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About RavenFrost

  • Birthday 12/30/1986

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
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  • Interests
    Flight Sims, Mil Sims, Flight Sims....and Flight Sims,..... did i mentioned Flight Sims?

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  1. Had the same issue yesterday with the Litening and today with the AT-FLIR as well. Slow Repair has been done, too.
  2. Today I changed the Game-Language from German to English and guess what happend. Now it works as it should do.
  3. My guess is that an old language File made it in the game with the patch. If look at the screenshots the missiles are namend differently. Stations 4 and 6 are fine Stations 2,3 and 7,8 are wrong
  4. I have no idea Google Search comes up with this https://forum.dcs.world/profile/77530-papipo22/
  5. I don't use any mods, full repair has been done a few times, deleted metashaders and fxo folder. But nothing changed. so here's the log file hope that helps. dcs.log.old
  6. If that would be the case, I couldn't load 9X's or 120B or C's on Station 4 and 6.
  7. Ist mir dann beim genaueren hinsehen auch aufgefallen. Kein Weltuntergang da die von mir zuvor erstellten Bewaffnungen funktionieren, wäre nur schön wenn's ED bereinigt.
  8. Nabend Leute, Ich wollte mich mal erkundigen ob jemand ebenfalls das Problem hat das man im ME nur noch die AIM-120B's an den Flügelstationen auswählen kann aber nur noch die 120C's bekommt. Im "Bewaffnungsmenü" in der Mission bekomme ich ebenfalls nur 120B's angezeigt, kann aber dennoch beide Versionen anhängen lassen. Komsich ist das die Rumpfstationen (4,6) generell davon nicht betroffen sind. Die vollständige Reperatur hab ich mittlerweile schon zweimal gemacht, fxo und metashader hab ich auch gelöscht. Brachte aber bisher nix.
  9. So the I deleted metashaders and fxo, full repair is done. nothing changed. Maybe it is a translation issue between the english and german dcs version.
  10. Okay, that's weird. I run an another repair. Thanks guys
  11. Nope, in the ME I only get 120C's instead of 120B's. In the Mission all are named 120B's but they're switched
  12. Hello Folks, since the 2.8 update something in the Hornet loadout table is messed up. Issue in ME: All AIM-120C's have been renamed to 120B's, but only 120C's get loaded. this is only for the wingpylons, cheeckstations are fine. Issue in Mission: All AIM-120C's have been renamed to 120B's and only wingpylons are affected, cheeckstations are fine. If you click on the upper 120B, you get a C and vice versa. Loadout Issue.trk
  13. RavenFrost

    Thank You !

    Nice and in some cases a challenging Aircraft, well done! Yes there are issues but I'm sure they get fixed by the time.
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