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Everything posted by FullGas

  1. Hello WWII fans, here is some thing for you Enjoy
  2. FullGas

    Runway lights

    Hello WWII fans, here is some thing for you Enjoy
  3. Hello Friends, a little thing for nice WWII night missions Fans.. Mod_download_Zone (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R19Kycojyvkz7LqwzZEWHfhuv0WRmGt9/view?usp=sharing) Readme instructions are in Mod folder. Standard installation in SavedGames/DCS/Mods/tech. Made with Blender and the Tobi EDM pluggin for Blender (thank's to him) Enjoy
  4. Hi flanker, sorry, but I can't, because I don't have enough time to devote to modding, so I try to focus on the few topics I choose.
  5. Yes, all the tests done works in multiplayer. Relatives : > For a modern form : >
  6. Hello Friends, a little thing for nice WWII night missions Fans.. Mod_download_Zone (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o7N04QFVU4UCYUEKWYNkyY-QIvf5jfv7/view?usp=sharing) Made with Blender and the Tobi EDM pluggin for Blender (thank's to him) Enjoy
  7. Hello Friends, here my first DCS Mod totaly made with Blender and Tobi's pluggin. https://youtu.be/g9q5r-EvgiE Here for download Mod : Enjoy..
  8. Hello Friends, little thing for nice night missions.. Made with Blender and the Tobi EDM pluggin for Blender (thank's to him) Enjoy FG_AeroLamp_ON_OFF.zip
  9. Hello, Static "PLAY ARGUMENT" ME action doesn't Word for many years !! Can you do something for it please ? thank's
  10. Hello friends, On Tobi's advice that I had in MP, and that I thank for the incredible work he has done, I am asking you for a difficulty that I am encountering. I try to create under Blender + EDM pluggin an animated character to insert it in DCS World under the model of an M249 infantry. When I analyze the model "E: \ Program Files \ Eagle Dynamics \ DCS World OpenBeta \ Bazar \ World \ Shapes \ soldier_m249.edm", I see: >>> that arg n ° 2 (start) starts the process between 0 and 1; >>> that arg n ° 8 (walk) which corresponds to the walk cycle, is triggered only if arg n ° 2 is at 1. With my 3D model: >> I created an animation for arg n ° 2 >> and another for arg n ° 8 and despite a lot of testing I fail to get the correct animation. If I only export arg n ° 2 >> everything looks correct in ModelViewer2 (but I only have the "start" animation) If I only export arg n ° 8 >> I don't see any arg in ModelViewer2 If I export the 2 args (n° 2 and n° >> If I don't turn off rendering in the desired ranges, I can see my 2 arguments in ModelViewer2, but the animation of the 2 args gets mixed up. >> If I turn off rendering in the ranges I want to mimic what I see from "soldier_m249.edm", I only see arg 2 in ModelViewer2, and when I manipulate it, the animation of the 2 args gets mixed up. I'm new to Blender, and can't figure out what's wrong with my project? To facilitate the analysis, I give you attached my files (Blender + folder Mods/tech including lua allowing integration into DCS as an Infantry) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15wMFYI5YMj-Hyh7cEgzoR7h7GcRPBzF3?usp=sharing Thank you in advance to those who can help me resolve this blockage. Kindly (Sorry for my English .. I'm French! )
  11. Hello, when in the mission editor we set a triggered action "go to WP x" for a land unit, the movement mode cannot be chosen (on road, all terrain ...). Would it be possible to add the possibility of choosing the mode of movement applicable to the triggered action? Thank you in advance
  12. Hello, when we use the ground units (infantry, vehicles), we very often have groups blocked in the scenery (buildings, trees). Perhaps it is due to the management of collisions? This strongly harms the missions, which cannot be completed as a result. Would it be possible to have a parameter (checkbox) in DCS which allows to inactivate the management of collisions on the ground between the ground units, and the scenery? It will be much less disturbing to have units crossing objects, than to abort missions on blockages that one cannot predict or avoid. Thank you in advance
