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About lee1hy

  • Birthday 10/07/1986

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  1. 1. Better low wingloading, High Thrust and good Agility for dogfight 2. High-altitude performance, weapon performance and speed superior to the F-16 in GS or PVP sever 3. F-15C BARCAP has overwhelming performance. It is not yet felt in DCS, but it is essential in KTO battlefields such as Falcon BMS. 4. Gulf War Nostalgia 5. No RAZABAM products
  2. Very good buff patch about f-16
  3. when new DRM model viewer 2
  4. This isn't the first time Polychop rumors have surfaced
  5. In single and multiplayer, mk50 tracks sa-15 sa19 In single player only , it tracks sa-11 sa6 sa3 loft In multiplayer, sa-11 sa6 sa3 loft/direct are not tracked This issue has been reported in the in Discord feedback shirke is bokren yes
  6. SA-15, SA-19 MK50 DIRECT SA-8 MK37 BAND C DIRECT (no sound) SA-11 MK49 LOFT (no sound,no RWR Alert) SA-3 P15 SNR125 MK36 MK37 LOFT SA-6 MK49 LOFT AGM-45 (MODE) ARM 20000ft 450knots Singleplayer (Doesn't work in multiplayer) spwan with weapons Aiming at a SAM location with a gun sight then you will see the ^ caret, pitch up and fire automatically when it is O
  7. looks like not working any more DMS right long not following HMD,
  8. Currently, FD CREW has many problems. sometime does not proceed to the next CREW, so the sortie is delayed by more than 5 minutes, or you have to go back or respawn.
  9. UPDATED 2024 12 https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3331353/
  10. good to go?
  11. i like this flight model patch it is stable in many ways. no more fight SCAS no more jumping yaw/roll when taxing at low speeds
  12. Hi,  Lee1hy, can i have your approval to upload the IQAF F-16C that you had previously created?

    1. lee1hy


      do you have it ? pls upload 
      i lost my iraq livery 
      i will re-vamp iraq ,if you upload on userfiles

    2. Babzo


      Thank you will do

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