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Everything posted by blast

  1. blast

    TN, MG PCN Input

    You have to enter true north bearing as mentioned here by the developer. The ruler in the F10 view map show the bearing in true north.
  2. I can confirm this issue too. We lose the lock very easily, even if the target is not notching.
  3. Ty for your answer. That's a very interesting point that you mentioned but you are wrong (or not see my edit answer). As mentioned by developers here: The target offset can be set in x/y coordinates by using ΔL/ΔG: ΔL = Distance difference between the IP Latitude and the BAD Latitude expressed in kilometers to the North or South. (True North is used) ΔG = Distance difference between the IP Longitude and the BAD Longitude expressed in kilometers to the East or West. (True North is used) We enter in the INS coordinates referring to the true North and not the magnetic north. Then you can use the tool provided at the link above to calculate precisely these DL and DG. It works very well but i have used this INS bombing method with JTAC only so i don't need to be very accurate. I haven't use this method by its own already. EDIT I just realized what you meant by . Then in order to check what you said, I took 2 points on the map separated with a long distance (330km from Meneralnye airport and Tbilisi). And I measured the DL and DG with the ruler along the meridian and parallel (i displayed those lines by pressing LL in F10 map) in order to check if the web-tool returned the same results as my measurement in the game. And, I found an error (between the calculation and the measurements) along the parallel (horizontal line) of ~10km and a shift of 2km along the meridian (vertical line)... Can you confirm that shift? For an INS bombing we would take an IP separated from the target at ~15km. With a simple cross product I calculate that we would have an error of 500m along the parallel and an error of 90m along the meridian. Which is not good at all for INS precision, but good enough with a JTAC... Does it means that meridians and parallel lines are completely bullshits in DCS? Normally meridians should point true north (0° heading) which is not the case here? Same for parallels, they should be oriented to east (90° heading) which is not the case either? All those imply that DL/DL INS in M2000 is completely useless for INS bombing? Why DCS decided to draw meridians like this? Im sure there is a good reason...
  4. blast

    For Zeus

    you take the sum of all the features that have been done divided by the total features the end product will have. Honestly I don't know if it will be exactly 90% but i wont be surprise it would be even higher.
  5. blast