  13. Hello, Some updates have seriously impacted the functioning of infantry on the ground: > when disembarking from a helicopter, they are too close to each other and remain blocked by pivoting on themselves; > if they start to move, the collision management algorithm no longer works, and they push the chopper, until the beam breaks; > when infantry is placed in a populated area (buildings / trees), while they have been given a road (wp on road) to follow, they are blocked against the buildings and trees. It looks like the anti-collision algorithm has been severely degraded. Can you please do something to get back to good operation. It is all the more delicate, as these problems have been brought to the stable recently! Thank you in advance.
  14. Hi, 1> I don't know if this is important, but the mods folders should be placed in the "tech" folder (lowercase) and not "Tech". :) 2> Usually, each mod is stored in is own folder with its name "ex: Container", and all folders and files must be in it. We therefore have a storage of the form: ...DCS.openbeta/Mods/tech/Container/Data /Database /Liveries /Shapes /Textures /.. other files... :)
  15. De rien Grajo, c'est une solution pas très élégante, car je n'ai pas trouvé d'autre moyen que de détourner un objet infanterie pour parvenir à avoir la lumière et contrôler le ON/OFF. La version précédente (sans ON/OFF) de mon projecteur était une Fortification, qui avait l'avantage de pouvoir être posé n'importe où (sur bâtiment, plateforme Pétrolière, au sol..), mais après une des dernières maj le projecteur ne fonctionnait plus. ça a l'air de fonctionner pas mal. J'ai modifié la mission de démo, pour montrer ce que cela donne sur une plateforme pétrolière.. à voir ;) Sinon, j'ai eu l'occasion il y a quelque temps de découvrir ton mode container eau. Très beau travail, qui m'a impressionné. Il se trouve que je travaillais sur des containers classiques, mais je rencontre un pb lors du slingload. Lorsque je m'y remettrai, je reviendrai peut-être vers toi pour tenter de comprendre ce qui ne va pas... A+
  16. Hello nibbylot, I have just discovered and tested your mod for the 1st time today, and I want to thank you and congratulate you for this gift that you are giving to all helicopter lovers on DCS, but also to those who, like me, try to produce mods despite the little documentation provided by ED. I admit that I find it hard to imagine how you could produce a work of such quality. Good luck for the rest of your work. I'm sure there are many of us who follow and appreciate them. cheers
  17. @THEDYQUIROZ, lo que nos proporcionó nibbylot es simplemente excepcional. Lamento que no lo sepas. En cuanto al uso del mod en su versión actual, es perfectamente controlable. Lo acabo de instalar y pude sin dificultad aterrizar en todas partes (suelo, torre de control, edificios, ...) En resumen, creo que si no tienes éxito, es probablemente que te falte un poco de entrenamiento. Por lo demás, te invito a respetar un poco más el trabajo que algunos brindan a toda la comunidad, o por lo menos a mediar tus comentarios. Y si realmente echa de menos ciertos aspectos del mod ofrecido, tal vez deberías ponerte a trabajar para realizar mejoras de calidad equivalentes a la base que se nos proporciono.
  18. 2020_07_27 : New version (more simple) Hello, For those interested, here is a small static projector with switch ON/OFF trigger script. This pack contains: > 3D models > ON / OFF control LUA script (commented) > a little demo (under F2) Download on (https://drive.google.com/file/d/175tAORDyKwSmpMGJNWC6v3LVNukbdtcy/view?usp=sharing) Enjoy No Spots : With Spots :
  19. Thank's to the team for this nice project ! When do you think a flyable version will be available ? :)
  20. Add to the ED rules : > OR, XOR, NOT operators > associative use of ( ) for priority definition Thanks
  21. Hello PIetpuk, I'm happy if this script is usefull for you. I've not the gazelle, the Huey version have probably the same argument for front doors state. :) Have fun
  22. DFS - Digital Farm Simulator Lol :lol: We are all crazy.. Few month ago I Inserted special Infantry units ! the reds were Cows, blues were goat. Without Weapons... for be safe !
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