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Kim Jong-un

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Posts posted by Kim Jong-un

  1. No mods, that's how it normally looks. What does your standard look like? The dashed circles are known SAM threat rings, and he's using the STEP function to keep a bandit highlighted without having to move the cursor.

    Thx buddy, I learn new things everyday!

  2. Already there - 3 options for Air Refuel Switch.


    Just to pipggyback on this thread - is it possible to increase the speed of the rotary dials? I have a lot of rotaries mapped to rotary encoders and to get 1 click of the in-cockpit switch takes about 4-5 clicks of your actual dial.

    Makes turning things like the lights, HSI heading, volumes etc super painful and slow!


    Hold Lshift and scroll.

  3. There is also a wall dispenser you can slam :) This drops two chaff and two flares. Much more conservative than CMDS forward.


    There is? I was looking for wall dispenser / panic button in setting but i could not find.

  4. Hello everybody its me!


    I have warthog and on the hornet and viper and i have binded to joybutton_24 (EAC Arm On/Off). On the hornet when i move the switch to up, the refueling probe extends and when i turn it off it retracts.


    But on the viper i turn it on and the door opens. When i move the switch to close, it does not close the door, nothing happens. So i want the switch to operate the same way as on the hornet.

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