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Everything posted by Pandemic

  1. With my limited flight experience, you’ll never be able to get a perfect trim going. Little variations will throw you off. In aircraft with no autopilot its recommended to never take your hands off the stick unless cleared by a co-pilot. I’m unsure of how FCS works in the Hornet so I don’t know if it’s realistic for specifically it, but I do know that this isn’t some UFO behavior.
  2. I finished it by setting an autobombing point and just hauling straight to the heli ramp and then leaving right away. It’s a tough one but if you only kill the first to MiGs you see you should be good.
  3. Pandemic

    Trim reset

    I believe there’s a trim reset somewhere in the control menu, otherwise pushing the T/O trim button should fix it for the most part.
  4. Try designating a waypoint to see if it’s the target or the actual release cue that’s causing the issue.
  5. Do we know anything about these besides their announcement on the initial planned ordinance for the Hornet? Is seeing these in game an optimistic dream or could it be possible practically?
  6. Pretty sure that button only works if the ALE-47 is in override.
  7. Unless DCS 3.5 comes out along with a massive engine overhaul I can’t really imagine any reason for an increase in price.
  8. I think currently ATFLIR should be a top priority for the Hornet right now, as finding targets from a stand-off range is just as important as being able to engage from that stand off range. HARMs would be second just to give BLUFOR an actual SEAD aircraft. Besides that, I think either Mavericks or LGBs would be the next best additions, with Mavericks taking lead just because of the stand-off capability
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