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Flight Simulators





  1. I have not tested this on any other map or airfield but when placing the B-1B as an uncontrolled unit at least at Abu Dhabi Int. the Gear/Wheels keep moving up and down. Track provided. B-1B Wheels Bug.trk
  2. When online, using uncontrolled AI helos on the ramp as targets or as scenery, some helos in each AI group are invisible to the client. Note 5 helos parked in the mission: 3 Hips and 2 Hinds. Note the TGP footage showing only 3 helos: 2 Hips and 1 Hind. This is easily reproducible with a dedicated server.
  3. Since some updates a triggered radio transmission will start to produce a static noise on the radio frequency selected, as if the sender doesn't stop transmitting. It is not related to squelch settings. In the AH-64D the noise can't be stopped by pulling the knob (radio to off). Master Volume affects the static noise, but not individual radio volumes. Only if you switch the frequency the static noise stops (so I suspect it is related to the specific frequency used in the trigger).
  4. Slingloading Bug in Multiplayer and Singleplayer since version not fixed again ... Cargo gently unhooked on the ground jumps into the air or several metres to the side. To a spectator, it looks as if the external load is mounted on a metal rod directly through the cockpit to the front during the flight. What a pity! At least the UH-1 load works on the ‘Rotorheads Server’. Some other external loads flip upside down after being hooked onto the rope and cause the helicopter to shake wildly, causing the pilot to ‘black out’. And then there has been this other slingloading bug for years, which requires a 15° inclination of the helicopter so that the external load does not swing up completely unmotivated. (Aerobatics Europe Syria-20250122-213829) Aerobatics Europe Syria-20250120-234532.trk Aerobatics Europe Syria-20250122-213829.trk
  5. Hi everyone, In the changelog, the following is mentioned: However, post update the lights appear unchanged to how they appeared when the issue with them was first reported, in this now locked post: S-3B_ARS_lights2.trk
  6. First, thanks for providing the additional skins for the remastered F-5. Tested with DCS/ Three notes I need to make: 1. all three Iranian skins lack the textures for the intake covers: 2. all three Iranian skins lack the textures for the tail pipe covers: 3. SEA Camo skin shows the red stars on the tail pipe covers. As only the Aggressor Skins show this, it's not intended to be that way Track lists all planes as static aircraft on the ramp with all the skins. 20250122_F5E_skins_Iran_covers_no_texture.trk
  7. Not much to say really, I am sure ED are werll aware the landing and aerobrake performance of the current jet are a long way from reality. If not just ask any SME to comment on it or watch Movers vids. Just would be nice if landing wasn't super-simplified, and the aerobrake wasn't so difficult to obtain/maintain. Mover has stated it should easily just hold a nose-high atitude with minimal backstick - currently need a LOT of backstick to get the nose up and maintained down to 100ish knots. The flight controls shouldn't stop working/lose a bunch of lift as soon as you touch the ground.
  8. I've noticed for some time now on the A-10C II that the 3 rack laser guided M282 MPP APKWS on the BRU-42 3x LAU-131's on stations 5 and 8 fire, but the rockets never leave the pod, visually. So when you shoot them all it will still show a full load on the external view. Even as you are firing them it won't show one missing or however many you shoot. Thank you in advance! You guys kick ass, thank you for all of your hard work!
  9. It's really obvious in VR when you move your head around, not so much in 2D. I tried to make a screenshot to illustrate. The panels around the cockpit frame, in the front, between the cockpit glass and the guns, is missing. Same thing on the laterals, if you tick your head out in VR is really jarring.
  10. Hi everyone, The recent update has introduced some unexpected behaviour for the AI when performing a racetrack orbit. Unlike previously, where upon activation of the task the AI would fly directly to the next waypoint before making its 180° left turn, now, upon activation of the task, the AI immediately performs a 180° turn to the right, immediately followed by a 180° turn to the left. They will then fly to the next waypoint, make a correcting turn to the right and then commence the 180° left turn to begin the racetrack. Fortunately, subsequent "laps" of the racetrack are perfectly excuted - completely as expected and the AI no longer needs to make corrections upon finishing a turn, which is fantastic to see. However, the initial behaviour upon activation is undesirable, especially for practice missions with tankers and receivers that start from the air. There’s no reason for the initial right, followed by left turn, all it does is displace the aircraft laterally from the intended course line and it's only something the AI later corrects when reaching the first turn. Instead, what should happen is that the AI should proceed to the next waypoint as it did before, perform its 180° turn, fly the reciprocal course until it reaches the start point, do another 180° turn and so on, as it does for subsequent laps. Orbit_2.9.12.5336.trk
  11. The updates says that the player is now invulnerable during the IGLA attack. I just flew the mission, and sad to say I was NOT invulnerable! Took a heater to the Hornet and knocked out all of my electronics.
