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Everything posted by AEOLUS3

  1. no body talks about that over-performing and over speed of F-16C because everyone is happy with that. He can escape so easy. Imagine, even AMRAM 120C can't catch this aircraft. On the other hand the pour F/A-18C is so draggy to a point where you can't even do A2A
  2. but when you call him a 6-year-old boy, you insult him. so you start talking wrong
  3. hahahahaha totaly agree with ALL comments. Pffff no words for ED
  4. After launching an aim120c with TWS & RWS immediately the opponent aircraft receives sound warning for missile. This is not correct. The missile is supposed to be pitbull first ! We need a Hotfix for that
  5. i think F/A-18C now has less drag
  6. AEOLUS3

    Hornet vs Viper

    falcon_120 YouTube C.W. Lemoine Real F/A-18 Pilot Tries DCS: F/A-18 - Part TWO 18:00 talks about F/A-18C DRAG
  7. AEOLUS3

    Hornet vs Viper

    F/A-18C has HUGE DRAG. Does not exist in the reality. ED has to do something for that. We all know why they are giving boost to F-16C. It's obvious
  8. one of the very important things that i would like to mention for the hornet is the drag. please do something for that. in reality this ship is not so draggi ! Fyi F/A-18C maximum speed at level flight in altitudes of 36,089 ft. Mach 1.7. Here in DCS does not exist that ! Do something for that please
  9. one of the very important things that i would like to mention for the hornet is the drag. please do something for that. in reality this ship is not so draggi ! Fyi F/A-18C maximum speed at level flight in altitudes of 36,089 ft. Mach 1.7. Here in DCS does not exist that ! Do something for that please
  10. Totally agree. For the F/A-18C they must reduce drag.
  11. Can someone give me a solution ? i will appreciate it
  12. I can't Record Dcs Flights even in the Instant Action ! ["Tacview"] = { ["tacviewBookmarkShortcut"] = 0, ["tacviewCompressionLevel"] = 1, ["tacviewDataRecordingEnabled"] = true, ["tacviewDebugModeEnabled"] = false, ["tacviewHostTelemetryPassword"] = "", ["tacviewPlaybackDelay"] = 0, ["tacviewProfilingPeriod"] = 60, ["tacviewRealTimeTelemetryPort"] = "42674", ["tacviewRecordClientsSessionsEnabled"] = true, ["tacviewRemoteControlPassword"] = "", ["tacviewRemoteControlPort"] = "42675", ["tacviewTerrainExport"] = 0,
  13. my opinion is that amram 120c is totally stupid ! I've noticed a lot of times in Tackview how easily following chaff and losing the Target. I am fan of the F/A-18C but on that moment AMRAM is totally stupid. For example, for 27ER or SD-10 or Phoenix does not happen the same ! Is it fair ?
  14. Csgo GE oh yeah Unbelievable. I realized that in my tackview flight on 104th server. ED didn't realized that yet ? They have to fix it
  15. What about another basic function that no one mentioned. IFF IFF IFF ???
  16. Zeus67 F/A-18C is not a current plane ?
  17. BlueAngel everyone here has opinion, but in fact the time of battle things are getting completely different. So i suggest you for the moment, not to use this aircraft for A2A Operations, because it's not ready at all. Without IFF & Track while scan you will never do the right job. It's so simple !!!
  18. Mav, the distances to this mission are far too long. If there are not many players connected, there is no nice game. Maybe you have think something for that. :-)
  19. i wish i have M2000-5. i would not be interested to fly another module
  20. The radar scan line and the elevation antenna stuck. I have to turn the aircraft left or right to unstuck the radar. It's so annoying this situation.
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