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Everything posted by =36=Witcher

  1. If changing it manually works (and I think it does, IIRC) then there's some issues with the bindings.
  2. IIRC it won't work on Multi Thread. Try Single Thread.
  3. Scusa ma quello che dici non mi aiuta a capire cosa stia succedendo. Hai controllato i binding? Hai provato a rimappare gli assi? Ci riesci?
  4. Che vuol dire "Non riesco"? Cosa succede esattamente?
  5. Can confirm that as of now IR Pointer is visible through NVG on Single Thread but NOT in Multi Thread (
  6. The glare is there if you don't look straight at it. I think you don't see it when looking directly at it because in the M2000 there's a deep "visual cone" (sorry I can't find better words).
  7. Yeah, I've been experiencing a lot of issues with radios, already opened a bug report. It seems it starts working after switching the test switch on and off, at least for me.
  8. I think I have found a consistent reproduction. In order to "Unlock" radios, after powering them on, I have to: - Set PAL+G on Green Radio - Move test switch to R and back to EA+2 - Change frequency (if in M) or Channel (if in P). After this, Red Radio also starts to work when changing channel.
  9. Hello everyone! I recently bought the F1 and going through my familiarization routines I seem to have some issues with the SRS integration. Speicifically, when I startup the plane, radios will have incorrect values (0.000 and 0.010) even when radios are powered up. After randomly playing with both modes and channels knobs, and also with manual frequency selectors, the SRS overlay evetually starts to show correct values. Even so, two issues still persist: - PAL+G mode, that should listen on both the selected frequency and Guard, actually shows 0.000; - The Channels selector have an offset of 5, i.e. selecting Channel 1 in one of the radios shows C6 in the SRS Overlay; Channel 2 shows C7 in the overaly, and so on. Channel 16 in the knob shows C1 in the overlay. This happens with both F1CE and F1EE. So I was wondering, all these behaviours are normal and I'm doing something wrong, is there something to fix in the SRS integration instead?
  10. =36=Witcher

    A new love

    At your command, my king!
  11. =36=Witcher

    A new love

    RAZBAM is very clear on this: no other variants are planned.
  12. Beh, c'è male nel volere le nuove feature? Ne parlate come fosse una colpa...
  13. Forse perché di fatto l'Open Beta è "de facto" la versione ufficiale, visto che per volare online la stragrande maggioranza dei server supporta quella.
  14. Anche io non ho capito la domanda. Ma sullo store al momento conto 64 campagne, e 42 moduli volabili suddividi in 35 aerei e 7 elicotteri.
  15. Un po' come tutti i moduli? Qual è il problema?
  16. Not much I'd say. I guess the beta2 branch is closed anyway, probably they just updated it but nothing says they're going to release it soon.
  17. Non ho capito bene se ti riferivi al mio messaggio, ma in caso affermativo nel link trovi moltissimi (se non tutti?) gruppi che non sono solo caccia, ma hanno diverse specializzazioni. Filtra per quelli che utilizzano lo Huey (consiglio: cerca UH-1H nella pagina, perché in alcune presentazioni non compare la parola Huey) e comincia da lì
  18. Ciao! Come prima cosa ti consiglio di visitare il thread dedicato ai gruppi di volo Italiani: Qualche gruppo che usa proprio lo Huey tra i moduli c'è. Inoltre, se posso permettermi un'osservazione, non aspetterei di completare l'addestramento sullo Huey: prima di tutto per non precluderti comunque la possibilità di conoscere le varie comunità prima di fare la tua scelta, e poi perché per esperienza personale una parte degli addestramenti riguarda comunque aspetti "meno tecnici" del volo come ad esempio procedure che possono variare da gruppo a gruppo.
  19. Defense Contracts? Yeah, I guess in that case you have to be extra careful about deadlines. But still, we're not talking about defence contracts here, we're talking about a consumer product, and a one that is quite above the average complexity of consumer softwares. There's a reason why all new software engineering methodologies rely on agile development, no hard deadlines, byte-sized features, frequent releases and so on. Software nowadays is complex, with so many moving parts that it's impossible to meet hard deadlines constantly. That's why you talk about estimates and not deadlines when you develop new features in software. If you don't like the "Get it when it's ready" mentality, IMHO you should just not buy the product then.
  20. Ok, so what industry are we talking about here? Because in the software development industry, deadlines are constantly missed by everyone. That's why you have agile development approaches, where you develop small features in two weeks sprints. If you're talking about another industry... well, it's not relevant.
  21. And that is correct. What I do usually is to keep the throttle more than IDLE until the DEMAR lights turns off (about 70% RPM) and then get back to IDLE. If I IDLE too soon, the engine does not complete the startup and goes back to 0 eventually.
  22. Are you talking about the startup procedure?
  23. Prima di tutto dovresti dirci di quale modulo stiamo parlando.
  24. Beh, la tua informazione da quale fonte viene? Sul loro Discord ho letto, da parte loro, che la motivazione è per "poter proporre questo prezzo", quindi mi sembra strano quanto dici.
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