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Warthog Hotas

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Yeah. Think about where you want to put it while simming. Placing it badly can royally mess with your tendons and joints (*) if you maintain that over days/weeks. I found the joystick too tall to simply place in front of me on the desk (muscles get tired holding the arm up, leading to fatigue) and the throttle position was not good, either.


Figure out where you need the devices located relative to you and only then go hunt for something to make that happen. Maybe your chair allows you to add some structure to it, or you have a keyboard tray that you can try. If not, check the link in my signature. For the throttle, I found a little wood box (approx 40 cm tall), added some screw-on wheels and had a mobile, perfectly-sized stand. Don't get too hung up on "that perfect place" where you think it should stand, because that's likely not comfortable. Don't be afraid to try something else if you feel weird or uncomfortable during (or after!) simming.


(*) This is true for all things computer, not only simming and the TM:W.

I had to take a three-week break from simming because I ignored all this and ignored the cramps ("see, I can just shake the arm and it's good again!" Don't do that to yourself). Heh this post sounds like it's written by a priest or something, but maybe it saves you from my mistakes.


Happy flying!

Edited by Supersheep
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