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Everything posted by Keks

  1. I dont get the "realism" argument. I really dont. The year in DCS is not 1970. Or 1980. With the German Eurofighter coming to DCS we are at least in 2006, most likely way further. So you are now telling me, that it is unrealistic to be able to use NVG? Just because that one particular airframe you are sitting in was made 50 years ago? I dont understand why someone would even consider this unrealistic. As long as the Hind is able to fly with or against 2000++ planes or systems, I dont see any issue with NVG. Also "realism" guys, keep in mind, that just because YOU dont like something, that you can chose to use or not, does not mean no one else should have a choice.
  2. The "the JF 17 is overpowered and cant be simulated because its too new" crowd will go nuts.
  3. Even if you are looking forward to something, for some people you are still not doing your part, because you ask questions and if you apply enough twisted logic, it might seem like you dare to believe that something might not be perfect. Edit: Sorry if I sound triggered, but I really hate this subtle way of pointing the "you are just a hater who cant get his mouth full enough" finger. I understand that as of now we have not seen the final product. However if everything would be good enough all the time, there would be no progress no going forward, no improvement. So yes, part of what defines us as a species is in fact that it never is enough, that we strife for progress. Being ignorant towards mistakes, failures or room for improvement is a slippery slope that leads downwards at best.
  4. Yea, you can pretty much mess up every airfield / carrier anyways if you desire, thats an admin problem, not a module one
  5. Keks

