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Flight Simulators





  1. Infantry Equipped with JTAC Do Not Move or Embark Created a test mission which involves transporting a FAC team by helicopter. The FAC team consists of 2 dismounted infantry soldiers, 1 armed with an M4 one with the default JTAC loadout. The M4 soldier moves to waypoints and embarks Huey as tasked. The JTAC equipped soldier will not move to any waypoints nor embark on the Huey with its team. I also tried a single JTAC equipped infantry soldier in its own ground unit, same issues. Anyone come across this issue and have a fix? JTAC Test.miz
  2. Hi everyone, Would it be possible to change the 'START' time at waypoint 0 for aircraft to be desired takeoff time, for aircraft either starting from cold or hot starting from parking. Right now its function is identical to late activation, triggering 'group activate' at the time specified - which is already easily achieved (though involving a few more steps) via the triggers menu, making it redundant. Personally, it would be better if this time was the desired takeoff time, which would allow us to consider the time required to start-up and taxi (or just taxi for aircraft hot-started from the ramp). Right now, the ETA displayed only considers distance from the previous waypoint and airspeed. Of course, you can 'fix' the time and the ME will calculate the ground speed required to reach the waypoint, but if I factor in the start-up and takeoff time, it may set the speed outside of whatever the valid range is for whatever aircraft. This doesn't seem to be an issue (the ME doesn't flag an error, though it will draw a red border around the time and speed) though in aircraft like the Viggen, which has an automatically generated kneeboard containing the list of waypoints and waypoint parameters, you'll see an incorrectly calculated speed, which will conflict with HUD indications, which is obviously undesireable. This would also allow us to better define TOS directly from the mission editor, and use that to inform aircraft settings (this more applies to DTC improvements, but right now the Viggen will use the time set in the mission editor for TOS, though the problem is that it doesn't consider the time required to startup and takeoff, which leads to the above problem). This would also allow us to define a schedule for ATC to follow, which when/if it's improved should then manage aircraft such that they takeoff at the desired time (or as near to). Ideally AI aircraft would spawn at mission start (unless late activation is desired), then start-up (which should take a realistic time) at a time such that they will takeoff at (or as close to) the desired takeoff time.
  3. I have a number of new shipwrecks ready to place in the Normandy scenery. To give the scenery some variation I'd like to place the models in different 'poses', that is tilted in different degrees and axis. In my Maug movie I did that by creating and exporting individual .edm models for each pose, but I still think there must be a better and more ressourceful way (maybe a scripting hack?) of tilting an object in the scenery (as well as adjusting its height above oder under ground). Any help appreciated!
  4. to add option in the mission editor for a ai plane to be used as a aggressor role aircraft
  5. Please make a "select all" option for individual payload restrictions or even a "master select all" option. Instead of mission makers clicking dozens or hundreds of individual weapons, per aircraft. Select all would select all in that row so for example all pylons that can hold a AIM-9X Master Select all would select everything and the mission maker can go in and uncheck a smaller population compared to checking off a lot of weapons.
  6. I was making a mission where AI helicopters escorting ground units are attacked by Fox 2 missiles. The problem that is as soon as I add action "Ground Escort" to AI helicopter, it completely stops using flares. When task is removed, it uses it. Problematic configuration looks the following way (no-flares-completely-clean-saved-games.trk When I opened a ticket for this issue I received the following response: It is also inconsistent with an "Escort" task behavior: In this case helicopter uses flares (escort-task-ground-units-flares-are-used.trk), but flying pattern is really weird (escort-task-ground-units.trk). I was advised by support team to open a topic here to bring more attention to this, and this is the reason that post it here.
  7. Hi everyone, In the new (albeit non-functional) payload selection for the Arleigh Burke, the RGM-109C is called BGM_109B: The BGM-109B is the legacy designation (apart from the BGM-109G Gryphon, all BGM designations were designated to RGM (surface ship-launched) and UGM (submarine-launched) after 1986) for the TASM or Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile. What we actually have in DCS is the RGM-109C Tomahawk Block II/III (should be III) TLAM-C, which is the conventional land-attack version. As such, this should be renamed to "RGM-109C Tomahawk Block III TLAM-C" as this is what the missile actually is/should be. See this for further reading.
