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  1. hello everyone, do you know if the tacan can switch to the Yankee band? if so how do we do it?
  2. A big thank you for your two examples! They work. It remains to be seen why it did not work in my mission
  3. Hello guys! I'm looking for a way to make a ship patrol indefinitely. I have already tried several solutions: - Advanced ME option: Switch to a waypoint => Does not work - Moose script: UNIT:Patrol or GROUP:Patrol => Does not work - Mist script: mist.ground.patrol('NAME-OF-CARRIER-GROUP') => Does not work Does anyone have a solution or an example of a simple mission that I can adapt? Thank you for your help.
  4. Hello all, I would like to know to desactivate missile training script or change the missile's self-destruct distance without using the menu. When I look at the MissileTrainer.lua file, I can't find a good function entry. Can someone help me please? I've asked this question about moose discord before but no one has answered me yet. Thanks
  5. Hello, I would like to spawn enemy planes using the F10 menu, and keep the opportunity to destroy them using this same menu. I created a script with moose, but the planes refuse to disappear when I use the destroy command. I also checked that they didn't have a name (just a number) despite the "InitKeepUnitNames" option. Could someone who knows Moose please help me? Thank you in advance. do -- Add main menu radio local MenuCoalitionBlue = MENU_COALITION:New( coalition.side.BLUE, "A/A targets manage" ) -- Respawn zones table local ZoneTable = { ZONE:New( "SpawnZone1" ), ZONE:New( "SpawnZone2" ) , ZONE:New( "SpawnZone3" ) , ZONE:New( "SpawnZone4" )} -- #SPAWN class local SpawnClasTargetPlane local function SpawnTargetPlane() SpawnClassTargetPlane = SPAWN :New( "TARGET_PLANE" ) :InitKeepUnitNames(true) :InitLimit( 2, 1 ) -- :InitLimit( 2, 20 ) :InitRandomizeZones( ZoneTable ) :SpawnScheduled( 10, .5 ) end local function DestroyTargetPlanes() if SpawnClassTargetPlane:IsAlive then SpawnClassTargetPlane:Destroy(true) end end -- Add second menu radio local MenuSpawnTargetPlane = MENU_COALITION_COMMAND:New( coalition.side.BLUE, "spawn target plane", MenuCoalitionBlue, SpawnTargetPlane ) local MenuDestroy = MENU_COALITION_COMMAND:New( coalition.side.BLUE, "Remove all target plane", MenuCoalitionBlue, DestroyTargetPlanes ) end -- do Spawn_AA_light.lua
  6. Hello, A friend would fly with us, but he can't answer to this post (need to wait 24hours). Could you register HaRiBoYT in Mirage 2000C please ? thanks a lot
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