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  1. No one plays the old F-15 campaign from FC2?
  2. Hi guys, I've seen posts about individual mission from FC2 and opening them successfully using the mission editor in FC3. But is it possible to add the whole F-15 Campaign from FC2 into FC3. Every time I open the old campaign in FC3 campaign editor and try and add the F-15 .cmp file it fails to load up. Any help please, i really like the old F-15 campaign from FC2....
  3. i cant get my clip to fit on my Corsair 2000 wireless cans... appears the side is too thick and wide. I use a rubber band, crude but works...
  4. Couple of qu's please guys Hi Guys, How do i get the flight plan and waypoints on the f10 map? I find navigating around diff without the map. Does anyone else find the ground objects & planes quite small in this game? I've been up in lots of planes and find the planes & ground objects easy to track n view. Also in games like ROF and the IL2 series the planes n ground objects r much easier to see. I went up in an RAF hawk a few years back & planes n ground stuff were much easier to see & track(realise the PC monitor issue but....) Thanx
  5. Same for me only joy_x and joy_Y, no joy_rx. But it does appear to work ok. the slewing is all over the place though, even with the saturation changed. I wanted the same smooth movement you get in DCS a-10c slewing.
  6. How'd you get the acquisition symbol to move around on the VSD/radar screen properly? In dcs a-10 its auto mapped to my warthog throttle. Anyway to assign it in the game without using target? Thx
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