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Everything posted by luigipsic

  1. Good job True grit...I hope ther will be tranche 2 later....i read the news in the roadmap Thank you and good work
  2. When i lock a target with every type of aim9 the label "shoot" doesn't appear. Here the track Thank you. track no label shoot in aim9.trk
  3. like manual says...there are two mode...dogfight and missile override...when i select missile ovveride the fcr doesn't go in acm mode automatically...When i select dogfight it goes in acm automatically...When i go in missile override and select manually acm there is the indication no rad...i don't know if there's a bug like you say in the dogfight mode... that should show the no rad indication but ther's another bug in selecting the missile override mode that doesn't turn the fcr radar in acm mode...Thank you ED
  4. No acm mode when selecting missile ovveride mode like manual says...there are two mode...dogfight and missile override...when i select missile ovveride the fcr doesn't go in acm mode automatically...When i select dogfight it goes in acm automatically...When i go in missile override and select manually acm there is the indication no rad...i don't know if there's a bug like you say in the dogfight mode that should show the no rad indication but ther's another bug in selecting the missile override mode that doesn't turn the fcr radar in acm mode...Thank you
  5. Hi ED...In single player it works...When i select take off from runway for 2 or one AI aircraft they spawn correctly in runway for take off...In multiplayer it doesn't work...They always spawn on parking...I think this is a bug...You can simply reproduce it... Thank you
  6. Hi ED...In single player it works...When i select take off from runway for 2 or one AI aircraft they spawn correctly in runway for take off...In multiplayer it doesn't work...They always spawn on parking...I think this is a bug...You can simply reproduce it... Thank you
  7. Hi guys....i have already reported the lack of cockpit illumination for the viper....reported by big newy... in open beta the f18 is good for now at night but in the last news of today ther's the pic of the f18 supercarrier with the same problem...D'ont forget please this same feature for the hornet...For now there's no bug but with the supercarrier i hope it won't be bad... Thank you ED UPDATE:this the actual f18 cockpit open beta....All right Thank you ED Prevention is better than cure
  8. Hi...i switched to openbeta 2.5.6 and the version is good. But i try the external view at night and the cockpit of my Viper is not illuminated. I think it's a little bug. Thank You ED
  9. Multiplayer greyed out Same here...15 minutes of waiting to access multiplayer..Is it a problem of my firewall?My ports?Since two days ago it took 3 secons to connect (Stable Version) edit:Now the Main Page at login shows "Internal Server Error" UPDATE: Now the connection is perfect than ever!!! i connect in 0.5 seconds... It was a Server Down or overload?!?!?!
  10. Thank you guys...Manual already read...!!
  11. There aren't training missions in f15c module...confirmed?if yes could you put in some training mission for this module?
  12. negative G I read the performance of the f16c Viper and the g limts are +9 -3.5g
  13. i know guys...i wanted to try if the mpo can create a boost in the negative g...they are too less
  14. i know i know...thank you..i agree with you..i tried mpo for test only but nothing...in another thread is already reported that the real Viper can load about -3.0 -3.5 g
  15. Hi...It seems that the negative g in the viper arrive max at -1.8 2.0. in inverted flight the negative pitch is slow...i don't know if the manual pitch ovverride work properly but also without it the negative g are poor. Thank you... track negative g.trk track negative g 2.trk
  16. Track Strange Behavior of AI Track Batumi.trk Thank You...
  17. Hi,,,When ready to take off, if i decide to abort the wingman continue to takeoff and go straight on endlessly on the map
  18. Hi...there is a strange bug...the animation for lowering and raising the landing gear in MP is bugged...It's not smooth and fluid but fragmented...It's easy to reproduce...Entering all servers in MP and see some take off or landing.... Thank You....
  19. thank you Big Newy...remember also the block 50 AI (not CM...this is good) in the aircraft selection menu of the ME...Thank You very much... P.s. is it possibile to make the effect of water and dust on ground at very low pass of the aircraft?
  20. test with ME Hi Big nEwy...I have made the test with the mission editor....take off at night from batumi...The results are complete...With the f16 cm block 50 the light are correct...all ok...perfect...when i select Ai aircraft f16 block 50 and 52 the airplane start to take off and turn on the night lights but these are bugged....So we can say that night lights for these two AI aircraft are bugged....You can try by yourself simply...Create a mission with the f16 block 50 or 52 (not CM...this is correct)...mission start at 23:00 from runway...The aircraft takeoff and suddenly turn on the lights when accelerate on the runway....But these are completely bugged...So in the night free flight mission of the Viper....After 20 minutes 2 f16 block 52 take off with night lights bugged... Thank you for your attention...
  21. Uploaded screenshot Big Newy...The mission start...after 20 minutes 3 or four f16 block 52 controlled by pc takeoff from Vaziani...All the aircrafts are with the correct night lights but the f16, and only them have the lights bugged...you can check after 20 min of flight or simply going fast with shift z...
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