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  1. Eldur's post in Canopy tint vs visibility, especially in VR was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for your comments. It actually was the 3Dmigoto mod not working properly for me, I use it to reduce the haze intensity to 0.4 since the Mustang shader isn't working anymyore. Well, that and my crappy eyes (need some more post-cataract-surgery laser shots into my left eye actually). Hadn't been flying any other modules after the Apache release, so I thought it was just it. With the mod, I can see things much better, and it also has some options that Reshade would supply, I may even try playing around with those. Also, switching the monocle off made it a bit better, but I'd prefer to have the immersion of it being visible.
  2. Eldur's post in Landing with NWS was marked as the answer   
    I took off with NWS off as well. I switch it off as soon as the speed indicator comes to life, just by experience with other DCS modules. And mostly I paddle after touchdown, but I "forgot" to do that once or twice already, without getting any issues though.
    But: There are two ways to control yaw more precise on landing that can also be used:
    1 Toe brakes
    2 reverse aileron
    As for the latter one: stick to the left: yaw right and the other way round. This happens because you decrease the area of airbrake on the side that you're pointing your stick away from. Good old trick, works very well.
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