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  1. Can confirm, this helps me get past the login screen crash, now it just opens to a larger black screen which i presume is supposed to be ingame, but then it complains that it can't load the voice chat plugin and refuses to start the game..
  2. So I did some searching around and it seems the reason why people don't usually take more than 4 mavericks IRL is because launching the maverick on the innermost rack burns the tires of the a10. Can't remember where this was quoted though. EDIT:: oh, someone mentioned it earlier in this thread as well As far as maverick costs, according to wikipedia figures https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGM-65_Maverick, a maverick can cost anywhere from $17,000 to $110,000 according to the variant, but doesn't explain which variants cost what. I'd assume though that the mavericks with the larger letters are more expensive. There is another table that shows variants A, D, and H carry much less explosive mass than the other variants, so I'd imagine those are the cheaper ones. I used 6 of the D variant to complete the mission. Didn't load any other weapons to lighten up as much as possible. The tires are ground crew's job anyway :p Some people seem to favour the CBUs and I was curious how economical they really were, so I found another cost figures chart over at http://www.f-16.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1434 . I see costs for a lot of weapons in DCS. It was really astonishing to see just how expensive CBU-97s are, at $350,000+! I found a really interesting video on how they function in this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQLWzbDTAEk. Man are they complicated! No wonder they cost so much. But strangely again no maverick variant prices!! Why are they so elusive to me lol! Definitely from now on taking less mavericks though. I realise how heavy they are and I don't really need them for anything except situationally like this mission. If they're out in an open field with no known sams I'll definitely just bring 1 maverick and a ton of bombs instead or something.
  3. Thanks for the advice. Though this certainly wasn't a push mission. It was an interdiction set kinda deep inside enemy territory, as in like more than 5km over the FLOT. I did do a push and support kind of mission just before this one and I just blew everything up ahead before signalling the tanks to push on :D well I did keep them safe!
  4. Thanks for your replies, especially Yurgon who addressed exactly what I was concerned about. I was thinking of the GAU but there are quite a lot of BMPs there, I count 10 on the map. That's quite a lot. Plus i'd imagine towns are hotspots for manpad hideouts. I think i'll just go ahead and use the AGM65-D, it only contains 100 pounds of explosive and ofc is extremely accurate. EDIT: Mission complete! Great success. 6 mavs 6 kills. According to the log I hit a lot of other things with the blast. 2 of them were just light poles. The other things are named "0" so i have no idea what they are. Got a score of 60 for all those kills, beats my previous records by a mile haha. Landing was a bit rough, almost blew a tire but managed to keep everything together, and before landing I passed this other aircraft which was awacs I think? If so he said he was RTB ages ago but never landed successfully, either he got hit by something or the pilot was having seizures:helpsmilie:.
  5. In Georgian Hammer I was assigned to interdict a couple BMPs on a road in a town. Dunno what's the best way to do this. Sure I could drop GBU-12 but I don't know if I should be considering about collateral damages, because in that case I should be going with the weaker mavericks right?
  6. I'm also doing the 'many months of dipping in and out of learning' thing haha, bought the game during steam sales. I remember playing that mission a few months ago. At first it puzzled me until I realised they can't hit you at 20000+. I can't remember everything in the mission but here goes: If I recall correctly the mission starts you off with 4 mavericks(?) I think there's 6 bunkers right, so after bombing the first and second bunkers from high altitude, you can jettison the rest of the rockets and bombs, climb, and just take the bunkers out with the mavericks, ignoring every single threat. One thing that the mission doesn't explicitly explain (I think?) is that the enemy controls the river and everything left of the river. There's no defences or anything to the right of the river, except in the towns further ahead which may have manpads sitting in the town (I distinctly remember being launched at there and seeing the missile hit a building lol). In my opinion you should have easier access to this fact. I'd take good note of this and use the right side for your ingress and egress routes, pulling hard away from the target/split s after each attack. There is this long range sam to the left of the river. It's pretty stupid. It will launch a billion missiles at you as you head in its direction but it's max range is just left of the river, so as long as you stay right of the river as I said it's not even a threat. Honestly though why would a long range sam fire at ground attack aircraft at that range, lol. I did try a low alt run one time, staying lower than the trees. I was planning on using rockets and guns but they dont seem to do anything against the bunkers. Need bombs or mavs. Just jettison the rockets altogether, they are useless. They're CAS weapons, I don't see why i'd ever take them on a mission like this in the first place.
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