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Everything posted by Ergo

  1. To have good precision with mk82SE, i must aim backward the target in the game ... it's not realistic !! IRL we have a voluntary lag between BRM pressure and bomb release, due to : - CCPI piper aim forward the real point of impact - SNA need time to received information "BRM pressed" - SNA compute the date of release taking into account the aimed point with CCPI piper - SNA wait "date of release" (lag is here principally) - SNA send fire-order to BIA M2000 have a very good precision with no-guided bombe at low altitude with this system. (precision is ... classified, but very lower than 100m ...)
  2. Hello, i am a former developper of real M2000. And i confirm the explanation of Jojo. CCPI display a pipper forward the real point. To do that, SNA use a droping date delayed to XX ms (classified data). This delay include : - Fixe time (include response time of pilot to press BRM) - Transit information time (time to compute and transfert fire order to BIA) - Separation time So, when pilot press BRM, (he need to hold it), the SNA compute the "date of release" taking into account the position of CCPI pipper. During this time, pilote need to maintain the same trajectory to perform release. When aircraft is on position to drop bomb on good position, SNA send fire-order. It will be important to hold BRM to be sure BIA do not refuse the drop, also fire order is received (BIA check that BRM, and MASTER ARM are in good position when fire order is received).
  3. In case if need ... https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=4318240&postcount=547
  4. I have compiled result at the moment, for your information : # of data : 3607 Average method : weighted average, with rounded half up to the hundredth. (ROUND_HALF_UP) Data timestamp acquisition : 2020-05-04 - 10h24 UTC [TABLE]Fonction|Average|10th percentile|Median|90th percentile Update flight model|8.21|4|10|10 AG radar. EXP modes (1-2-3), GMT and GMTT modes, and SEA search mode|7.96|4|9|10 Datalink symbols, EW symbols, and AG mode for JHMCS|7.52|4|8|10 AG radar. AGR (air to ground ranging) mode|7.46|4|8|10 AG radar interleaved mode (SEA and GMT)|7.01|3|7|10 ATFLIR|6.95|3|8|10 Aircraft Setup Card in Options|6.81|2|7|10 ASPJ ECM jammer|6.75|3|7|10 Azimuth / Elevation air-to-air radar mode with AUTO IFF modes|6.74|3|7|10 LOFT modes, ARM, JPF, and other JDAM and JSOW remaining functions|6.66|3|7|10 Mark points|6.65|3|7|10 SLAM-ER air-to-surface missile|6.46|2|7|10 INS / GPS full simulation and alignment (carrier and ground)|6.42|1|7|10 New and updated HOTAS functions|6.3|2|7|10 Harpoon, SEA radar directed mode (FTT)|6.29|2|7|10 S/A and AUTO countermeasure modes|6.28|2|7|10 Mission Card for 60 waypoints with properties (Sequence 1, 2, 3, PP, PB, Initial, etc.)|6.22|2|6|10 Flight member TGT ground target SA page symbol missing|6.21|2|6|10 HARM Pre-Briefed mode|6.15|2|6|10 Correct possible flare number loaded|6.14|2|6|10 Radar SPOT mode|6.13|3|6|10 Jamming targets not displayed on radar, should be in dugout|6.08|3|6|10 GBU-24 Paveway III LGB|6.07|1|6|10 The missing function of WIDE radar auto acquisition mode, cannot slew it|6.04|2|6|10 RWS RAID air-to-air radar sub-mode missing|6.04|3|6|10 Adjust countermeasure programs when on ground|5.97|1|6|10 GBU-32 JDAM|5.96|2|6|10 ACLS mode|5.7|2|6|10 Coupled autopilot modes|5.65|2|6|10 Offset waypoints|5.46|2|5|9 IN LAR cue is missing|5.25|1|5|9 TALD decoy|5.03|1|5|9 Mk-77 firebomb|5.03|1|5|10 UFC BU page|4.97|1|5|8 GEN-X decoy|4.96|1|5|9.4 MUMI Page|4.83|1|5|9 Gun sparks at night|4.77|1|5|10 Select AA and AG on ground|4.71|1|5|10 Fuel BIT (FLBIT) Page|4.42|1|4|8 AIM-7P|3.99|1|3|9 BDU-45 Training Bomb|2.96|1|1|8[/TABLE] Vote acquisition date : [TABLE]Date|number of vote 2020-04-25| 1281 2020-04-26| 231 2020-04-27| 103 2020-04-28| 65 2020-04-29| 31 2020-04-30| 18 2020-05-01| 13 2020-05-02| 10 2020-05-03| 10 2020-05-04| 1 [/TABLE]
  5. The Su-33 have a different version of radar as the Su-27.Normally the RWR can be make the difference ;)