    For Zeus

    DCS game has a tiny community compared to block buster games (gta5, arma3, COD...). M2000 customers on dcs represents a very small market in the game industry which means not so much incomes for the sellers. And at the end of the day Razbam has to feed a family, pay bills, (pay employees?)... That's why they need to sell others products just in order to exist. Honestly, the M2000 in its actual state is 90% done. The remaining developments that are listed above are minor issues that can wait until the harrier release. By the way, how long it takes for the others modules to be 100% finished? the a10, the huey...? I'm sure their next M2000-D would benefit of their experience ^^
  6. I use this method just be able to drop the bomb. The weapon system doesnt allow you to drop the bomb if you don't mark the target. Your method would be indeed better if I could jettison the bombs one by one. When i select the ELI on the PCA and arm the jettison switch, the system drop ALL my gbu, not one by one. How do you jettison one by one?
  7. The tools provided on the link doesn't calculate the deltaL and deltaG between 2 coordinates. It only calculate the distance between 2 points and the bearing which is something you would use more for the rho/theta method bombing. Ty for this precision, it always make me confused. I actually find a way to use the DL/DG INS bombing method. This webpage calculate the DL and DG between 2 points: http://www.whoi.edu/marine/ndsf/cgi-bin/NDSFutility.cgi?form=0&from=LatLon&to=XY
  8. You can drop bombs with gbu at high altitude (25000ft) with JTAC assistance without having to dive (which would make you lose 10000 ft) to mark the area. The idea is to make possible the drop of one bomb without having to jettison all your cargo at a same time (like i read in this thread) and without having to make complicated preparation on the F10 map. Below I explain how i do with the method with the rho/theta but i prefer the DL/DG INS bombing for more precision. 1. You must be familiar with the INS precision bombing. If you are not i recommend you to check this which will explain you the rho/theta method. 2. On multiplayer server, when you will ask the JTAC for a ground target, it will give you its coordinates with a specific format. You must then create a waypoint and enter these coordinates in the ins. Pay attention to convert these coordinates in the appropriate fomat! 3. Then for the rho/teta I enter for rho: 0.01 (the minimum distance possible), and for teta: the value you want (180 for example). For the delta alt you enter the value as explain in the video tutorial: if you drop at 25000 feet and your target is at 150 feet then you must enter -24850 (150-25000). 4. Here is the tricky part. When you'll fly over your target twaypoint, continue to fly away from it until 10nm. Then fly back to it and when you'll be between 6 to 7 nm from the waypoint (with an altitude of 25000ft) drop the bomb by pressing the fire trigger. Don't wait for the computer authorization. 5. Your gbu will then fly and take the laser. I hope it's clear.
  9. what do we need to fix exactly for the ins bombing?
  10. JTAC doesn't give such info, because it's too specific to M2000. But it gives precise lat/long coordinates of the target. From this link here i read : The target offset can be set as follows: a. In x/y coordinates by using ΔL/ΔG: ΔL = Distance difference between the IP Latitude and the BAD Latitude expressed in kilometers to the North or South. (True North is used) ΔG = Distance difference between the IP Longitude and the BAD Longitude expressed in kilometers to the East or West. (True North is used) So Im wondering if we could easily calculate these values from a formula online for example. It would be much more precise and convenient than using the map and the ruler tool in the F10 view I think.
  11. Hi guys, In order to drop bomb with the INS system we can choose the rho/teta method which represent the distance and bearing of the target from the initial point OR we can also use the DL/DG method. How do I define the values DL and DG to insert in the INS from the long/lat coordinates of the the target and the initial point without using the map? Ty
  12. The original request was "I would like to launch the GBU-12 from high altitudes such as 20,000 feet without having to mark the target to launch the bomb with the button AG Designate". Your videos are showing exactly the opposite. :music_whistling:
  13. Hi Mirknir, When a pilot write -ag MIH in the chat command for example, skynet will give the coordinates of the site to attack. Those coordinates are fine for flying to the site but not precise enough for INS bombing. It would be great to have the coordinates of each targets (factory, bunker, trucks...) so we could enter these coordinates in the computer for precise bombing. Concerning "adding the buddy laser" i was actually talking about the JTAC (my bad for this confusion). So my question is, are you planning to implement a JTAC for the new OC server? Many pilots will be happy to have this possibiliy! Thanks for the hard work you provide to the community :thumbup:
  14. Is the incoming F18 completely declassified? I don't think so. Same is for the M2000C. That's why Razbam's M2000C is not 100% representative of the real one (check the D2M thread for example). But in the end it's fine for the players. Making the 2000-5, in my opinion, would be possible based on informations given to the public (documentaries, articles, etc...). And players would be happy with the final result.
  15. Is it possible to display coordinates for a specific ground unit? The command -ag codeName only display the coordinates of a group of targets. This doesn't allow precise INS bombing. Second question, would you add buddy laser targeting in the incoming server? Ty
  16. Hi Mirknir, The airquake is inevitable if you cant change pilots behaviors. Forcing the alignment or the refueling won't change anything as you already see with FC3. In order to change pilots behaviors I would recommend to set a limited number of death for each players during one session. If you limit the number of deaths to 3 for example, we'll see behaviors changing and the so called airquake will be reduced automatically. What I see is A10 pilots complaining, but every time i killed an A10 (or SU25) it was alone or with another... A10 :thumbup: They must change their behavior too. May be for the new server, could it be possible to add an AI fighter wingman for each A10 or SU25? So at least they will be less vulnerable.
