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About Beeroshima

  • Birthday 04/19/1979

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, MSFS, War Thunder
  • Location
  • Interests
    Flying, shooting

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  1. I've had similar issues with "SimApp pro Not responding" The program just freezes, and then 20 minutes later, it slowly unlocks and progresses. Uninstalling and reinstalling does nothing. Reinstalled windows and it worked for a while, and then fails again. I'm thinking there's something in a windows update that breaks it.
  2. So this issue was driving me crazy. I moved across the country and it began out of nowhere. Reset and Power off resulted in MFD's reverting to landscape. I redistributed where my USB's were plugged in and separated some of them to other hubs. Instantly fixed it. I think it's a windows issue where only so many can be on the same hub if they're configured a certain way.
  3. If you look here, you can see kind of a blue image depicting their takeoff panel. The Gear lever is clearly in view on the left. What is this panel then? A new button box? Nothing?
  4. Because it's clearly an illuminated button with their text. You don't have to see where I get it. It's just my guess. It could be wrong. Now that I look at it, I'm thinking it's just finger lifts added to their f18 throttle. That makes more sense with the "set your own pace" comment.
  5. From their pictures on Facebook, it looks like an F15 throttle quadrant. The button is confusing though. LED display on the buttons?
  6. When i click on the dropdown menu to change my SSAA settings, the only selectable box is "OFF". What am i doing wrong?
  7. List of Bugs from tonight. A10C's cannot spawn at Qeshm, except the first slot which starts with no fuel. Unsure if the fuel is intended. A10's can't spawn at Khasab.
  8. Can anybody tell me if my monitor config in my saved games is the culprit for my RWR not showing up as an export? Everything else is working as it should be. I get nothing from my RWR on my second monitor though.
  9. When i change these values to mirror my setup, it breaks the file and it's no longer visible as a monitor option in the DCS settings. Here's the fields that i'm editing, although, if i change anything in the file, even if i change it right back it breaks it and makes it so DCS doesn't recognize it any more.
  10. I'm attmpting to build my monitor config file for the saved games folder from a file that already exists that i got from a buddy. When i change the Viewports resolution and aspect, it makes the monitor setting file no longer appear in the dropdown menu of DCS under "Monitor" Changing the name of the file doesn't break it, but changing the name of the setup, within the file, as well as changing any of the numbers in the file makes it so it doesn't appear any more. I even changed it and then changed it back and it stops appearing. Any thoughts?
  11. I'm fairly certain I read about it in one of the newsletters.
  12. I'm fairly certain 8t was mentioned in a newsletter.
  13. Strangely enough, some of my axis and the user curves i had created with them on the F18 were still functioning. The cursor and slew had to be reset, but the throttle axis and the user curve i Incorporated for the 3d printed afterburner detent were still dead on correct. This is a strange bug indeed.
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