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About speed-of-heat

  • Birthday 04/12/1966

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  • Flight Simulators
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    Computers, Martial Arts, Family

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  1. Only used in the the CF-188 (Canadian F/A-18) , so not present in the F/A-18 modeled in DCS... AN/AWA to AN/AYW - Equipment Listing
  2. not seen it, mine remain
  3. I get it, in honesty there aren't that many practical changes from a UI perspective, for me the main one was the context menu, working out that HAGS worked , and if its a fresh install of windows 11 there are a few thing to turn off from a gaming perspective (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/options-to-optimize-gaming-performance-in-windows-11-a255f612-2949-4373-a566-ff6f3f474613) beyond that ... there is a bunch of fear mongering ... but thats kid of what it is
  4. so my view is that this will sort of be true, but in practice it will just slow down your migration ... my 0.10$ and you will end up hanging on and hanging on , rather than getting the job done, YMMV
  5. what outcome would you expect to get under such an approach? but, no it doesn't make sense based on any information you have provided .. the only exception would that i can think of is if you have a Windows Mixed Reality Headset, that you wish to run ...
  6. yes it will, but, its a relatively old headset VRcompare - The Internet's Largest VR & AR Headset Database might help you, basically pretty much any headset compatible with steam or OpenXR will work
  7. AAR is flying formation, as has been already said , there are different kinds of formations be-they tactical or tight "parade" / display like formations the tighter the formation the more you concentrate to get the job done, if i am in a tight parade formation with a lead the only thing i am doing is moving the throttle nearly constantly and looking at the leader...set up a scans spend at least as much time looking out of the cockpit as in... in the Viper ... turn on your JHMCS which should cut down your inside scan ...
  8. glad you are up and working
  9. such as? could you be more specific
  10. i guess you might have stuff in the installation director and under %Appdata% and other appdata directories ?
  11. For the 9800x3d largely leave most stuff alone, set dcs to high priority, have it avoid cpu 0 and 1 ( as they are the same physical core) as windows processes tend to default there
  12. Out of air space and ideas
  13. You are running it as admin?
  14. Master Arm to SIM, and Ground Jettison to ON?
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