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Everything posted by SEEADLER 111

  1. since today's patch, the jettison stopped working for fuel tanks at stations 3 and 5 in F-1 CE, EE and BE. Also, if you carry CBL 4 with four bombs and press jettinson from this station, it will drop 1 or two bombs from the rack randomly. I think the problem is in the CLB-4 when it is not mounted the jettinson works properly. jettinson 3,4,5 error CE.trk jettinson 3,4,5 error BE.trk
  2. I thought it was an error. If it's a real feature, it should stay that way., but I have done the same test with 4x SAMP 250 and has not happened.
  3. Siria SP, mirage F1 EE 4x bombs rack with 4 Br 250 when make 6g turn the complet pylon was ejected. br250.trk
  4. Mirage f1 EE, I don't know if this also happens in CE and BE. Level flight 450Knot 14000ft the bomb grazes the plane after being released.
  5. Manual rotation with the mouse, within the speed parameters. Below 350 Knots. Doesn't work.
  6. m.6:14 Mr Camaño explains to us.
  7. Just need a mirage f1 2.0 with new variats or separate variants; CR, AZ, CT, EQ, CG, EDA etc on the other hand, they could make the Mirage III in collaboration with Razbam, this would be great news for everyone. Whatever Aerges does directly, I've already done it with F4 from belsimtek, now it's headblur that does it.
  8. Using the US Hawk SAM template. sometimes by destroying the command post and other times the radars.
  9. Critical error occurs when destroying Sam Hawk with Gacelle cannon.
  10. No, this is not constructive criticism. According to these people, Viggen should be the best dogfighter in history. And the B-2... When you guys get F-4, you're in for a bitter surprise. You'll see, I can't wait to read complaints.
  11. This is a list of my wishes, to be able to set theaters of the cold war in DCS. Infinite numbers could be added, but I think it is a minimum list of those that are most needed on the map of Syria and Sinai. Cold war infanteri Aircraft: -KC-97 stratotanker -DHC-4 Caribou Tanks: -AMX 30 -M 48 -T-34/85 -Centurión Mark 3 or 7 -Sherman M51 -Merkava Mk.I SPG: -M53 -M107 or M110 Artillery: -M198 -KS-30 Ships: -Class fletcher destroyer -Iwo Jima-class -LST
  12. The BR-250 and 500 are not available.
  13. Hi @Admiral189thx for the mod. LCU doesn't work for me. Even removing all the MODs.
  14. I feel very disappointed. His abilities as a pilot against an AI are very good. But you wouldn't last even 5 seconds fighting like this, against a human pilot. Its speed is excessively low almost all the time it stays below 400 IAS, with a fighter that basically relies on energy. A moderately experienced human pilot is not going to risk himself in front of you and less, when the energy of his plane is dead. Test yourself on a PvP server. Don't worry, it happens to many virtual pilots. With the AI they think they are Erich Hartmann and when they find pilots in PvP, they become Private Snafu at best.
  15. I agree that this version is a bomber destroyer. But because this version. You make the version heavier, less agile. The most limited of how many have been manufactured. WITH WHAT PURPOSE? All the allied aircraft have several versions, for example the p47. It is so difficult to create the possibility of disassembling the outer cannons of the wings, and on the other the wep Erhöhte Notleistung. I do not forget that this is a simulator, not a game, there should be no balance, only reality. It's okay for them to do the f8 or G8, but it's not an A.
  16. I have many doubts about what happens to the performance of the fw190 A8. According to English historians, technical equality could not be achieved until the appearance of the Spitfire MK IX. But then I see that in DCS I only get advantage in roll. And the answers I can get are 3. 1st The British ww2 pilots are really bad. 2nd the mk ix is overpowered in DCS. and finally the one that I think may be more successful, 3rd the fw 190 a8 is poorly represented in DCS. it may also happen that the German pilots were actually aliens. Well, getting 200 kills with this chestnut and living to tell about it, it's really impressive.
  17. +1 please listen to the community. The evidences of its existence are clear.
  18. Yo respeto, tu reflexión sobre DCS, KRYZENTAL es tu percepción sobre este producto. Pero no la comparto, aquí me pongo del lado de SILVER DRAGON, este simulador es una maratón y no un Sprint. Es una empresa pequeña con un proyecto gigante y te aseguro que aun con todos sus problemas y deficiencias no existe nada igual en el mercado. A los que critican el estado en el que se encuentra el producto, yo les digo, y me cito a mi mismo : "Tienes para empezar dos aviones y un mapa totalmente gratuitos, además de los periodos de prueba. Pruébalos, si no te gusta lo que ves, desinstala." No tiene ningún sentido protestar, por unos modelos 3d que están desactualizados, y los cuales están trabajando para actualizar completamente Gratis. Es como si voy a junto de los creadores de cierto juego futbolístico y les digo que no reconozco a Ronaldo en su versión de 1998 . Los modelos de soldados eses a los que te refieres igual tienen ya unos 20 años y los estándares gráficos han cambiado mucho. En cuanto a lo de tener que estar conectado para poder volar los módulos es muy sencillo. Yo y mi hermano nos creamos una cuenta y nos pillamos x avión, me logueo y me desconecto de internet. Y luego mi hermano coge y se conecta con la misma cuenta, estaríamos volando los dos con una sola licencia. No me parece justo para ED. En cuanto a -=Grumpy=- Das el perfil de tertuliano del Chiringuito de Jugones.
  19. What you omit,this mirage f1 is the Spanish version. And spain is blue. "y España es AZUL"
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