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About jetkid

  • Birthday April 16

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    Milan - Italy
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    IT Manager and Business Architect

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  1. +1 I also noticed the lack of lights. Is the fix planned for the next OB patch by any chance? Thx a lot!
  2. hi, it seems not so hypothetical:
  3. Sure @TOViper, thx a lot! Maybe you can evaluate to add this image to help "visualize"
  4. I think this can help to understand - maybe Description of diagrams Upper part is a very precise representation of the CI in B-Scope scanning mode. Below the CI an hypothetical profile of the terrain (also very accurate haha). Then in the central part our beloved Viggen, which by setting the radar at 15 km gradually approaches the B-scope scanning area. Consider the Viggen always at high altitude in order to not have hidden ground amongst the reliefs. Case 1: moving towards waypoint b1 In this case, given that only what is included in the 10km of the B-Scope area is represented on the CI, we need to subtract what remains behind the aircraft as it approaches the upper limit of the B-Scope area, keeping this upper bound fixed in the CI. Thus in the CI we see the image disappear from the bottom upwards (in the schema below from left to right). Case 2: waypoint b1 passed but the pilot reselects it In this case, I have done several tests and it seems to me that the following happens. Given that -also here- only what is included in the 10km of the B-Scope area is represented on the CI, as the aircraft approaches we need to subtract what goes further between the upper limit of the B-Scope area and the radar scanning range limit adopted by the aircraft at that moment (in my example 15km). So as the Viggen approaches the upper bound of the B-Scope scan area, in the CI we see the image disappear from top to bottom (in the schema below from right to left). It's very complex to explain for me, this is my try. Is it correct @MYSE1234? Thank you!
  5. Hi all. Above a simple path to test B-Scope. Here we have Gulf Map, but same behavior applies on all maps. Distance amongst waypoints approx 30km. My problem is about terrain mapping on CI, not on targets. In the saved track you can see B-Scope sometimes not "drawing" the ground inside CI, while PPI does always. Furthermore you can see the "centered" behavior near waypoints (in ME I've setup B types, but the same applies on all the types), in which radar snowplot "goes up" into CI thus "erasing" the parts below. Weird thing: switching from AG to AA radar modes (IR missile on weapons selector), B-scope draws the terrain correctly. Coming back to AG mode even adjusting elevation, no diplayed terrain on CI. 99% of time with CI maximum contrast applied. Track in attach @MYSE1234 It's a bit long track but i think interesting because you can find several strange things on B-Scope mode. Imho. Thank you very much! ASJ37_bscope_test.trk
  6. Hi @MYSE1234 Still not clear to me, sorry Scenario I tried: 3 different "B" waypoints Distance between waypoints: 50 km b-scope mode starts reflecting ground terrain / objects and displaying data on CI only when near the waypoint (now i know it's -6 km to +4 km range) but when i'm for example between A and B or B and C, let's say in the middle (25km away from both previous and next waypoint), b-scope shows nothing, while standard mode works normally displaying data on CI So, is this correct behavior? Thx again!
  7. Hi @Machalot It's about B-Scope not working properly. The radar displays ground reflections only in a +-10km range centered onto the waypoint (B or M or U). Exactly as declared by @MYSE1234 It's unclear to me whether HB -mentioning here @Zabuzard- is fixing the bug. Thx
  8. Hi! It's unclear to me whether HB is fixing the bug. At the moment the behavior is exactly as declared by @MYSE1234 and as described into @TOViper document. I doubt this was the behavior of the real life counterpart. Some information @Zabuzard?
  9. Hi @Dallas88B I tried several workarounds... but unfortunately nothing worked. I had to merge diff files manually. Not using any 3rd party SW, just my CH Control Manager
  10. it happens randomly also after deleting metashaders... and not only for ground instant mission see here...
  11. I thought it was resolved by manually deleting fxo and metashaders2 contents (under Saved Games folder). After three of four times the game loaded correctly, agin the problem was back. Something is going wrong here... I noticed several ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND issues, but among all the modules (airplanes / helicopters) in fact only MirageF1 has this type of problem. ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND: texture 'miragef1-common_5_G_S' not found. Asked from '' ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND: texture 'miragef1-common_5_B_S_ALA14' not found. Asked from '' ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND: texture 'miragef1-common_5_L_S_1' not found. Asked from '' ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND: texture 'miragef1-common_4_spec' not found. Asked from '' ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND: texture 'miragef1-common_5_nm' not found. Asked from '' and so on... Logs attached. Thx! dcs.log
  12. Hi every skin is without textures on wings. The only working one is the ALA 14 NATO Skin 1 (CE) 1990 I have no mods, used updater for cleaning and repairing Can someone help me? Thx!
  13. i'm using them on win 11 without problems.
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