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Everything posted by Akiazusa

  1. Hi, I've updated OP to reflect the data checking done for Cl-δA and Cn-δA, and listed the remaining issues that could contribute to each other.
  2. All I see is unexciting things with super stable nose, and no sign of nose slice or sideslip excursions. That's why I filed a bug report about the absence of adverse yaw at high AOA. Rudder deflection limits and toe-in/out are completely irrelevant in my testing, since MSRM is activated and all the feedbacks in the control loop are removed. You basically have direct and maximum control of the aileron and the rudder. Those are called Departure Training Flight, and you can find the instruction cards from https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/2312/ NATOPS only have a shallow description of the FBW system. For a more thorough and deep reading I would suggest the following reading list: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19920024293/downloads/19920024293.pdf from page 83 https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/2312/ https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/2372/ This is an example of over-comprehension. The FCS do have a Rudder Pedal to Rolling Surface interconnect function, or rudder to roll crossfeed, similar to the Rolling Surface to Rudder Interconnect (RSRI), only that the logic runs backwards. This is to deflect the aileron in the same direction as the rudder input, and is only active above 13 deg AOA (Roll Function 39). Since it has a positive gain (RK10), it will never cause a negative roll as you described. The block diagram at page 101 of the NASA document listed above explains that in detail.
  3. Hi, Just tested, if you try activating the MSRM at 40-50 AOA, you'll also get an opposite roll by the rudder input, while bypassing the flight computer.
  4. If talking about spin recovery, this would be another issue. Acccording to yet another reference document https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/2312/ , the upgraded flight computer (which we have by the hornet version in DCS), is capable of killing yaw motion, even a slow rate spin. Since the computer is actually using the above mentioned adverse yaw, to actively drive the aileron and the differential stabs to oppose the yaw rate. If there weren't any adverse yaw available, I can't imagine how this mechanic can work. But anyways, this thread is about pure aerodynamics, so I chose to activate MSRM to bypass the computer.
  5. Hello, I was talking about intentional falling leaf entry. A falling leaf is not the same as a spin. The entry procedure is described in the tennessee paper: MSRM Falling Leaf Entry: 1. Stabilize at wings level, 0.5 IMN /40K (145 KCAS). 2. Select spin recovery switch to RCVY to enter MSRM and reduce power to IDLE. 3. Establish dive angle of approximately 20 degrees. 4. Smoothly apply full aft stick and hold. 5. Apply lateral stick to generate sideslip (some side-to-side cycling may be necessary to generate largest sideslip). 6. Neutralize controls. Falling leaf motion is characterized by large sustained oscillatory yaw rate motion with approximate 5 second period. Allow motion to persist for two cycles or until 25,000 feet altitude. 7. Recover by selecting spin recovery switch to NORM and neutralizing controls. Falling leaf motion should be damped promptly after CAS is enabled due to the sideslip rate feedback and other control law features incorporated in the upgraded flight control system. See if you can generate enough sideslip to initiate an in-phase yaw and roll oscillation, just like the one in the video.
  6. In addition to the control surface effectiveness discussed earlier, the yaw static stability, also known as the Cnβ parameter, likely plays a significant role in the insufficient sideslip excursion experienced in the track file. As Cnβ is expected to become negative above 30 degrees AOA, the aircraft would naturally tend to diverge from its original zero-sideslip state once sideslip is initiated. This characteristic should be contributing to the difficulty in establishing and maintaining sideslip during maneuvers at high AOA when MSRM is engaged, that all the feedbacks are removed from control loop. Still from NASA: Another track of attempting to generate large sideslip, but any sideslip excursions will soon reduce to zero, as if it's statically stable: F18 MSRM sideslip generation prolonged.trk
  7. If anyone succeeded by using the MSRM falling leaf entry procedure please tell me:
  8. Hello, But I'm not seeing much adverse yaw in the track file. While I appreciate the confirmation that the underlying aerodynamic data is correct, there seems to be a disconnect between this data and how it is actually translated to roll rate and yaw rate in game. In the track, when I'm testing with a full right stick at 40-50 AOA with MSRM activated, I'm expecting the nose to slice to the left, but all I got is a roll to the right, and there's not any perceivable yaw motion. If you consider how the spin arrow works, it directs the pilot to move the stick into the spin direction. This is using adverse yaw to stop a yaw motion. But how can it stop a spin if adverse yaw is very weak like what is shown in my track? From another reference document https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/2372, it says in the MSRM falling leaf entry procedure that: "Apply lateral stick to generate sideslip (some side-to-side cycling may be necessary to generate largest sideslip)." This is what I actually did in the track. But as you can see there's not much sideslip generated that can throw me into a falling leaf.