  6. There is 40-50 ft difference between HUD altitude displayed and Altimeter altitude displayed. Easy to check : on ground, set you altimeter to 0ft, and check your HUD, it display 40-50 ft. Other thing : when start mission in position "ready to takeoff", altimeter is set to QNH, not same thing on A-10C (QFE setting) or Mirage 2000 (QFE setting)
  7. FYI, i made PHP Class to get server details and show it on web site : https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=218267 Exemple of use : http://niprod.net/etat
  8. Hi all, My virtual web school use the Simple Radio Standalone server. I made a PHP Class to get informations of SRS Server to display it on my web site. (Exemple of use : http://niprod.net/etat , you can click on version label to see server details) I give here the PHP Class, for you usage. ( CC-BY-NC-SA ) To use it, it's realy simple, exemple : <?php include('SRSClient.php'); $srs = new SRSClient('xx.xx.xx.xx',5004) ; if ($srs->connect()->isConnect()) { $srs->waitResponse() ; echo '<h1>Serveur SRS</h1><pre>' ; echo 'Version : '. $srs->getVersion() . "\n"; echo 'Clients count : '. (count($srs->getClients()) - 1) . "\n"; // do not count me echo 'Serveur settings : ' . "\n" ; foreach ($srs->getServerSettings() as $key => $value) { echo "\t" . $key . ' : ' . ($value ? 'ON' : 'OFF') . "\n"; }; echo '</pre>'; $srs->disconnect(); } else { echo 'Connection failed' ; } And page display : Be careful : Without connection of SRS Server, the script wait socket_timeout (php setting default : 30sec). I advise to make this script in cron task, and saved return in a file/database. And your website get information in this file/website. The PHP Class code : <?php /*************** SRSClient.php * Simple Library for SRS (Simple Radio Standalone) * v1.0 * Author : "Ergo" Nicolas Dumas 2018 (http://niprod.net) * Licence : Creative Commun - CC-BY-NC-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) * compatibility : SRS Server 1.5.3.x **/ class SRSClient { private $_socket = false ; private $_ip ; private $_port ; private $_timeout = 5 ; private $_uuid ; private $_response = array ( 'Client' => NULL, 'MsgType' => NULL, 'Clients' => NULL, 'ServerSettings' => NULL, 'ExternalAWACSModePassword' => NULL, 'Version' => NULL ); public static $msgType = array( 'UPDATE' => 0, //META Data update - No Radio Information 'PING' => 1, 'SYNC' => 2, 'RADIO_UPDATE' => 3, //Only received server side 'SERVER_SETTINGS' => 4, 'CLIENT_DISCONNECT' => 5, // Client disconnected 'VERSION_MISMATCH' => 6, 'EXTERNAL_AWACS_MODE_PASSWORD' => 7, // Received server side to "authenticate"/pick side for external AWACS mode 'EXTERNAL_AWACS_MODE_DISCONNECT' => 8 // Received server side on "voluntary" disconnect by the client (without closing the server connection) ) ; private $_clientName = 'PHP SRS Client' ; private $_version = '' ; /** * Construct function * @string $ip : need ip or internet adresse of SRS Server * @int $port : need port number */ public function __construct($ip, $port=5002) { if ($port < 0 or $port > 65535) throw new InvalidArgumentException('Port must be betwwen 0 and 65535, given : '.$port); if (!is_string($ip)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('Ip must be a string, given : '.gettype($ip)); $this->_port = $port ; $this->_ip = $ip ; $this->_uuid = uniqid('php_srsClient_') ; //add specific prefix for srsServer return $this ; } public function isConnect() { return ($this->_socket !== false) ; } public function connect() { // already connected ? if ($this->isConnect()) $this->disconnect() ; $this->_socket = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if (!$this->isConnect()) return $this ; $result = @socket_connect($this->_socket, $this->_ip, $this->_port); if ($result === false ) { @fclose($this->_socket) ; $this->_socket = false ; return $this ; } $this->send($this->createMsg(self::$msgType['SYNC'])) ; return $this ; } public function disconnect() { // not connected ? nothing to do. if (! $this->isConnect()) return $this ; // send disconnect information : socket_close($this->_socket); $this->_socket = false ; } public function waitResponse() { $out = @socket_read($this->_socket, 1,PHP_BINARY_READ); $response = ''; while ($out != "\n") { $response .