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Everything posted by Vlad333

  1. https://hispapanels.com/tienda/en/80-a-10-thunderbolt-ii
  2. https://github.com/gadjet/1602-OLED-Arduino-Library
  3. This device does not load the video card, but the processor. I do not know how much it will affect FPS, until I tested it.
  4. The image will be cloned if you connect two monitors to the HDMI and VGA outputs of this device.
  5. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32914176830.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dlpVLm0
  6. https://thewarthogproject.com/displays https://www.ebay.com/itm/IIC-I2C-2002-20x02-OLED-Module-Display-For-Arduino-PIC-AVR-ARM/131059330863?hash=item1e83beaf2f:g:EWQAAOxy4t1SmHym CMSC.ino CMSP.ino
  7. Sorry, my code doesn't work for you. The A-10 does it differently. The F-14 does not have the ability to display the frequency one digit at a time, but only on a common line. My code on 3rd and 4th digits works correctly, only it outputs switch position 0, 1 and 2 (1 is middle position) Can you use these lines? PILOT Dial 3 ARC-159 Frequency PILOT Dial 4 ARC-159 Frequency PILOT High ARC-159 Frequency
  8. Try to rewrite my code for A-10c with a library "TM1637TinyDisplay6.h" 333.ino
  9. Yes. I have updated the bootloader via Arduino-IDE. I updated one ward with an old loader and the other adduino with a new loader. Both arduinos worked well.
  10. Yes. I had good MAX487. But some arduinos didn't want to work with them. The PX and RX LEDs were off. After my experiments, sketches stopped loading on these arduins. I upgraded the bootloaders and everything worked fine.
  11. Try updating your Arduino bootloader. It helped me.
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