Yes, other fixes are included in this update. For some unknown reason this one didn't make it through, though it should have been the case. As Javier said, we apolozige. It should be included in next third parties update.
To save you time, I suggest you start/try with this version of the trk provided (saved as mission file). I narrowed it down to two triggers. Deleting a few rules inside those triggers recovers fps, but the ultimate reason is yet unknown.LastMissionTrackUSER-used only two red INCREASE FLAG triggers-lowfps.miz
Did you try a simple mission? Just and F1 with no triggers in the mission? It seems that there could probably be an issue with triggers, specially AI TASK PUSH trigger, though it's not confirmed yet, it needs investigation.
CC and EB have different ways to control the pitch to hold. In CC, the TCS button is used to set a new pitch. In EB, the attitude pitch knob on the ADI is used for that.