= $out ; $out = @socket_read($this->_socket, 1,PHP_BINARY_READ); } $this->_response = $this->decode_msg($response); return $this ; } public function getMsgTypeResponse() { if (! $this->isConnect()) return false ; return $this->_response['MsgType'] ; } public function getVersion() { if (! $this->isConnect()) return false ; return $this->_response['Version'] ; } public function getClients() { if (! $this->isConnect()) return false ; return $this->_response['Clients'] ; } public function getServerSettings() { if (! $this->isConnect()) return false ; return $this->_response['ServerSettings'] ; } /** * Destruct function * need to close connection with SRS Client */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->isConnect()) $this->disconnect(); } private function recusive_str2Bool_array($array) { if (!is_array($array)) { if (is_string($array)) { if (strtolower($array) == 'false') $array = false ; if (strtolower($array) == 'true') $array = true ; } } else { $a = array() ; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $a[$key] = $this->recusive_str2Bool_array($value) ; } $array = $a ; } return $array ; } private function recusive_bool2Str_array($array) { if (!is_array($array)) { if (is_bool($array)) { if ($array) { $array = 'True' ; } else { $array = 'False' ; } } } else { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $array[$key] = $this->recusive_bool2Str_array($value) ; } } return $array ; } private function encode_msg($msg) { return json_encode($this->recusive_bool2Str_array($msg)); } private function decode_msg($msg) { return $this->recusive_str2Bool_array(json_decode($msg, true)); } private function send($msg) { // not connected ? nothing to do. if (! $this->isConnect()) return $this ; $jsonMsg = $this->encode_msg($msg) . "\n"; @socket_write($this->_socket, $jsonMsg, strlen($jsonMsg)); return $this ; } private function createMsg($msgType) { if ($msgType < 0 or $msgType >= count(self::$msgType)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('msgType must be betwwen 0 and '.count(self::$msgType).', given : '.$msgType); $msg = array ( 'Client' => array ( 'ClientGuid' => $this->_uuid, 'Name' => $this->_clientName, 'Coalition' => 0, 'RadioInfo' => NULL, 'Position' => array ( 'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'z' => 0 ), 'ClientChannelId' => NULL, ), 'MsgType' => $msgType, 'Clients' => $this->_response['Clients'], 'ServerSettings' => $this->_response['ServerSettings'], 'ExternalAWACSModePassword' => $this->_response['ExternalAWACSModePassword'], 'Version' => $this->_version ) ; return $msg ; } }
  9. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3292676&postcount=1 Wonderfull optimization ... :D
  10. Sorry BoosterX, and thank a lot for translate !
  11. Salut Exo7, Je vais parler en FR parce que bon .. la flemme de parler en anglais. Donc, oui ca marche parfaitement, il faut juste : - Avoir la dernière version de windows 10 (revision 1709) - Brancher le Lenovo Explorer (LE ensuite), qui va lancer l'installation de Windows Mixed Reality - Faire la configuration du LE - Installer Steam - Lancer Steam, et installer Steam VR (logo VR à coté des trois bouton "réduire, agrandir, quitter") - Dans le Steam store, installer "Windows Mixed Reality For Steam VR" Voilà c'est prêt ! Maintenant il faut : - Lancer Windows Mixed Reality - Lancer Steam VR - Lancer (enfin) DCS World et là magie magie ... tout se lance ! Steam VR s'en fout de savoir si ton DCS est une version steam ou pas, dès qu'il détecte le lancement de DCS, il le projète dans le LE. Simple rapide efficace ! Ergo. (Sorry for no french user, not time to reply in english, and Exo and me are frenchs ;) )
  12. The simulation's world is in mourning today. It was a pleasure to meet and exchange some words with him in the "Mondial de la Simulation". Accessible and discreet to wear it behind the scenes many simulators today. I comfort myself by saying that there is probably still a lot of things that this man with a big heart leave us all. What better for you than to join the sky. Rest in Peace Jim.
  13. Hi, Very nice mode. But your screen is only in external view. Did-you have creating new cockpit or modification for F-16 / Tornado / EF ? Did-you have internal (cockpit) view of this aircraft ? Witch Cockpit / mdv base is used for this aircraft ? Other question about compatibilty with other mod ? Or Update ED Systems ? Regards, Ergo.
