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About Lukino81

  • Birthday 11/29/1981

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  • Flight Simulators
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  1. can you do the same thing for the exterior lights of the hornet?
  2. Ciao se questo problema di assetto si presenta solo quando ti stai avvicinando al tanker forse non è un problema di trim ma più semplicemente sono le scie del tanker stesso. Se è così c'è solo da fare pratica e imparare a saper addomesticare il proprio mezzo, come suggerito in precedenza una buona base di volo in formazione ti aiuterebbe a saper anticipare quello che fa il tuo aereo e apportare le dovute correzioni
  3. Hi everyone, I'm trying this fantastic tool and I wanted to know if you also have problems with commands like "follow" "escort" "orbit". use dcs open beta thanks
  4. Grazie per questo fantastico script e per averlo condiviso, lo adoro
  5. On Hsi you can see tas and ground speed
  6. I confirm. the same thing for me too
  7. which joystick do you have?
  8. have you tried the bankler's carrier trainer mission? I find fantastic missions like this
  9. yes I understand what you mean. we hope they add this functionality
  10. I don't know if I can help someone with this problem since I'm starting now with the hornet. I have an x52 pro and I solved this problem by assigning the elevation to the jerky knob in the photo. I then used the saitek software to set those keys as new advanced commands giving each click of the knob a small pressure delay (0.2 seconds if I remember correctly)
  11. yes that's probably it. also because the bomb hits. thanks, and great missions:thumbup::thumbup:
  12. yes that's probably it. also because the bomb hits. thanks, and great missions
  13. yes this I understood. I was referring to the fact that the symbology on the hud is offset from what I see on the mfd. in practice if on mfd I centered the tank on the hud the symbol will be higher than a few degrees.
  14. I understand. thanks for the explanation
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