  17. I do not disagree with your point about the restriction of the number of slots. I only disagree about forcing the alignment and refueling the M2000 at every start-up. It won't be fair since it is a limited aircraft compared to FC3s. Peace.
  18. Standard INS alignment takes 8 min. It will affect it. Since all M2000 slots are full in both sides, it is perfectly balanced. And once more M2000 is not responsible of airquakes. When did it end? Then players will move in A10 and you will complain because there is A10 airquake...? More seriously, I doubt that players moved to M2000 slots only for the reason you mentioned above. It should highly probable that the summer discount (-60% if i remember) is responsible of the M2000 success (+the fact that it is a good product). I bet that F18 slots will be completely full when it will be available. You'll see.
  19. It's not because players have been there for longer time that they can call others ignorant, or they can claim to be better than others. I played on OC for more than 1 and half year is it enough for you? All ideas are good to hear, and it is good to talk about it. You can't say: "Hey, we have been here longer than you, then close your mouth". It doesn't work like that. This server is popular not because of you and everyone has a word to say. Few months ago I suggested the idea to have the russian awacs in english, and I'm glad it is now. After all, good ideas do not belong to older players. Now about your comparison with the A10, it is not because you like or accept to wait for half an hour to align an aircraft that the others must face this too. Or we should call this server"Alignment Simulator". Pointing the M2000 to be responsible of air-quake is absolutely non sense compared to the flaming cliff superiority. And yeah, being shot by a superior aircraft its not abnormal. By the way on OC you have dedicated area to drop your bombs with not very much threats. If you move alone with your A10 in the conflict area, what did you expect? :doh:
  20. I said that with your logic we could also remove ET and fox3 missiles to be on an equal basis with the M2000 due to it's limited missiles. But of course I'm not asking such a request since it would be as stupid as forcing the M2000 to make a full realignment at every respawns. It takes 8 minutes for a full alignment in M2000. FC3 aircrafts doesn't have such an issue. I understood what you said. And again I answer that FC3 aircraft can be airborne faster than the M2000. It is not possible, even with auto-start ON, to be airborne within 60 seconds with an M2000. :no: If you don't like to be shot down, you have others servers where you can fly peacefully such as aerobatics server, or training server. There is also server dedicated to Mig21 and F5 only.
  21. I fly on this server very often and what you and Bert saw for the M2000, I saw it with the others aircrafts too: They take off, fly, kill and die. Again, we can't force players to play smartly or to use TeamSpeak for communication. Nope. If you start like that then we can ask to remove long range thermal missile from su33 and su27 since we have no warning when they shot. Or we could also limit the numbers of missiles that FC3 aircrafts can carry. Oh wait, you already have others servers doing that... :megalol: It is faster to be airborne with an FC3 aircraft. With your logic it should take less than 60 seconds, which is of course impossible. There is no reason to ruined the experience on the M2000 just because it is popular for its realism and details. This aircraft has already counterparts due to the limited number of missiles it can carry, and its lower speed. This server is popular because it offers players expectation not the opposite.
  22. What you are saying doesn't make sense at all. The mirage is one of the most detailed and realistic aircraft to fly in DCS. That's probably why more and more players are interested with it. When a player enter in an M2000 on open conflict, it is cold and dark and you need to make a full start. In real life, pilots doesn't have to fully realigned the INS especially when they need to take off as soon as possible. That's why this option exists in DCS. By nature, this aircraft MUST be fast to start up since it is an interceptor. If you think that players use the M2000 only to make kills you are completely wrong. You can check the kills down/ratio in the leaderboard. You'll see that most of the time it is SU27 and SU33 that are on the top of the list. I remind you that in a CAP configuration the M2000C can carry only 2 semi-actives missiles with medium range (fox1) and 2 infrared missiles with short range (fox2). How many missiles an SU27/SU33/F15 can carry? A lot. The only way to win with a mirage is to fly in formation, communicate, and having good skills in combat. I agree with that statement, but first we can't force players to communicate or to fly in formation, second those players are the most terrible ones with the less kills and the most downs.
  23. Hi, as you probably noticed more and more players have the M2000 these days. And it is not rare that all slots for M2000 (in both sides) are full such as yesterday. To solve this could you add 4 more slots for the M2000 at the main airfields (Anapa and Gudota or Gelendzik and Solshi)? It would be very appreciated.
  24. What you mean is we can mount others missiles on the M2000 BUT we cannot fire them? Am i correct?
  25. Im not sure that statement is still true if you compare magics with AIM9M...? It seems AIM9M have a better range than magics. With the AIM7M i think you are right. But F15 has fox3 missiles that the M2000 doesn't have (in dcs). It depends on what we compare 530s with. Compared to AIM120, they are very limited. It would have been interesting to have MICA missiles at our disposal. You mean it is possible to mount others missiles on the M2000? Im not sure to understand.:ufo:
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