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About AiryNyan

  • Birthday 09/01/1994

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  • Flight Simulators
    FS 2020
    DCS World
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  1. {1,0,0,0.2} Even if you change this fill part, you can't change the inner color Is this a DCS problem?
  2. thank you to everyone Thanks to you, I think I can make the mission I envisioned!
  3. I want to know how to create a box that can be made with the Draw Tool with a script I want to create multiple boxes like the trigger zone in the image, but only a script error occurs Could you please explain about this? If it is difficult to explain, I have uploaded the miz file in the as an attachment. If you make even one box, I will study the script you wrote. 123.miz
  4. Korean and Japanese are entered normally I owe you for your services!
  5. Thank you. FIX this part and I'll make sure it's working!
  6. Is it possible to fix the Asian text input? As a user who plays DCS in Korea, I am planning to introduce it to our quadrons this time. If you enter Korean in the site, it will break. Maybe it's a Unicode problem. Can you fix this part by any chance?
  7. Is there a way to clean up the remains of dead units? there's too much ground untis debris over time
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