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About paco2002

  • Birthday 04/02/2002

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, War Thunder
  • Location
    Alicante, Spain
  • Interests
    Planes, Helicopters and cars

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  1. Yes, this should be added soon! It's truly a gamechanger
  2. If you think the plane should not have a weapon, just don't use it.
  3. Hello! I just found a bug with the defenses of the Nimitz class. As you can see on this track, the CWIS from left side of the ship, will shoot trough himself to destroy a target on the right side. SuperCarrier_CWIS_BUG.trk
  4. It's the most honest answer I could give. I feel bad for the state of the KA-50 (And other old school modules). Ka-5 has long term bugs, from years ago, and they don't mind fixing them... Take the answer with a grain of salt
  5. Hi Max, please, upload a track to test your issue in other machines, I will try on mine as soon as you upload it.
  6. It could be that the auto-stop sequence activates the wheel chokes but the auto-start doesn't removes it? Puede ser que el auto-apagado active los calzos de ruedas, pero que el auto-arranque no los quite?
  7. Hi, I've been testing, and it looks like there are no raindrops on canopy, tested on Syria, in SP and track attached ReportNoRaindropKA50.trk
  8. Hi! This is a request to add the ability to remove the dust covers on the engine By default, the engine comes with dust covers (Photo 1) If damaged, ONLY RIGHT engine will lose its dust cover (Photo 2) To my surprise if you clip inside the LEFT engine, the one who doesn't loses the dust covers has the inside engine modelled the same way as the RIGHT engine, even tho you cannot see it due to the dust cover (Photo 3) It would be too hard to make this a feature of the module? For sure, not the best if it's going to operate on a dusty place, but having the ability to remove would be great to see
  9. Is there an update on this?
  10. Hi! The gusight camera appears on the cockpit even the gunsight camera has been selected as dismounted in the client special options, while joining a MP server (host cannot be the client) This bug has been running for years, please fix! Specials options should work no matter what server you join nullServer used for testing: 4YA TRINING CAUCASUS PVE V2.0 US 1
  11. In case you are heavy with bombs, I recommend you to use the MPR switch to give your engine an extra boost on takeoff. No limit of time for that engine mode, but you will consume more fuel
  12. There are major 3D bugs reported from December 2020 and still not addressed, so I wouldn't bother on asking for a fix. It isn't going to come
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