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Everything posted by Jronz

  1. Is there a quick way to reset Takeoff Trim after take off? I keep having to slowly trim it out while circling the carrier before i can do anything.
  2. Jronz

    Mission 6

    Ended up working, thanks, guessing i missed a trigger zone when taxing
  3. Jronz

    Mission 6

    Having trouble when taxing, After start-up and editing waypoints, I taxi out and follow Colt 1-1 to the end of Ramp 1, Just before the start of Echo Taxi way then he just stops, I've tried Time acceleration for a few minutes but nothing happens and he will not move forward from that point
  4. Followed the flight path all is working, I guess I was taking too shallow of a right turn after taking back off again, Thanks for pointing that out
  5. Having trouble in the final part of the mission, I'm at the part where you are supposed to go in for a touch and go. After I land and take back off again I never get any more dialogue from ATC or the Flight lead to progress to just a normal landing. Any tips or maybe something I'm supposed to do after taking back off after the touch and go?
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