    Hornet vs Viper

    That sounds like a really bad comic book and is obviously false. Its the driver not the plane that wins the fight. BFM aswell as BVR. The expectation of some people that you autowin BFM because you fly plane X just bends my mind. There are fighting styles in which the viper is superior and will win yes, but the same is true for the hornet. So the trick is to force the other dude to fight your fight. But I guess thats not as easy as just winning by plane choice and comparing random numbers so it obviously cant be true.
  6. Yea thats why I am asking. While it looks very nice, and better than everything done so far, you can also clearly see that there still is a lot of room for improvement. Dont get me wrong its still wip. go to 9:30 for example. Thats not what I would call alive or think will be in the final product.
  7. Just watched the Launch Operations video on youtube and uh boy, that looks promising. But I have to ask what happens when you diviate or something happens? Will random failures on have an impact? Will something like for example happen for example? What happens when you do something stupid? Like going back to idle after saluting. Will the deck crew just shoot you into the ocean or are they able to react? What will happen when you for example dont proced while being guided? Will the guy just be stuck in his animation, or will he try to get your attention after a while? Like yea I know its a game and there wont be any consequences for having your speedbrake out while saluting but things like your deckcrew leaving due to getting tired or your BS after aborting takeoff twice or so could be implemented :music_whistling:
  8. There seems to be a missunderstanding. You dont have reported anything yet. You have literally done nothing that is worth a devs time, because you did not provide a track file. Right now you are a random dude just stating your opinion. If you want to report something, the way is not to call everyone else explaining stuff to you a troll. At this point, you are the troll unless you provide some evidence that your issue exists. For me there is no other explanation why you dont want to do that besides the two options given allready. As others have pointed out allready just because you are flying at 90° for a split second does not mean you have defeated a radar. Esp. not when there is nothing else to confuse the radar.
  9. I hope we will get a rework for the remaining missiles without having to have a major outcry like the one that was needed to make this happen.
  10. Says the dude who just states something and refuses to provide evidence like a track file. Since the jet is "quite modern" I would freaking hope so. I dont even get why someone would assume that the radar shoul not be quite modern or has concerns of the radar being quite modern in a jet with a full glas cockpit :music_whistling: First of all thats only half true, second please provide a track file.
  11. I would also be interested. If you go all the way with custom pcbs, have you considered a plug in piece to convert the mfd into a normal 5x5? Like a snap in 3 button piece. Been thinking about that for some time, but could not come up with a working solution for the connectors yet, that is not custom pcb, thTs why I am asking. Something like that could be awesome for multi module use.
  12. Dont try to frame HB for this mess. I am concerned about the communication on EDs part here to be honest. It bends my mind that ED shows the tomcat working with the carrier while being fully aware that it does in fact not and might never. Wags answer was "we dont know yet" and not will be included later. I dont think the work in progress not final product etc. tag is a valid excuse for false advertisement. You cant just raise expectations and then be like "nah we said not final so its your fault" The information that the tomcat does not work should have been included before people paid for it. Why do I care? Friend of mine flies the tomcat and preordered it due to having no reason to assume anything but integration.
  13. Well at least there were no tomcats shown in the trailer, because if there were and you know that as of now they would not even work, that would be misleading....
  14. No. You select the autopilot via ufc and the button turns it off.
  15. Why would a chinese plane ever use an export missile? Just because it is the new hot shit in DCS? You dont seem to know anything about the weapon systems you are talking about besides some people thinking it is op in pvp....
  16. Yep. Thank you very much. Not only is it fun to fly and has a very distinct character that can be enjoyed, your passion for the project is clearly visible and you have brought things into DCS that should have been there from the start and are still missing in other planes for years now.
  17. Not 100% sure, but I dont think this option exists. Similar logic can be found in the hornet for example.
  18. With that level of expectation when it comes to realism, I can only hope that you live by your own rules and dont fly the tomcat in DCS, since it is retired irl. Flying a US tomcat in DCS in 2019 is just not realistic. However you can still spawn it on the ground and look at it, if thats what you are into. Also stop quote mining please. In a realistic scenario Jester would know Jeff and the systems would be updated aswell. That simple and no realistic way to doubt that.
  19. Everything should be bindable to everything. No execeptions. 1) Limiting the possibility to bind something only to the keyboard in order to prevent someone to bind it to the joystick does not work and is a very flawed idea. This basicly just forces someone who wants to do that to create a custon profile for the joystick that emulates a keyboard button press, or combination. 2) People like to build custom cockpits or use MFD screens, or build custom MFDs (since the ones in the JF-17 are bigger). Button boxes, MFDs, homecockpits are often detected as gamecontrollers in windows and show up as joysticks basicly. For example the cheapest way to get a working landing gear switch would be to buy a 10€/$/we joystick emulator from amazon and wire a toggle switch to it. This device will now show up as joystick via windows in DCS. People like to build UFCs or use existing UFC controllers that also show up as joysticks. So TL;DR: Everything that has a function should be allowed to be bound to everything. This is a huge quality of life thing.
  20. Holy shit this is pathetic. Some of you guys are way worse than a 13yo who just found out that the new League of Legends hero is a counter to the one he plays and now tries to lobby to his own advantage because, I dont even know its just a game. Fun fact: The aim-120 issue is known and ED has even announced that they will work on it. So I dont get why people are suddently so agitated. The "muh realism" part is just cringe. It saddens me tbh. That the "nerf this" sorry, "make this more realistic" discussion always comes up as soon something new is released. 8 out of 10 times it is not justified, people just fear that they lose they advantage because of it. Stop it. Get some help. Even more so when, like I sad, the problem is known and ED announced that they will in fact rework the missiles. What else do you guys want? Seriously. Thank you Deka for taking the risk of making a rather unknown (compared to the iconic cold war jets) plane and thank you for inovating and pushing the limits of this awesome video game (there I said it: game)
  21. Die Beleuchtung der AP Tasten ist seit DCS 2.5 verbugged. Wenn die dunkel (aus) sind sind die an, wenn die leuchten sind die aus. Wird erst mit dem overhaul gefixt werden. Ansonsten fliegt sich das Ding nicht wirklich wie ein klischee Hubi, sondern sehr fly by wire orientiert. Du drückst quasi den Trimmer, sagst ihm was er machen soll und lässt dann den Trimmer los, stick mitte und lässt ihn machen.
  22. Einfach mal dein Wohnort und 3D Druck googlen, da findet man eigentlich immer was. Frage ist nur, ob das dann preislich gesehen in nem realitätsnahen Bereich bleibt, aber wenn du in ner größern Stadt wohnst sollte das gehen.
  23. Keks

    SLI Kompatibilität

    :smilewink: Nö. Niemand sagt das gar keine Spiele niemals nicht mit SLI laufen. Und das Beispielspiel X dann doch irgendwie zum Laufen gebracht werden kann steht dem Trend nicht entgegen. Es wird immer weniger und weniger und die GPU Hersteller fahren den Support immer weiter zurück, aus den schon genannten Gründen. Du kannst immer Einzelbeispiele auflisten, die dann doch irgendwie laufen, aber das ändert nichts am Trend. Edit: Bei NVidea kommt der spürbare Cut mit den 10er Karten.
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