  12. Hi, Playing the campaign (which remains great) and, unfortunately I have to let the 14th mission down. Doesn't work at all. After Sandy 62 get freelance order, she flies to WPT Carpet then just RTB to mother! In fact I do absolutely not understand what I am supposed to do. Where, how, speed, angel. No idea. I overfly the firt outpost, but did not get a F10 option immediatly. The option came later on. I overfly the second big before Carpet. No F10 menu either. Not clear. Sandy (which is far away) informs about the APC. OK I take it down. As she's away, I take the Trucks and the ZU-23 position too. After all of them are dead... nothing. Well surely a lot of triggers are broken. I skip it. More simple. Cheers. Dan DCS Stable
  13. Built and flew a mission last night on the Iraq map. Weather settings as follows: Light Scattered 1, 04:30 start June 30th, Fog = Off 90 min into the mission 2 of the group report they cant see due to the fog thickness, the other 2 of the group report no fog, bright blue sky. I have watched the 2 track files attached and can report 2 very different weather systems are seen. Not sure if this is a bug, or a local setting which the 2 members have set which overrides the Mission Editor settings. Chatted briefly with @BIGNEWY on discord and he asked me to post the track files here. Track Files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16S24pKzOf94cS_ODsYx96O3Car-95A47/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/16CNvoRfpgCgDFWTSwo9D1vBPf9FqNmTJ/view?usp=sharing
  14. Pretty big bug across the board this one. All AI planes will always detect a radar missile targetting them when the missile arrives at less than 20km or so of them. That is a problem for several reasons: - even planes without a RWR detect a radar guided missile (even WW2 planes). - AI planes react to FOX 1 launches when the missile is already very close, while they should detect a fox 1 launch as soon as the missile is fired. - same problem with SAM launches, the AI reacts only when the missile is already very close (I made a pretty detailed topic on how this 'bugged' behaviour is actually more realistic than the 'correct' behaviour in DCS for some SAMs: Also, a track included of an AH-64D detecting the SA-10 launch as soon as it happens, but only defending with chaff, and maneuvering only when the missile is less than 20km or so away. More testing of helicopters on this topic is needed. AH-64D detects SA10 only chaff at first.trk F18 detects SA10 at 20km.trk FW 190 detects FOX-3.trk Su33 reacts Fox1 like fox3.trk TF51 detects radar missile.trk
  15. I just moments ago discovered the kneeboard for the Yak-52 does not accept non-keyboard control inputs. Keyboard bindings work normally, but other devices are greyed out. I double checked a couple other modules and they all still work. It's a Yak-52 problem.
  16. As the title, if any aircraft is connected to Catapult 1 no F-14 can taxi up to and get directions to connect to catapult 2. I know this is a legacy of the og undersized Stennis model, where two F-14s wouldn't fit side by side without wing overlap and the risk of collsion on launch but given that this legacy issue is now a non-factor can we please amend the logic to consign this now needless restriction to the waste bin? As the CO of a multiplayer Tomcat squadron, this is providing needless nuisance in getting our Air Wing off the deck in a timely manner. Many thanks.
  17. I did some investigating, after experiencing in various missions, AI flight members never finishing AAR, while the tanker is in orbit. I wasn't able to quickly reproduce in a simple mission, but I did notice something else (possible related to the aforementioned bug?): Perhaps intended behavior to simulate the slightly higher difficulty when air refueling in a turn (in which case: "hats off to ED" ), but during one of my missions, I noticed that it takes an AI F-16CM approximately double the time to refuel while in orbit, than it does in level flight. I tested it with two identical missions. Only in one of them, the tanker enters orbit (speeds, alt, fuel qty, distance to tanker, pilot skill ace - all identical) The level flight Viper: connect after ±50sec -> disconnect ±2mins later The orbit Viper: connect after ±50sec ->disconnect ±4mins later both miz and track files added (Fun fact: I tried the orbit version with a rookie pilot and it seemed topped off sooner than the ace pilot ) AI F-16 AAR level flight - 2min.trk AI F-16 AAR orbit - 4min.trk AI F-16 AAR level flight.miz AI F-16 AAR orbit.miz
  18. Good evening, Is there a workaround or planned update for mission 10. Due to the latest update a fence is now up on the taxi way towards the runway. Still trying to navigate through it causes damage. Solution probably to go around but haven't tested if wingman will follow suit or not.
  19. I know syria was recently updated, but trying to run M08, and the intended taxi route now has a fence thats too small for the f-16 to fit through. I tried being perfectly on the line, cheating one way or the other, with no luck. The AI wingtips just phase through.
  20. nullAs of today and since the update nothing noticeable was detected. Conducted several tests and yet the same problem persists. Ai can still see you trough vegetation, at 30k feet 40nm or more. And ground ai still can see you trough vegetation kilometers away. nulloct 23 2024 (today) oct 06 2024 *kiowa shot down by flak Came here to report the experience so far. null nullnull forgot this one.
  21. What is happening here? I was expecting the vehicle to drive rounded rectangles. But instead it seems to have a mind of its own. I truly hope ED can explain this behavior or fix it, because it is in the way of reliable vehicle movements. This is only the beginning, as i intent to hold and continue the traffic based on triggers, which seems even less reliable. task test.miznullnull
  22. Left mfcd buttons stuck on. Only in Afghanistan free flight Instant Action. a10c2 free flight afghan lmfcd button.trk
  23. FW-190A8 bomb dropping error bug, the bomb will pass through the aircraft model. 无标题视频——使用Clipchamp制作.mp4
  24. While in TWS mode and hovering the radar cursor over a System Target, it is correctly made a Cursor Target and the scan limits are correctly set to a 3-bar ±25° pattern centered on the target. However, when slewing away from the Cursor Target, scan limits are not restored. The same is true for a Bugged Target. This issue complicated workflow and pilot load in addition to being in conflict with the functionality described on page 243 of the DCS F-16C Early Access Guide by Eagle Dynamics. See the attached track file. tws_scan_limits_bug.trk
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