  14. Ergo


    Sur FC2 le Su33 n'avait pas de pilote automatique lors du ravitaillement. La "seule" nuance était la mise à souple des commandes de vol. Coté FC3 : La grosse évolution du ravito sur Su33 c'est qu'il faut maintenant aller cherche le panier, alors qu'avant le venait sur l'avion. Un autre soucis : le F-15C activant son pilote automatique, il ne faut pas UN poil de vent de travers. Car le tanker corrige sa dérive mais pas le pilote automatique du F-15C .. résultat, ca décroche rapidement. Enfin ne pas oublier que sans communication radio ... le tanker vous passera sous le nez sans broncher que ce soit Su33 ou F-15C.
  15. Bug already added in bug list. (Thanks 159th_Viper :thumbup:) For test, i have made a specific mission with 2 Su27 (human) versus 4 MiG23 just armed with R-24R. (Fox-One without TWS possibility) In the 2 Su27, one is for human-server, and second for human-client. In same time 2 MiG23 shoot on 2 Su27. The Su27-server have SPO alert, but Su27-client don't have lock alert and hard-lock alter (missile launch). In FC2 this bug is present in all aircraft with SPO. But for FC3 i just test it with Su27. It might be the same problem on all Su (27/33/25/25T) and Mig29 (G/S/A) flyable.
  16. For 54 - SU33/27, Mig29 RWR does not indicate A.I. missile launch i have create specific thread : http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=1601517
  17. Wags, when you have 2 minute : http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=1601517
  18. Firstly sorry for my bad English, but i will try to explain my bug. We have this bug since LockOn FC2 and is always not fixed ! (Just tested on FC3 this night) When client is lock or hard-lock (missile launch) by an enemy IA aircraft, client don't have SPO alert. SPO just inform a scan by enemy aircraft. All worlds are important, to reproduce this bug you need to be : - A client aircraft (no the server pilot) - with SPO (Su27 / Su33 / MiG29) - To be lock or hard-lock (missile lauch) - By an enemy IA aircraft This bug is the most important bug on FC2 when we fly with Su27 / Mig29 or Su33 aircraft. (I am very surprise to view this bug on FC3) Please can you fix-it urgently, and have a return of you ! Thanks. Ergo
  19. La carte Afga est toujours en développement ... comme Nevada, elle attend EDGE. Et le type (Batou) est seul sur le projet... même si il a de temps à autre un peu d'aide ;) Ergo.
  20. Si on reste dans la logique de FC1 et FC2 ... pour FC3 ont aura besoin de prouver qu'on a au moins LockOn-MAC ou sup. pour installer FC3. Ca viens du fait que ED n'a pas les droits dessus, si je dis pas de bêtise.
  21. Hello guys, Since several days i tried to convert UTM data to GPS data : In miz file, i extract mission and for each (x,y) coordinate i want to have the gps (lat,long). I have fond this : http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/UsefulData/UTMFormulas.htm Any people have an example of worked code to convert UTM to GPS which it works whith DCS systems ? For exemple (310903.8 , 4970694.3) => (42°9'56" , 42°42'39"). (I have used Mission Editor). Thanks ! Ergo.
  22. Bonjour, J'ai depuis quelque jours Avira (mon anti-virus) qui me dis que les fichiers dcs.exe et simulateur.exe sont malvéillant et contiennent un cheval de trois. Pour le moment j'ignore l'alerte, mais j'aimerai savoir si le problème est réel ou si il s'agit véritablement d'un faux positif de mon antivirus. Versions : Antivir Avira & Moteur de recherche & Fichier de définition de virus Rapports : Recherche débutant dans 'D:\Programmes\Eagle Dynamics\DCS A-10C\bin\x86\dcs.exe' D:\Programmes\Eagle Dynamics\DCS A-10C\bin\x86\dcs.exe [RESULTAT] Contient le cheval de Troie TR/Crypt.EPACK.Gen2 Recherche débutant dans 'D:\Programmes\Eagle Dynamics\LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2\bin\x86\stable\simulator.exe' D:\Programmes\Eagle Dynamics\LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2\bin\x86\stable\simulator.exe [RESULTAT] Contient le cheval de Troie TR/Crypt.EPACK.Gen2 Recherche débutant dans 'D:\Programmes\Eagle Dynamics\DCS - Black Shark\Backup\bin\stable\dcs.exe' D:\Programmes\Eagle Dynamics\DCS - Black Shark\Backup\bin\stable\dcs.exe [RESULTAT] Contient le cheval de Troie TR/Crypt.EPACK.Gen2
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