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Everything posted by Cornflex

  1. AH64 The external view (F2) gets distorted (zoomed in) as soon as I set up the TADS video on the left MFD. Before everything is fine. I use an Odyssey G9 Neo ultrawide monitor.
  2. When starting cold and dark in mission 1 the second engine won't start. It spools up and I put the throttle to idle but it doesn't stabilize at 66%. No problem with engine 1. It only happens with this campaign. No problems in multiplayer or with other missions I created on my own. Any suggestions?
  3. SRF-07 stands for SURFACE up to 700ft since this is a low level attack. I think the mission timing is quite okay. Takeoff at 04:15 and time on target is 04:45 (WP9).
  4. Really like the campain so far but mission 5 really doesn't fit in. The different stages of air combat maneuvers are just terrible and those loading interruptions kill the immersion of flying a single mission. And what is the performance envelope task for? Should be redesigned or maybe replaced with a single dogfight mission including AAR maybe. Just my two cents.
  5. The console switches for fuselage turn on the tail lights and wing/tail position switches turn on the fuselage lights. Seems to be mixed up.
  6. Best campaign I have played so far! This really is a masterpiece. Thank you, guys!
  7. Yes, I can confirm the issue. Even if alle lights are on or off there is no way for me to launch the cat. The marshall tells me to spool up the engines but either "Salute" or Ctrl+U don't work for me.
  8. Awesome campaign! Thanks! Will there be an update making use of the new weather presets that came with 2.7? Regards
  9. Thank you for the cool update and this awesome Tomcat module! Unfortunately there is no precipitation on the canopy with the new weather system. Will this be fixed/added? Regards
  10. Thanks for the tip with the keys for TWS and RWS, helps a lot.
  11. Thank you for your suggestions, guys. I started to fiddle around a bit with the Tomcat and and my biggest problem with Jester seems to be locking up targets. Even when I see them already on his radar he doesn't seem to care. Manually locking up seems to be the only way for me. I choose the Phoenix and have them warmed up. A-A mode is selected and weapons are armed but he doesn't lock the bandits. I tell him to TWS but nothing. Any tips? *sigh* Thanks in advance.
  12. Before starting to learn the Tomcat I just wanted to know if it is possible to fly the F-14 as a pilot without having to switch to the RIO seat? Is the JESTER ai smart enough to handle all the RIO stuff? Thanks in advance.
  13. I tried again with the OB. One target and two JSOWs launched. Both miss. I attached a trackfile. Any help would be appreciated. JSOWA.trk
  14. I did a quick test with the latest beta. Set up a mission with 1 target (infantry) and load 4 JSOW-A. When launching all 4 JSOWs at the same target (all bombs with same parameters; TOO or PP mode does not make a difference here) I have to be lucky, if only one JSOW hits. Even during flight you can see how different the bombs behave. Some fall short, some fly high and miss and another one maybe hits.
  15. I only used the OB. Now I tried with the stable and it worked perfectly. Seems to be an issue with the latest open beta.
  16. I can‘t get any of the JSOWs to hit the targets. There still seems to be a problem with it. See latest post.
  17. Thank you for your reply. I will have to test this again. I used the PP mode (coordinates given in the briefing) in my first and second attempts but both JSOWs missed. Will try again and double check the target elevation.
  18. In mission 8 I always launch the bombs from 30000ft at max range and they miss. They fly to the target and when they come close they turn right and miss. Am I doing something wrong here or is it a bug with the JSOWs? Thanks in advance.
  19. @coyote79 Besten Dank! Ja, mit dem Sea Radar funktioniert die Aufschaltung deutlich einfacher. Jetzt klappt's auch mit den kleinen beweglichen Schiffchen. Danke nochmal.
  20. Hallo zusammen, ich stecke gerade in einer Kampagne mit der F/A-18 wo ich in einer Nachtmission schnelle Speedboats mit MAV-Es bekämpfen soll. Als Hilfe habe ich den TPOD. Leider schaffe ich nicht, diese verflixten Boote durch den Pod auch nur zu sehen, geschweige denn aufzuschalten. Erstens sehe ich die Dinger wenn überhaupt nur in der höchsten Zoomstufe und auch viel zu spät (bin fast schon drüber weg). Hier auch noch die Zielaufschaltung für bewegliche Ziele hinzubekommen halte ich für unmöglich. Irgendwas scheine ich da zu übersehen. Habe mir auch die Einheitenbeschriftungen schon eingeschaltet, leider wird es dadurch nicht besser. Tutorials für den TPOD habe ich mehrfach angesehen, nur finde ich da nichts zu beweglichen Schiffen bei Nacht. An Land finde ich die Sucherei deutlich einfacher und es macht mir weniger Probleme. Wie geht ihr da vor? Danke schonmal. Gruß Jörg
  21. I'm completely stuck on mission 4 (night attack on small moving speed boats). I cannot get a lock on any of those little bastards. The first wave is not the problem, they are taken out by my wingman. But then there are three boats coming in fast and shooting at the dry ships. How do I manage to get a lock on those boats. I cannot find a single one when searching with the targeting pod. I there a trick or something like that? I use the TPOD in FLIR mode but I simply cannot find the boats in the dark. This is so frustrating!
  22. Hi richiej, welcome to DCS! If you want to start with the supercarrier module I would recommend the F/A-18 to start with. It is one of the best DCS aircraft you can buy and the offered content is amazing. You can choose from a variety of available campaigns and missions. It is easier to learn than the F-14 (which is a suberb simulation btw). Regards and have fun! Joerg
  23. The syria map is awesome but the DCS background wallpaper is ugly as hell.
  24. After ten attempts to finish this mission I give up and hope for the next patch. At the moment you really need to hit with every shot you have onboard to be able to succeed in this mission. The hardest part are the two houses. The bomb does nothing here and you need every bullet to get them down. And then you have to kill the flogger which instantly shoots R60 at you. Very hard mission 3!
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