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Everything posted by Prancingkiller

  1. what about.. all planes fly wrong in general, and the sim gives advantage to the planes that fights with higher aoa, maybe they just don't lose enough speed
  2. i was more concerned about the hornet performance in relation with the viper, when i left the hornet was easily able to sustain a better turn rate. Since both flight models were WIP, any changes between that kind of confrontation happened?
  3. i've been off for a while, how's the situation for the guys still flying? the viper still can't fight the hornet on the 2-circle?
  4. if you dont, then you will not be able to get the nose on the plane which can keep a better sustained rate, as long the fight goes as much harder will be for you to point the nose since he will always be in a position where you'll need to pull more and more to point your nose on him, but hey, i expect you to understand this kind of basic BFM principles reading your signature.
  5. yeah and i'm sure you'll fly this way in real life if for example there's the possibility that you dont hit me and then have to give up angles after that because you fall down like a rock, trading your life for a snapshot that if you miss you can't fight anymore. as i said, wrong flight models lead into this kind of bad habits.
  6. that's just wrong, maybe in wrong flight models where you dont lose the speed that you should that might feel worth to pull max g's for snap opportunities, start to have a plane that slows down as it should and take the time that it would need to take to take back the speed and you'll start thinking in a different way. Bad flight models, bad habits.
  7. It depends if you already reached the max sustained rate under the g limiter, as i said, we dont know these parameters in the GAO report Hint: before thinking that someone doesnt know something you know, read again, because you might be the wrong one
  8. why should the paddle switch help you having a better sustained turn rate? pulling more g's will result in losing speed, if above the sustained level, sadly we dont know how many g's the GAO hornet is pulling to sustain that turn rate, or how fast is he going while sustaining it, you would need a chart that we dont have, so the information is quite not usable.. we dont even know if, for example, he's using the paddle switch considering that it's a performance test
  9. No idea, but words from an Hornet pilot has to be considered in this case aswell? I never heard from a pilot that the Hornet can sustain better max turn rate then the viper, i did heard only the opposite. So if any pilot could came and say that, i think everyone will be satisfied and discussion's over
  10. i've seen many instead, on different threads about different subjects, but whatever, i really doubt that planes like the f-16, where even the stick isnt moving to save space inside the cockpit, are equipped with such a complicated sensor if that was not crucial, or really needed in some kind of missions in some kind of situations
  11. starting to find strange how plenty of pilots came here justifing every missing/strange feature on DCS
  12. Acmi and tracks when you guys talk about dcs
  13. i think you dont get the point of this thread, i've been doing many dogfights with viper and hornet, i saw that the hornet is overturning the viper by far, and can get higher sustained turn rate then the 16, so i did a test, posted and asked ED if that's the turn rate they wanted to model the hornet with, im not asking you, im not asking anybody else, they tagged as [checking] so i think we just need to wait for the response. Unless you get a hornet/viper pilot who can say that the hornet's supposed to have an higher sustained turn rate then the viper, then we can even close this thread since that's the information that everyone's looking for
  14. good story dude, but this thread is made for ACMI and Tracks file, we do nothing with words and ED neither
  15. what about the first post ACMI, 22 °/s is correct for you? have you tried the hornet vs viper fight on DCS right now? and btw, once again, this thread is not for discussions, and have not been started for that, seems like you guys have a problem understanding different parts of the forum are for different purposes, the question of this thread is clear, and it's not formulated for you, and you are not the users that should reply in this thread
  16. not replying man, that's a bug section, if you need to say anything just add me on discord, same name, and let's talk really interested in hearing wich theories i have that you are talking about lol
  17. People's still laughing because few have been and sadly are able to understand little things ^^ that's a report bug section and the first post is a very specific question, [checking] so i guess you shouldnt type offtopic things while ED is investigating isnt true? sadly couldnt get in touch with Mover, and i wont talk about the other, in order: BFM instructor, 25 years airplane mechanic and test pilot, no names needed. btw wich theories? lol type in PM because i dont think we are really on topic here
  18. i hoped that at least this place was kid's-free.. dude you said it, just go fly and have fun, we'll keep talking about some serious things that shouldnt affect your way to have fun with DCS. dont worry, now stop typing and let ED do his job
  19. these are numbers, but thank's a lot man, now let's just wait for news
  20. that's the kind of charts that i'd like to see published as a plane get released, i got higher turn rate values then the ones in the image that you posted, expecially sea level with same loadout (for example i'm getting more then 19°/s at sea level and 0.55M LINK ACMI), so i guess that's an amatorial chart and not one released by ED, but let's keep this thread clean as NineLine said, to let devs reply as some news comes in
  21. So no graph no check, i got it, well, after that i'll stop trying to understand how's the hornet winning rate fights against the viper
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