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About Valkyrien

  • Birthday 02/02/1995

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  1. Doesn't seem to be the issue in my groups mission either, frequencies are segregated
  2. In the past, it hasn't needed the select callout at all unless i was using select tunes radio. I can see how it would get confused with Texaco 1 vs Texaco 2 though.
  3. Easy comms off without using select tunes radio or instant select, just good old tuning the frequency myself. as far as the callsigns go the map in question is a homeport/trainer for our group so there's like 6 texaco's. I'll let our mission dev know.
  4. Having an issue where In MP VAICOM locks into whatever the closest tanker to my start location is and will refuse to contact any other tanker via voice commands, for example I'll ask "Texaco Approaching for Refuel" and get [Tanker], [Intent to Refuel] in Voice Attack's log window, but in game the text seems to contact whichever tanker was closest to me when i spawned over the correct radio frequency. I'm still able to access the correct tanker through the menu if absolutely necessary with the mouse and keyboard, though i cannot get the comms menu to persist long enough to do the callout using the [Options] keyword. I did a fresh install of VAICOM last night to see if that could fix it but the issue persisted.
  5. Valkyrien


    i had to manually toggle easy comms on and back off for it to take, another test flight didn't work. though i have no idea if its changed anything in game as i missed the text callout, the tanker didnt seem to respond though
  6. Valkyrien


    Its disabled in my settings, but the vaicom window has it on for some reason
  7. Valkyrien


    Having an issue where I'll attempt to call a tanker for rejoin, I'll get the command through as [Tanker], [Intent To Refuel] in the log, but it'll never be the correct tanker, Ill call texaco and it'll latch onto Arco, or Shell, whatever it seems to feel like. Just did a fresh reinstall of the plugin and i'm still having the issue. Edit: It seems to latch onto whatever the closest tanker is to my spawn location
  8. The Hornet feels super under powered right now against light to no armor units, all of our current options are either unguided or heavy, super limited AP monsters that are massively overkill. It seems the systems were integrated enough for the charlie to carry and run APKWS so bringing it in is both realistic and would fill an operational hole we have right now. Proof they could be run: https://www.baesystems.com/en-us/multimedia/an-f-a-18c-hornet-fires-an-apkws-laser-guided-rocket-
  9. Is there a way to set push to talk binds per aircraft and have VIACOM auto switch like SRS does? Ideally it'd just look at your comms bindings in game and grab those but barring that i'm looking for the best way to do it.
  10. Can confirm its also related to VR, Had the same issue, i did not test if it went away after switching back to single monitor.
  11. ehh, the way i have it bound would make it talk over SRS, which i don't mind for stuff like ATC or the tanker but if its just me yelling at the ground crew no one needs to hear that
  12. Not sure if this is the right place, but for a feature request could we have the intercom available as a channel on the F-5 with WoW? yes the real jet doesn't have one but that was always my analogue to yelling at the ground crew with the top open and giving hand signals.
  13. yeah the voices are recorded not auto generated, so you'll lose audio callsign prefixes, but when half the time the only AI call you make is to the boat where it can just rattle off the numbers its not normally an issue
  14. Seems to be completely broken for me, I've tried everything short of a full sim reinstall and despite all that its about a 25% chance whether or not i can see my cockpit, even after nuking the shader cache from orbit.
  15. from here: https://forums.eagle.ru/forum/english/dcs-world-topics/mods-and-apps/dcs-mods/7127465-custom-callsigns-for-hmd-datalink I'm trying to get custom callsigns to show up with proper shorthand in the HMD, from my testing it seems to be a lookup table that translates callsigns to a two letter abbreviated version, in the default case it returns the Index of the callsign it attempted to parse. I don't even know where to start searching for this lookup table, and trying to search through all the lua files in the install dir turned up nothing as far as i can tell. anyone have any ideas?
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