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Everything posted by SmoglessPanic

  1. In passing, I read recenlty (mabye floggit / hoggit) that there was a problem with the VIper, something was broken. I was wondering what that was, It's been a while since I flew and i'm going to load up in a few minutes to do some quick missions to get a feel back. Figured I'd ask. Appreciate any feedback.
  2. This You can really go far with the Viper. My favorite is to full AB burn to the tanker, fill up, go on mission. If not, get to altitude and relax and enjoy the ride. Fuel issues aren't as bad in the Viper as people think.
  3. This is happening to me but with the carriers, the circles on the deck (whatever they are, don't know) render in only one eye, the flickering is very annoying. I doubt there is a fix but figured I'd add my experience with this bug. Edit: Setting monitors to Stereo seems to have worked for now, thanks for the tip.
  4. Hahaha! that’s what I get for multitasking. Thanks, I will check it out. When I use the number pad I for 2D the view does not change while in VR. Maybe I’m doing something wrong.
  5. Shouldn’t the HMCS show symbology for your steerpoint when looking left/right? Has this just not been implemented yet? Sometimes I find myself looking for a target at a steerpoint/SPI and for some reason I revert to looking for steerpoint symbology. Maybe it’s a reflex from playing the other game long ago.
  6. I recently purchased the Mossie, the first time I went into free flight in VR I noticed the front windscreen’s metal frame work was aligned with my line of sight. Also, the gun reticle seems to be offset to the right which is probably normal but I wanted to make sure. It’s similar in the 109, I have to lean over to shoot / use the piper. if I save my views while not in VR will that same seating position load for VR? I feel as though I should be seated lowers so as to not have my view blocked by the metal framework.
  7. Man! Trying to figure out that manual when I was 14 or 15 WITHOUT Youtube or online sources was crazy. I remember certain concepts I understood but other things (TMS, DMS, SOI, etc) I did not understand. I somehow made it by with the huge foldout key-binging poster and just flat out practicing my favorite weapons. Falcon 4.0 was such a blast. I used to love the Hornet (was the fist model airplane I built) but ever since Falcon 4.0 I've always been a Viper guy. Such awesome memories. I got into DCS thinking there was a Viper. I then found out they had the Hornet so I decided to go for that as my first full fidelity module. I enjoyed the Hornet but always wanted the Viper, I've been flying the Viper since the first day it was released and haven't touched the Hornet since. I don't care what state the Viper is in, that's what I fly, that's my BIRD! Love the Viper!
  8. You'd be surprised how much having your HMD on will help you maintain speed. The video above by @Theodore42 illustrates how to hold you E in a turn, it's basically what I do as well but I fight the AI much lower. Mostly below 10K. You want to pull gently around 4-6 G's, it seems like the bandit is getting away but you will come around or he will slow down. Something will change with the geometry of the fight and you will have energy for an excursion which you can then recover quickly but fully unloading and then quickly loading on 4-6 G's. It takes a bit of practice though. This series below is pretty awesome for entries, 1C / 2C, sight lines etc, I would suggest watching the whole series if you have the time. Hopefully some of this helps a fellow Viper jockey.
  9. The Vulcan 20mm Gatling gun and HARM's.
  10. Exactly, that's what I think to myself as well. It's fine if you're a casual DCS gamer or what not but I can't help thinking it. At no point do I call people out on it though, it's your module, I do notice it though.
  11. Ok, I was trying to ground stabilize my Mav while the MFD was SOI. Yea, it does kinda suck that you have to do everything all over again with the next missile, it is what it is for now. I appreciate the response, thanks. I will give it some practice.
  12. Is this a bug or intended behavior? From what I understand Bore should not be ground stabilized and VIS should be (from watching Mav Wags video). I'm not able to get VIS to ground stabilize though.
  13. Dude, you really think I care about what missiles someone has on their wings? For real? smh It's something you notice and shrug off, I'm not actively correcting people on how they should load out their virtual jets, do what you want, you paid for the module. It's noticeable though which is my point.
  14. I cringe when I see 3 bag F-16 loadouts, same for when I see a sidewinder on the wing tip, instant red flag. The F-16 is quite fuel efficient, like everyone said get up high, I cruise at 30-35K and never have a problem. Keep an eye on your fuel when you are engaged in A2A and if low on fuel and headed home spare some of that precious fuel to climb up to altitude to consume less.
  15. Where is this pic of the Viper with JDAMS? LInk?
  16. Sorry to be such a pain, I know where to get the oauth key but I just don’t know where it goes in the .lua file. Do I just add it at the top line? Middle? I’m not sure. sorry. I should know this.
  17. I really don't understand where I'm supposed to add my username and stream key. I've search the whole .lua but I don't see anything that matches the examples you posted. Am I supposed to just add a line anywhere and edit it to include my information? That doesn't sound quite right to me.
  18. Ah, I just went to check it and it asked me to request access, it's using my personal email which made me hesitate so I completely understand lol. I appreciate you going the extra mile to repost it for myself and anyone else who might find it useful. 1000 Thanks.
  19. I see. Yea, I wasn't looking to fire all 6 Mav's at one but form a rack of 6 fire one from each pylon, go around, setup again, and then fire the next two until I'm out of missiles. I think you guys are right, it's not implemented on on the rack that carries multiple Mavs.
  20. I can switch coordinates on the map in DCS but Blue Flag has it's onw map showing assets etc. http://gadget.buddyspike.net/ I want to be able to convert the coordinates from this map (if you hover over a base or Farp) to the correct format for the Viper, Hornet, and AV8B. I found the website below but it's not always 100% accurate. http://legallandconverter.com/p50.html It's a long shot but I figured I would ask, I would like to add the converted coordinates to my kneeboard this way I can add/edit waypoints on the fly without having to look at the F10 map or the Buddy Spike / Blue Flag website gadget.
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