  9. This report details inconsistencies in the DCS F/A-18C Hornet's flight model behavior at high Angles of Attack (AOA), especially the stability and controllability derivatives, comparing public wind tunnel data by NASA, and other papers. Issues: 1. Minimal Adverse Yaw: At high AOA (around 40-50 degrees), the aircraft exhibits minimal adverse yaw during aileron deflection rolling maneuvers with MSRM activated. This is unrealistic, as real Hornets experience significant adverse yaw at these AOA due to asymmetric induced-drag generated by both the aileron and the differiential stabs. 2. Excessive Roll Control Authority: At high AOA, the ailerons & differiential stabs appear to retain an unrealistic amount of roll control authority. Real F/A-18C Hornets experience a reduction by more than a half in roll control effectiveness at high AOA compared to those at 0 AOA, according the Cl-δA chart from NASA. Note that this also doesn't include the contribution by the differiential stabs. 3. Excessive Yaw Stability: Check post below. 4. Lack of departure quality: There's a lack of nose-slice and sideslip excursions that can result in a falling leaf OCF. Supporting Evidence: The report "AERODYNAMIC PARAMETERS OF HIGH-ANGLE-OF-ATTACK RESEARCH VEHICLE (HARV) ESTIMATED FROM FLIGHT DATA" (NASA TM 202692 with a link https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19900019262/downloads/19900019262.pdf) provides real-world aerodynamic coefficient data relevant to the F/A-18C. Specifically, the following parameters are crucial: Cl-δA: This coefficient represents the rolling moment generated by the aileron deflection. A decrease in this value at high AOA signifies reduced roll control effectiveness. Checked by ED. Cl due to differential stabs: Not included in the NASA document. But worth checking. Cn-δA: This coefficient represents the yawing moment generated by the aileron deflection. A positive value at high AOA signifies adverse yaw. Checked by ED. Cn due to differential stabs: Not included in the NASA document, so the total amount of adverse yaw moement should be higher than a single Cn-δA. Cn-β: Check post below. The data from this report can be used to compare with the current flight model's behavior and identify discrepancies. Testing Information: MSRM (manual spin recovery mode) is used for separate control surface manipulation. Turn on the MSRM switch to the rightside of the right DDI before testing. Thank you for your time and consideration. Video link: https://packaged-media.redd.it/uk23tvykr6uc1/pb/m2-res_480p.mp4?m=DASHPlaylist.mpd&v=1&e=1713337200&s=f9d5e02a332e95290ab60fe357a05fb884d866ab#t=0 F18 no adverse yaw at high AOA.trk
  10. When interrogating modules like Mirage F1,they can for example,only using IFF responds from mode 1,2 or 3,to find a specific aircraft ahead of them if the mode 1,2,3 code is known,or even an enemy one who left the code on their transponder to the default number and forget to turn off mode 1,2,3 on his IFF transponder before entering the combat zone since mode 1,2,3 is not encrypted. For the IFF mode 4 equipped aircraft,you have to set the correct encrypted A/B code and turn the mode4 to on,or people flying M2000/F15E can't using their iff mode 4 to tell if you are a friendly.( the one who is being interrogated will get a waning light/tone from the IFF transponder when this happens)(if your aircraft don't have iff mode 4, they can still use mode 1,2,3 to find you if you tell them your iff code) For F-15E/M2000C interrogating modules like FC3 planes,or even F-16/F-18 interrogating others,it works like a magic IFF mode 4,this IFF mode 4 is always on and it's A/B code is always correct,you will always get a possible return as long as the plane being interrogated is on your side,no matter what code is set in the virtual cockpit panel.The only thing you need to worry is to turn on the transponder and the interrogator during the cold start. And of course the mode 1,2,3 is unavailable.