  8. I am trying to create mission where AI controlled helicopter will escort ground unit. As soon as I set waypoint action to "Ground Escort" it stops using flares. What am I doing wrong? no-fox2-flares-no-mods.miz escort-no-flares-for-fox2.trk
  9. Hi everyone, At the moment there's a restriction in the editor that ensures that non-amphibious ground units can only be placed on the ground - this makes a lot of sense but it does cause a couple of issues: Firstly, on the Channel Map, there's a fortification on the coast near Ambleteuse (Fort Mahon/Fort d'Ambleteuse: 50°48'19"N, 001°36'02"E), which I would like to place things like artillery on (there's enough space for it). However, DCS treats most of the area the fort occupies as water, which means you can't place any non-amphibious units there, despite the fact that amphibious vehicles (which this restriction doesn't apply to) spawn as expected with no issues. It's the same when placing units on static objects (such as the oil and gas platforms), you can only place amphibious units onto them, even though they'll spawn where they should - which means you can't really set up something like a WW2 sea fort (using the oil rig/gas platform as a stand-in). And it's the same situation with non-aircraft carrying ships, you can't place anything that isn't a linked static object or amphibious onto them. Unfortunately though, this time around amphibious vehicles don't spawn as expected, they spawn where you placed them, but in the water and not up on deck, however, if you take an amphibious unit, place it on an oil rig or a gas platform, you can jump it over to a ship (that can be moving), and it will work (mostly) with a few issues that I'll detail below but are not the focus of this thread. Personally, I'd prefer to have the feature turned off (or be made optional), and place the responsibility solely with whoever is making the mission to place units sensibly. As an addendum, this feature might also be useful for placing client/player aircraft exactly as desired on board ships, see this post for more details. M113_Tarawa_Jump.trk
  10. Hello, i have question about mission editor, triggers and flags etc. 1- I want to play a sound file (Im defending), if SAM shoots me a missile. I did it with (missile in triggers zone) and as action (Sound at coalition). Here i have no problem. 2- But if SAM shoots me again within 120 seconds after the first shot, i want to play another sound (Im defending again!) and check for next 120 seconds too, if the third missile comes to me. If yes then then plays second sound (Im defending again), like a loop! 3- But if after the second or third shot, no SAM shoots at me for 180 seconds, the sound must go back to first sound (Im defending), if any SAM shoots me . I know to use (missile in trigger zone) or (flag on). But i dont know how to add a timer to that first shot as condition for second or third shot in the next120 seconds after first shot and make it a loop. After 180 seconds stop the loop and set the program to play that first sound (Im defending) again, like first shot from SAM. I need somehow a timer to check the condition 1 for certain time and play the second Action, if its true. After that run the second action as long as it happens within 120 seconds like a Loop. If the time out of 120 seconds, it must back to first condition and first action. I appreciate any idea and thanks in advance
  11. In this version, It seems that the code 'OPTIONS_ADD_COMMAND_CODES_TO_TOOLTIP = True / False' in file [missioneditor.lua] responsible for displaying the cockpit id and command has been removed. Thus, how can I now restore the functionality to display the corresponding command numbers for clickable actions when hovering over the controls page? null
  12. Hello, i have an idea to develop new elements in Mission Editor. I attached here a PDF-File to present this idea. Could you send it to your developers to see and check it? I would be happy to have a feedback from them. Thanks and have a good day New Actions and Conditions_Mission Editor.pdf
  13. Sadly, I currently have this problem when I try to put an aircraft in a mission editor. I've tried a repair and removed aircraft from the mods folder. Woks ok for all other modes like ships: Also static objects and choppers: So a bit puzzled here. I have attached a test misison with an AH-64 on the runway if that helps. JAK Sinai Programming Test 01.miz
  14. Hello, i have 2 questions: 1. I want to put one soundtrack to play, when one SAM fires at my F-16C Viper. I have no idea how to make it in Mission Editor. I want to depend the soundtrack to beeping from RWR. If RWR beeps in cockpit because of SAM Launch, the Soundtrack plays automatically. 2. I want to play a track, if i shoot fox3 missiles. I want to play another track, if i shoot fox1 missiles and i want to let play a third soundtrack, if i shoot fox 2 missiles. I want to play 3 different soundtracks for 3 different Air to Air missile types. How could i do those things? i can not wirte programms or LUA files. Tanks in advance!
  15. Hi everyone, Minor bug, the newly implemented Lie Ying Falcon ("Falcon Assault Gyrocopter") has an incorrect NATO APP-6 symbol. It currently has the symbol for a fixed wing UAV: It should have the icon for rotary wing, attack - as seen with attack helicopters.
  16. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue. I'm on DCS OB MT. AIr Boss view work beautifully until recently when I created my own mission using the ME, and for some reason neither the Air Boss View not the LSO views work anymore. I press the key combo and nothing happens...I seem to remember that when I was testing my mission using only AI players, it would ask where I wanted to spawn and I seem to recall the only options were LSO and Air Boss. Did I mess something up in the ME? Otherwise, everything else works fine. Thanks as always! OK, solved my own issue. As a data point for others, when you select the Naval Group to which your carrier belongs, there are boxes that can be unchecked that "enable LSO" and "enable Air Boss". Apparently I had inadvertently unchecked these. Keeping this post up as a PSA.
