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  1. I know that VR has an impact on performance to some extent, but it's ridiculous in 1.5. The performance overall is a huge improvement in 1.5, but when it comes to VR, there are obviously some major flaws. Here I am, flying in an area that should have a huge impact on performance, but in VR it's severe. And here are my flying in a populated area without VR. I even zoomed out to increase FOV without it having an impact on performance. ED really needs to take a closer look at this. I've no problems running other sims in VR. FSX, Prepar3d, Arma 3, they all work much better than this. Even if I run 1.5 with all settings set to low, I get some performance loss. Until you've figured out what's causing this problem, you should add timewarp to help ease the judder.
  2. DK2 uses one screen but renders two pictures. These pictures however are 640x1080 each, with ~30% of it being just dead space. There is a slightly higher FOV in VR, but since only 68% of the screen is being rendered and the rest is just black, this doesn't really matter that much. If done properly, VR shouldn't have such a huge impact on performance compared to an ordinary monitor with the same resolution. There's obviously going to be some impact on performance due to the fact that VR requires a small amount of CPU usage, but not in an extent where it goes from 120 FPS to 40 FPS.
  3. Seems to launch more often for me if I set all settings to low. High+VR is a big no no for now. And the frame rate in VR mode seems to be far worse. I get higher FPS in normal mode with all settings set to high than I do in VR on low settings.
  4. If i recall correctly, 3d Vision and DX11 don't work that great together.
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