  11. They are here, but some of them don't have the "3rd Party Developers" tag under their forum id.
  12. You mean the Yellow Caution Light? It seems that you did something casing the CALC(the engine control computer)falls to the backup mode(Sec CALC).(old era computer limit,if you push the engine too much,the computer can sometimes get confused and think there is an error, thus falling back to the backup mode),you can't use afterburner with a CALC in the backup mode You can reset the CALC by temporarily placing the SEC CALC switch to the rearm position,witch will clear the error and reset the engine computer( It's a yellow switch located at the most left-rear end of the cockpit), then you can use the afterburner again without problem
  13. Hi... I noticed some circuit breakers seems not functions correctly.(only a few out of dozens,most of them are modeled very well) (I know this is boring but still........) 1.CB AILERON DISC L/AILERON DISC R Right now in the game if the CB is popped,the aileron disconnector disengages immediately,but the manual states it should stays in the last position if CB is popped. A-10C CB AILERON DISC LR.trk 2.CB AILERON TAB L/AILERON TAB R Right now in the game it seems doesn't do anything. If I understand the manual currently,it should let the roll Manual Reversion Flight Control System aileron shifters stay in their last positions,inhibit L-AIL TAB/R-AIL TAB caution lights and open the MRFCS related HYD shut off values thus preventing MRFCS system from cutting HYD power. A-10C CB AILERON TAB LR.trk 3.CB Engine START L/Engine START R Right now it's only partially implemented.It will make ENG starters and IGN inop,which is right,but it should also make the associated MAIN FUEL LOW and MAIN PUMPS caution lights inop,and make the logic of automatically fuel transfer from external tanks to the main tanks when the MAIN FUEL LOW light is triggered inop (by the way this automatically fuel transfer logic is currently not in the game) A-10C CB Engine START LR.trk 4.CB IFF Currently in the game, the IFF panel still receives power if this CB is pulled. A-10C CB IFF.trk 5.CB SPS & RUDDER AUTH LIMIT It seems doesn't do anything in the game now,it should disable the rudder travel limiter(which limit rudder travel range above 240kts) and also make the SPS tone(Stall Prevention System tone) inop A-10C CB SPS & RUDDER AUTH LIMIT.trk 6.CB LAND GEAR Apart from what's already in the game,it should also make normal wheel brake inop In the game pulling this CB also prevents lower the gear using the AUX gear handle from happening(first opening the LAND GEAR circuit breaker, placing the landing gear handle DOWN and finally pulling out the auxiliary landing gear extension handle),which doesn't seem right. A-10C CB LAND GEAR.trk A-10C CB LAND GEAR AUX GEAR EXT.trk 7.CB BLEED AIR CONT L/BLEED AIR CONT R It seems doesn't do anything in the game now,it should open the associated bleed air valve. A-10C CB BLEED AIR CONT LR.trk 8.CB GENERATOR CONT L/GENERATOR CONT R It seems doesn't do anything in the game now,it should prevent generator from engaging.(If the generators are already on the line when the CB is popped,there will be no effect;if the generators are offline when the CB is popped,you can't engage them again unless you push the CB back in) A-10C Generator CONT LR.trk 9.CB STBY ATT IND The manual states that the SAI will still available for maximum 9 minutes after pulling the CB,but in the sim pulling the CB will just instantly disable the SAI. A-10C CB STBY ATT IND.trk In my testings,all other CBs are simulated pretty well. All things above are based on my limited understanding of the manual.....feel free to correct me if anything is wrong ":)"
  14. Hi,as titled,it's just a less exciting feature. The fuel from external fuel tanks should automatically transfer to the main tanks even if the external tank switches are off, once main tank low level switch is actuated due to low fuel. This logic of fuel system is mentioned both in the 1999 A-10A manual and 2011 A-10C manual. But currently not in our sim. (Please correct me if it got removed irl for some reason) As most system of the A-10C is simulated very well in our sim,just few exceptions. Any chance for a small fix for this? Thanks.
