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Dino Might

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  1. Bumping this in case there have been any updates - have not seen any word on whether ED plans to ever make the V-1 launch ramps actually launch the rocket. I am currently using SCUDs as stand-ins for V-2s. Work well enough for my purpose, though I'd love them to add function V-1 and V-2 rockets. I was hoping for the V-1 that I could force Silkworms to fire at a point, but that seems to be not possible in my testing thusfar. Any other ideas? I was thinking maybe I could get a DDG sunk into the ground and have it fire Tomahawks instead? Would still look ridiculous, but my goal is to create a number of rocket sites that periodically bombard towns - there is an entire system for tracking damage, and BLUFOR and REDFOR earning rewards periodically for the status of the towns, which they can then spend to spawn more assets (bombers, launchers, CAP, etc).
  2. I've been trying to find the object IDs and names of map objects (scenery objects) for this map and have been unable to do so, using MOOSE and Pikes scenery tools. Right now, both Pikes' tool using map markers to pick out target objects as well as the world.searchObjects(Object.Category.SCENERY...) both return nil. Are the map objects in this map categorized differently? Any help is appreciated. I am trying to pull out the names and IDs for all the Chain Home radar antennas and buildings, as well as select buildings at each airfield. Thanks.
  3. please don't continue the misinformation about nuclear power. I could lecture you guys for days on the who, what, and why of all the things you read in the news about Fukushima. Nuclear is the cleanest, cheapest, and best form of energy to ensure a safe and healthy planet in the future. I can guarantee you that anyone arguing against nuclear, and anyone who thinks we don't "have it mastered" is saying so out of complete ignorance on the matter. sorry to go OT, but this subject is near and dear to my heart, and every flippant comment made about it since the 60s has contributed to our environmental crisis today. Dont be part of the problem. ETA: sorry about the tone. Im trying to contain some outrage that yours is a common sentiment, mostly because of the fault of the media. I care about our planet and its people, and the state of the power industry and the continued campaigns against nuclear power are one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th and now 21st century. pollution, war, famine, countless deaths, all unnecessary and simply due to public ignorance. It drives me up a wall.
  4. Let me make sure I have this right: This is a CHARITY EVENT. It is a cause that I think most people here have no qualms with. So, who cares what ruleset is established, why it was established, or what that means for your participation or lack thereof? It's a fun event that gets people to contribute to a good cause. The thing could be a random plane assignment giving me a Spitfire against a JF-17, and I'm told I am not allowed to roll in the clockwise direction. So what??? That the restrictions are actually backed up by subject matter experts, which is often ignored in favor of DCS experience (:doh:) doesn't even matter that much. Let me reiterate... This. Is. A. Fun. Charity. Event. That some of you who feel the need to win a trophy in everything (including internet arguing) have turned this discussion into anything but a back slapping congratulations on a great idea and excellent event is pathetic.
  5. I want to second what the MOOSE, DDCS, MIST, etc. Developers have stated. Give more direct access to game api, and maintain changelog for it. If you can give these guys the tools and a more stable code to work on, they will make miracles happen. I hated the mission editor with a passion before I learned how to use MOOSE. Now I spend more time in the mission editor creating things than I do flying in the game. It is a blast to make missions and map features that people enjoy. This is the most low hanging fruit for a game like this, because the users will generate a plethora of amazing content.
  6. 1. Target range functionality - tracks weapon hit accuracy for each type of weapon on separate ranges for each player. MOOSE Not available in DCS 2. Artillery control via F10 map markers MOOSE Not available in DCS 3. Respawning groups, scheduled spawns, and regeneration (infinite and finite), and despawning. MOOSE Not available in DCS. In the mission editor, you can only set up a finite number of respawns, which must be cloned on the map, and set the triggers for each spawn individually - this is maddening. MOOSE allows infinite respawning up to a fixed group size limit indefinitely with a single unit template and a single line of code. 4. Detection - tracking of units detected by AI, to inform automated CAP spawns and tasking, automated JTAC lasing or designation, automated artillery targeting, etc. MOOSE Multiple MOOSE classes exist (e.g., GCICAP) to drive a variety of AI reactive behaviors. Not able to choose any but highly simplistic behaviors in DCS ME. 5. Menu building - create custom, multilevel radio menus that call scripts and change dynamically with executed scripts and player status. MOOSE Not available in DCS
  7. Try to not land. After you flare, try to fly as low and slow as possible just inches above the runway.
  8. DCS Tomcat is going to have a hard time at 150 kts without full flaps. Definitely set full.
  9. Go into modules on the main splash screen (the matrix of boxes icon), find the F-14 and you should have an option to install it again.
  10. Not sure what you mean by fenced in auto chaff. If I select pilot chaff in the Jester menu, then I control the chaff. I dont think Jester dispenses chaff in this case. If I select pilot flare in the Jester menu, then I control the flares. Jester will automatically dispense chaff in response to a radar threat.
  11. Thanks for clarification. Does Jester ever dispense the CM that is under pilot control?
  12. Was a tracking radar or fire control radar spiking you? Jester only drops chaff when you are being engaged by a radar threat.
  13. As I understand it, the pilot and RIO each control one set of CM, either chaff or flare, depending on the RIO selection. Setting Jester to chaff means pilot controls flares, and vice versa. So, the behavior as you described appears correct to me. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will confirm.
  14. Agreed. Should be player option with ability of mission designer to restrict.
  15. It would be really nice if the one airfield/carrier on the frequency you had dialed in was the only thing you had menu options for - then you wouldn't have to worry about the dynamically changing F menus. It would force people to tune radios correctly, but that's not a bad thing.
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