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Everything posted by Lecreole

  1. hi, I terminate soon a TCP server for export infos and set command from Lockon to several clients in LUA language. this server can accept 10 clients or more. The protocol using it's IOCP protocol. Your client must be a client to connect. Joe Kurr modifie your application to connect at a server and send the command like this : To Flaps ON: socket.send("Arn.Resp:1=145:") -- this is and example, you adapted to your language code or mail me your code i look at this Lecreole. PS:My english is not perferct, excuse me.
  2. It's a good idea, it's my actually project C#. but, each clients don't use the same communication protocol
  3. Yes, i use sioc as server to receive commands. I use IOCP protocol for this. What language you're use for create PDA program Vc++, c# or other?
  4. This gear up and down command is 430 and 431 :thumbup:. Look part of my code to not block lockon for receive data: -- Creation de coroutines pour LOSIOC Coroutines = {} -- Tables des coroutines function CoroutineResume(index, tCurrent) coroutine.resume(Coroutines[index], tCurrent) return coroutine.status(Coroutines[index]) ~= "dead" end -- function LOSIOCModelTimer(t) local tNext = t LOSIOC:StarLOSIOC() while LOSIOC.InitOK do if LoGetPlayerPlaneId() then LOSIOC:ReceptionData() LOSIOC:SendData() else LOSIOC.Retab = true end tNext = coroutine.yield() end end -- Declaration des coroutines Coroutines[1] = coroutine.create(LOSIOCModelTimer) LoCreateCoroutineActivity(1, 0, 0.05) you can't create server, you can create client to communicate, for first connexion set : socket.try(sck:settimeout(4000)); delay for wait connexion with your pocket PC when connection is OK : socket.try(sck:settimeout(0)); no wait, for no block LOCKON. Excuse me for my bad english, I'm french.
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