  15. Hi,sorry for bringing up this topic again despite it's already reported. But since the team is pushing the development of A-10C recently,is there any chance to let the team have a quick look of this issue. It seems that in the A-10C_2\Cockpit\Scripts\clickabledata.lua or A-10C\Cockpit\Scripts\clickabledata.lua The current content of the line 700 in both files are. But most other lines related to similar buttons of UFC is ended with for example: So I tried adding the same "nil, nil, false" to the line 700,like this And this problem is gone. No more double spaces insert after the editing. It works both for A-10C and A-10C II.
  16. Realistic SNS+INS for A-10C?! Finally it's going to be implemented for this old classic. I'm really looking forward to it!
  17. Good idea,I'm going to try the level flight AP next time I fly it. And you too,have a great weekend
  18. Hi there,sorry for the late replay. It seems that when engage the alt hold,the system will remember the current altitude reading from the altimeter. But instead of flying the aircraft to that altitude using the current altimeter setting,the AP will command the aircraft to that altitude but using 760mmHg. For example your altimeter setting is 780mmHg,so your current altitude reading from altimeter should be "X" meters higher than in 760mmHg When you engage the alt hold with an altitude reading of 2000 m and altimeter setting of 780mmHg,the AP will climb to a new altitude of (2000+"X")m under altimeter setting of 780mmHg,if you keep flying level and change the altimeter setting back to 760mmHg now,your altimeter reading should be right at 2000m. TL/DR When alt hold trying to memorize your current altitude and before it send that to AP,it will consider your altimeter setting. But when the AP commanding the aircraft,it will always use 760mmHg.
  19. Yes,I understand you that on some aircraft if you change the altimeter setting after the AP already entered the alt hold mode,the ap will be affected by that and result in a climb/dive. But on su25t if you change altimeter setting before you even engage the autopilot(ie before you take off you want to set your altimeter setting to your local QNH/QFE,and after take off for some reason you want to use altitude hold),then when you engage the autopilot,the ap will still be affected by that,which seems odd to me.
  20. Hi. I recently noticed when playing su25t,the altitude hold on it won't hold current altitude if you change altimeter setting away from 760mmHg using Rshift plus +/- keys. The autopilot will command the aircraft to climb/dive to an new altitude and hold the aircraft there,instead of just maintaining the current altitude. The more the pressure setting is away from 760mmHg,the more the aircraft will climb/dive away from the initial altitude. Su-25T AP alt hold .trk Hope the team could take a look. Best regards
  21. That's the overspeed warning
  22. yeah,some people have experienced the same thing during ILS AP approach and reported it on their discord. They already noticed this and are going to fix it. Before the fix arrive,you could try approaching a bit faster or lowering gear a bit later,as this low speed rocking only happens when the gear is down.
  23. I'm using the hot fix files and the radio menus are clickable for me. For the HUD if you are using the ST version of DCS nothing should be different from before,except a small fix related to the backup sight(AFAIK). for the MT version of DCS there is a some problem with HUD brightness I think.(the brightness of some HUD symbols are not changeable under MT)but I'm not sure if it's the green shade you have.
  24. The fix for Sun Glasses and Aux Gunsight didn't make it into the patch,although they are mentioned in the changelog. Here is the full fix from the discord made by Kercheiz.(3 files in total,clickabledata.lua,HUD_page_NAV.lua and HelmetIndicator.lua) M2000C_2.8.3_hotfix_breaks_IC.zip
  25. nice to know that,seems it was forgotten by the changelog,I'm gonna try it out
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