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Everything posted by scorpion80

  1. https://forum.dcs.world/topic/170893-dcs-world-changelog-and-updates-of-open-beta/?do=findComment&comment=5355601
  2. When pilot and copilot enter in a brand new uh1 and pilo begin to make the ramp start, copilot is unable to see rotor or whatelse coming to life. If copilot come in hely when the rampstart is ended, then he’ll have a sync hely.
  3. As @SMH said, seems the battery died. Normal thing for the Huey. Use the external power if you can and let us know.
  4. Now Huey is a Vietnam'copter with the F18 engine... and the consumption too.. Thanks to ED for ruining one of the few good modules done from' em (ah, no.. Bellsim did it)
  5. Same problem for the AI gunner... they begin fire and don't stop till munition ends
  6. Mio al day one. Nella speranza che si svegli anche qualcun altro ed inizino a fare UH60 e quant altro.
  7. Ah... a me i buoni benzina e agli altri al 3080TI... bravo!
  8. To Do Before EA Release Stabilator Flight Dynamics Hold Modes Heading Attitude Altitude Engine Start APU Engine Starters Engine and Rotor Parameters (network synch) George Engine Operation (Engine and Main Rotor RPM) Cooperative Multiplayer Synching Initial Damage Model with Flight and Systems Effects George as CP/G UK and Dutch Skins Stores Jettison Panel Improve pilot animation Fix bugs with HI UI Assets Wallpaper Module Icon Loading Screen Mi viene da sorridere.... manca completamente la parte di avviamento e gestione...
  9. Oddio... è risorto?!
  10. Mi stavo giusto chiedendo cosa potessero aver messo come screen stavolta... i rivetti del timone di coda? I buffer del rotore? I filamenti delle lampadine? No.. I pattini. Con tanto di materiale anti scivolo. Chapeau.
  11. As stated in title, tried yesterday night. Turned co-pilot and door-gunner in free fire. Payload was 4 M134. With enemy in front, without obstacle, clean line of fire, co-pilot doesn't fire at all. With enemy in visual, without obstacle, clean line of fire, AI-door-Gunner fire for a small amount of time (enemy wasn't dead) Maps was Syria. Anything wrong or Gunners are broken again? Thanks
  12. https://imgproc.airliners.net/photos/airliners/3/2/0/4015023.jpg?v=v4d382a5249b Non mi sembra così complesso...
  13. Effettivamente arriva il freddo...
  14. E'fantastico come ogni tanto ritornino fuori questi.. sempre con gli stessi screen...
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