying issue has been fixed (unless ED has changed something significantly with their TURN server backend perhaps). Will require ongoing investigation to confirm it is not an ongoing issue.
  9. Anyone having issues with performance in this mission? When hosting a server everyone starts desyncing, have not had issues like this with most other self-hosted missions.
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