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Everything posted by AlexZander_D

  1. @Grimes, first of all thank you for your great work. Now i wanna ask, i use modified Pretense mission and wanna modify it more. Mission included some static objects from MIST like tent, barracs, hangars and etc. But it is possible to create new static via MIST? For example use SKP-11 or something like this?
  2. Hello pilots! Looking for your help, i have a MP Server with modified Pretense mission. As maybe must of you know this mission includes a big "F10. Other" radio menu and sometimes in my log appears this: ERROR ASYNCNET Max message size exceeded! ERROR ASYNCNET Failed assert `capped_sz == sz` at Projects\AsyncNet\src\DsbNet\DsbServer.cpp:1290 ERROR ASYNCNET Message 34433 was truncated from 75833 bytes I understand what's the problem and can understand ED and their limits but damn... this error ruins radio menu for players if connected 10 or more clients. Maybe someone know a good tricks how to fix it? ED know about this problem but "Reported" status not a solution what i need))) And yes, all menus in Russian (2 bytes per symbol in Lua, yeah...)
  3. Dear ED team, please fix it! 00:57:14.838 ERROR ASYNCNET Max message size exceeded! 00:57:14.838 ERROR ASYNCNET Failed assert `capped_sz == sz` at Projects\AsyncNet\src\DsbNet\DsbServer.cpp:1290 00:57:14.838 ERROR ASYNCNET Message 34433 was truncated from 67352 bytes It's big problem for our server.
  4. Same question, we also see this in server log. Maybe some workaround at least?
  5. Step 1: Create a new zone. CVN, in my example Step 2: Place a standalone carrier or carrier group inside Step 3: Add to init.lua something like this: -----------------[[ MissionSpecific/PretenseCaucasus/ZoneDefinitions/CVN.lua ]]----------------- zones.cvn = ZoneCommand:new('CVN') zones.cvn.initialState = { side=2 } zones.cvn.keepActive = true zones.cvn.isHeloSpawn = true zones.cvn.isPlaneSpawn = true zones.cvn.maxResource = 50000 zones.cvn.airbaseName = 'CVN-71' zones.cvn:defineUpgrades({ [1] = { --red side --presets.upgrades.basic.comPost:extend({ --name = 'cvn-com-red', --products = { --presets.special.red.infantry:extend({ name='cvn-defense-red'}), --presets.defenses.red.infantry:extend({ name='cvn-garrison-red' }) --} --}), }, [2] = --blue side { presets.upgrades.airdef.comCenter:extend({ name = 'cvn-mission-command-blue', products = { presets.missions.patrol.aircraft:extend({name='cvn-patrol-blue', altitude=25000, range=50}), presets.missions.support.awacs:extend({name='cvn-awacs-blue', altitude=18000, freq=257.5}), presets.missions.support.tanker:extend({name='cvn-tanker-blue', altitude=20000, freq=257, tacan='37'}) } }) } }) -----------------[[ END OF MissionSpecific/PretenseCaucasus/ZoneDefinitions/CVN.lua ]]----------------- Important things: Check zone names, spawn rules and airbase name (you CARRIER name, not CARRIER GROUP) Define upgrades. As you can see i just comment lines about red units, you can delete these lines but i prefer to keep it for trackback. For blue i created few new groups: cvn-patrol-blue - F-14 to patrol airspace near carrier cvn-awacs-blue - E-2, AWACS for NAVY cvn-tanker-blue - S-3 Tanker for NAVY And set altitude, range and other options for groups. I need 'em... just for fun and it's looks realistic, all set "Takeoff from ramp". Unfortunately i still can't find a way to replace "Command Center" to any other unit, ship for example. That's why sometimes you'll see antennas over the waves Step 4: connect carrier zone with any other zone in "cm = ConnectionManager:new()", something like this: cm:addConnection('CVN','Batumi') Step 5: add aircrafts for players in mission editor Step 6: save init.lua and update it in mission editor and load to verify settings, if no errors then you'll see a new spawn location for your NAVY aircrafts with...
  6. Сколько хотите за нее и где территориально? И на всякий случай, она же встанет на базу TM Warthog?
  7. Догадываюсь, но полеты на "поршнях" приучили "тянуть до базы" до последнего.
  8. Офф-лайн. Игрок. Миссия от самого модуля под названием "Close Air Support" ^_^
  9. Вот еще. Увы, забыл трек сохранить, но суть. Подбили из ПЗРК. Самолёт с карты исчез, но продолжил лететь и управляться более или менее. А спустя минут 10 кружений относительно мягко сел Офф-лайн, миссия от самого модуля "Close Air Support". Зовите меня Топпер Харли или «Пушистая кроличья лапка»
  10. I lost my tail during aerial refueling but "Viper" still able to use rudder axis in flight. no_tail_f16.trk
  11. Саппорт сказал идти к вам))) Вот такая история, тренировался заправляться и снес "Гадюке" хвост, а ей хоть бы что... по каналу руля направления управляется. Даже сесть получилось. Не жалуюсь, но доношу информацию))) no_tail_f16.trk
  12. @ElementLT, thank you very much! Hope you get our small but warm Russian donate? Can you help us about ground assault missions? If we select more than 1 player it's meant few players will have same assign? And work on task do it together? Also my friends ask, is it possible to translate your mission to Russian?
  13. Of course! I moved to ED account long time ago, everything is working fine until today.
  14. Same story for me. Contacted support many hours ago, send all requested purchasing confirmations and... nothing.
  15. Today I get my Gametrix KW-901 JetSeat Live Sense and really happy with SimShaket! Many regards to the author!
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