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  1. Yes please. Not being unappriciated of your work. But how currently unpotimzed DCS is. Would be great if you can have an option to turn it off. Specially in large complex mission and multiplayer
  2. currently ingame, you can uncage the seeker for the AIM-9B by pressing the uncage button enabling you to take lead and off bore shot. this is however is incorrect since uncaging was introduce in AIM-9E. And I believe this problem is specific to F-5 airframe in game here is the track file and reference below 9Buncage.trk
  3. ustio

    Skin thread

    Problem is Ukraine's digital camo is 9.13 not 9.12
  4. If im not mistaken, Mig-29S is 9.13S which only a handfull were made. Ukraine use standard 9.13. There isn't a lot of difference between 9.12 and 9.13. larger fuel tank on the spine, ECM, and more A/G weapon. Technically if the FC3 Mig-29S FM is correct and just use standard DCS ECM they could do it.
  5. I think we should accept that we won't be getting modern pvp blue vs red aircraft scenario anytine soon. Modern settings is only good for PvE. Specially when the typhoon is out
  6. Will the GCI datalink going to be integrated with combined arms?
  7. No nothing like it. I reccomend you watch M2000 TAF on youtube. Its going to be similar to that one aswell as Mig-23
  8. ustio

    Skin thread

    Personally, South East Asia region is a bit under represented. Infact, i think the only SEA skin in DCS is the Indonesia Apache. Would be great if they include Malaysia and Myanmar skin in the Mig-29 Myanmar Malaysia
  9. I think we should have it. Not the FC3 one
  10. Does the target size still effect pitbull distance?
  11. I just switch off DLC instead of flaring to reduce vertical speed.
  12. Jester is always finicky to use. Although I jave to say, the WCS now hold its track when you fire a phoenix. Back then, the WCS would lose track the when you fired a phoenix only to appear seconds later
  13. don't get me wrong, i would love to have the naval version. but yeah there are a lot of factor why the choose the F-4E first. another one of those factor is that we don't currently have the early Navy sidewinder like the D,G,H(we are still missing the AIM-9E sidewinders for the F-4E). and we don't have a bridle for out carrier. it would cause them more dev time to make those instead of making the E phantom.
  14. Whether you like it or not E version is the variant where it will sell the most. Since a lot of countries use it, so DCS users from those countries will probablly buy them unlike the navy phantom which only US and UK use them(and perhaps Spain as a stand in for their gunless Phantom). Not only that, it easier for them to develop the E since they live in Europe and have access to german F-4F to scan instead of travelling to US. One of their dev from truegrit is also an ex F-4F pilot so they already have an SME from the get-go
  15. Yeah agree. If other 3rd party dev is block from making other variant then thats really suck.
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