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  1. FalcoGer's post in How to respawn was marked as the answer   
    When in a multiplayer server you can click select roles and then back to spectator and then reselect your aircraft.
    Otherwise there is a key bind, though I can't remember exactly what it's called.
    Also you can eject, you just need to open the door first. LCtrl + C or click the door handle, then LCtrl + E (3x)
  2. FalcoGer's post in Apache HUD and Track IR are ofsett was marked as the answer   
    If a restart doesn't fix that for you, you can configure a new neutral position. I think it's RShift+RCtrl+Num5, but not sure. Doing so sets the current camera position and rotation as the default. Personally I just have it look straight down the BRU to make alignment easier.
  3. FalcoGer's post in How to LST? was marked as the answer   
    But why is this in wish list?
  4. FalcoGer's post in Mission triggers are not working, condition always true was marked as the answer   
    I removed all the mods from current hill. Now it works properly. Or at least that's what I think fixed it maybe?
    In any case I can't reproduce this anymore.
  5. FalcoGer's post in PAN mode RTE buttons don't work as intended was marked as the answer   
    If the distance between points is long enough, L3/L4 are panning in increments along the route.
    So either this was fixed at some point or I didn't check with long distances and it was always correct.
  6. FalcoGer's post in Axis assignment on disabled controller setting aircraft up with 50% collective applied was marked as the answer   
  7. FalcoGer's post in Laser channels ... and Mask in VR was marked as the answer   
    You need to set your LRFD and Missile channel individually.
    1. Go to Code submenu
    2. Select Laser code preset (The letter) for LRFD
    3. (Go to Freq and change code if you wish)
    4. Go to Channel submenu
    5. Select Missile channel that you wish to change the code for (1,2,3,4) on the top
    6. Select the laser preset letter that you wish that channel to be assigned to
    7. Select Missile submenu
    8. Select primary channel laser code preset to match the LRFD setting on the left
    I have had no issues with it after I figured that out.
    You can only set the missiles to track one of the 4 channels you set up in the channel submenu and you need to select the channel that you want to track on the missile page. and missiles and the laser designator need to be set up individually. the code changes affect all missiles at once though (so unfortunately no rippling on 16 different lasers very quickly).
  8. FalcoGer's post in How to move AH64D cockpit view with mouse ? was marked as the answer   
    Enable freelook with left alt + c
    Then you can move the mouse to rotate your head. If you hold down the middle mouse button you can translate your head.
    you can also set your head position with right ctrl + right shift + numpad.
  9. FalcoGer's post in modifire Button is keept depressed was marked as the answer   
    What is a modifire button? Do you mean a modifier?
    If you add a custom modifier, there are two options. Switch and button mode. One toggles the states when you press it, the other one is released when the input ceases (the default for the existing modifiers shift, alt and control, etc).
    Please be more specific about what you did and what you mean.
  10. FalcoGer's post in How to get new WP to show on ALPHA list? was marked as the answer   
    in route (RTE) click ADD, then select the waypoint either with the cursor or with L1 and the KU, then click in the list on the right where you want it inserted. it is inserted before the waypoint you select in the list. if you want to put it at the end, hit END.
  11. FalcoGer's post in Newb Question was marked as the answer   
    Default is I (india, this forum needs a better font)
    There is also the special option to remove the visual rim around the eyepiece.
  12. FalcoGer's post in Question - Can I use the keyboard unit in the DCS Apache to send text messages to my CPG and/or wingman? was marked as the answer   
    Datalink will not come for a good while, I'm afraid.
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