  17. Dynamic Sequential Mission Campaign (DSMC) is a tool for mission designers, supporting versions of DCS World 2.5.6 and above. This tool adds persistence to any DCS World mission, done by allowing the user to save the scenario at any moment and generate a new mission file based on the situation at the time of saving, that can be loaded, or edited, using the DCS mission editor. DSMC is required to be installed on the host/server only and has configuration settings available for both Dedicated servers, or Player as Host, via the special options GUI in DCS World. DSMC creates a new .miz file that includes: All original triggers, scripts, and embedded files as the original .miz Updated unit positions and states (alive, dead) Scenery object states, like bridges, houses, and structures Updated airbases, Oil/Gas facilities & FARP ownership Updated warehouse contents of fuel, aircraft & ammo many many more things! DSMC also includes improved features and functions for dedicated server mode, and for servers with desanitized missionscripting.lua settings. It's strongly recommended checking the manual before using the mod, at least to understand what it does and how to use it To download the mod, check this site: https://dsmcfordcs.wordpress.com/ For bug reports & suggestion, or simply to share your experience, there's a dedicated discord channel: https://discord.gg/T7NhsaxXBB DSMC is created from the ashes of "DAWS" and "DAWS Package", rewritten almost from scratch to enhance capability & stability... there will be others, for sure: as you know, every time 1 bug is fixed there's the chance for a couple of them to kick in.. but I hope that this will work ok for most of you, and for the others I'll do my best to support properly Have fun!
  18. I was using someone else's mission to test how MK-20's work and when I moved the start location, I saw double waypoints. So, I created my own mission on the same map, Persian Gulf. I was flying around trying to target the waypoints and it kept showing off the target. So, I quit out and looked at the ME and the screen shot kind of is self-explanatory. I closed and reopened the mission in ME and they were gone closer to the original waypoint. So close I could not see them until I zoomed in. Once I delete all the static objects, dual waypoints still existed. I close the ME and saved it, then reopened and the waypoints were all gone. Mk20_Rockeyes_Test.miz
  19. Hi everyone, With the recent weapon editions to the F-4E, the list of available bombs on stations 2 and 8 has completed filled the usable space to the point where some options are inaccessible without first weapons restricting. On my end, everything past the GBU-10 Paveway II is unaccessible, which includes the GBU-12 Paveway II, GBU-24A/B Paveway III the GBU-8/B HOBOS and the Mk 84 AIR - these weapons cannot be selected without first restricting weapons. Before weapons restricting, note how I cannot access any weapons below the GBU-10: After weapons restricting (in this case I restricted out the BL775 entries and the SAMP Type 25 entries): If there was a scrollbar I wouldn't need to restrict weapons in order to access these weapons.
  20. Hi Developers, Could you add a option to create a template of different selected static objects. Sometimes, while editing, one would like to use the same group of statics on different places on the map. Now it is only possible by creating a group of controllable AI planes or vehicles. So in other words, one must repeat all the same static setup all over again. The same handle would be great to be able to create a group of static objects too. ** MISSION EDITOR - ADD/CREATE TEMPLATE - STATIC GROUP - (hold CTRL and select static objects) - SAVE TEMPLATE. Kind regards and thank you for this great simulation
  21. In the advanced waypoint options we have the ability to make units immortal and invisible. Can we have a option for unlimited ammo? If we can already make them immortal and invisible to enemy I don't see the harm in giving them the option for unlimited ammo. For example I have a server that has ground units pushing objectives, but they eventually run out of ammo, they have logistics following them but sometimes those units die. They're not mission critical its just giving players the ability to have ground units helping push objectives and would be nice if there was an option to select unlimited ammo per group.
  22. If you build a mission with multiple flyable client aircraft it would great to see them as static aircraft if not taken by a player. At least for aircraft that are set to ground or ramp start. Maybe as an option. Would make the airfield look more populated.
  23. Hi everyone, Kind of a small one, but one that I've been longing for when doing short tests of air defence systems. If I go into the advanced waypoint actions for a group and set the alarm state to red at mission start, units actually begin at alarm state green and first have to go through the set up process (erecting antennas etc) before they reach alarm state red and are actually ready to be tested. Would it be possible to have this behaviour changed, such that if alarm state red is set at mission start, units start at alarm state red, without having to transition from alarm state green to alarm state red, essentially treating them as though they were readied prior to the mission start time. If I desire to keep the current behaviour, this can be done by adding a condition to check for (such as a 1 second delay to the start time), which is very easy to achieve, without even the need to enter the trigger menu (simply by going to conditions on the advanced waypoint action and say, checking time more and adding a second from mission start time).
  24. Hi DCS Community What does the INITIAL option next to the heading do?
  25. Has anyone been able to limit resupply of the Apache's Chaingun ammo via the warehouse system? I was unable to find it under M230, M788, or M789. I tried the one 30mm option in there, but it's for a bushmaster. Things like the Vulcan ammo seem to be there so this seems like a bug / oversight to me.
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