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Any plane that is flying/flew for the RCAF is insta buy from me. :)


cant wait to land flapless at 240kt hehe

Edited by genbrien
Do you think that getting 9 women pregnant will get you a baby in 1 month?


Mobo: Asus P8P67 deluxe Monitor: Lg 22'' 1920*1080

CPU: i7 2600k@ 4.8Ghz +Zalman CNPS9900 max

Keyboard: Logitech G15

GPU:GTX 980 Strix Mouse: Sidewinder X8

PSU: Corsair TX750w Gaming Devices: Saytek X52, TrackIr5

RAM: Mushkin 2x4gb ddr3 9-9-9-24 @1600mhz

Case: 690 SSD: Intel X25m 80gb


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some good read on the F-104 http://airplanedriver.net/study/f104.htm

Do you think that getting 9 women pregnant will get you a baby in 1 month?


Mobo: Asus P8P67 deluxe Monitor: Lg 22'' 1920*1080

CPU: i7 2600k@ 4.8Ghz +Zalman CNPS9900 max

Keyboard: Logitech G15

GPU:GTX 980 Strix Mouse: Sidewinder X8

PSU: Corsair TX750w Gaming Devices: Saytek X52, TrackIr5

RAM: Mushkin 2x4gb ddr3 9-9-9-24 @1600mhz

Case: 690 SSD: Intel X25m 80gb


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To all of you, enthusiast of the F-104, you can fly a superb Starfighter in FSX. You can buy now really cheap FSX Steam Edition, and you can buy the F/RF-104G or the F-104S made by "Sim Skunk Works", italian modelers. All, for the price of only a module of DCS.


You can fly those airplanes "by the books", weapons are funcional, and can fight online thru Steam. I'm not doing marketing of those products, I´m not related with Microsoft or Sim Skunk Works. I´m just saying that there are already amazing simulations of the F-104.


Edited by Quinto
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To all of you, enthusiast of the F-104, you can fly a superb Starfighter in FSX. You can buy now really cheap FSX Steam Edition, and you can buy the F/RF-104G or the F-104S made by "Sim Skunk Works", italian modelers. All, for the price of only a module of DCS.


You can fly those airplanes "by the books", weapons are funcional, and can fight online thru Steam. I'm not doing marketing of those products, I´m not related with Microsoft or Sim Skunk Works. I´m just saying that there are already amazing simulations of the F-104.



Sorry, but I've looked very hard into FSX, and I can't agree. I was very tempted to go that route, since - at the time - there were some aircraft that I was very interested in that I just couldn't get through DCS: L-39, F-86, F-5, T-38, and F-104.


Ironically, we now have an F-86, and the L-39 is supposedly on its way (and there's rumor and some very slight evidence that we might be seeing an F-5).


However - FSX is not "for the price of a DCS module".


FSX is - by software standards - ANCIENT in the extreme. It's bare core system has horrible graphics and performance by modern standards. By the time you retro-fit it with the scenery and performance expansions, you're hundreds of dollars into the core simulator, before you've even touched the plane.


Add on the fact that combat is an afterthought third party expansion, and I've decided not to go that route.


Don't get me wrong - if you were a civilian aircraft enthusiast, I'd still recommend it. As there are aspects that DCS covers that FSX does not - combat - there are aspects of civilian flight that FSX covers that DCS does not.


FSX still very very good for it's niche, however - in my opinion - it's niche isn't combat active military aircraft.


Hence, I would not equate a flyable FSX F-104 - with rudimentary combat systems as an add-on - with a full EFM combat capable F-104, in DCS.

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Looking at some of the other discussions going, as much as I'd like an F-104 and would buy it, I think the Mirage F.1 or F-5 would be a much better plane to do first. The reason is simple, it fits better in the current and in development plane set better. LNS did the MiG-21 and is almost certainly doing the F-14 and Mi-23 next. BST is doing an AH-1 and Mi-24, ED is doing the F/A-18C and then there are the already released modules. Add it all up with the upcoming maps, and we have near full scenarios for many middle eastern conflicts + late Vietnam. But we are missing the Mirage F.1, F-4D or E and F-5A or E (not the B, please do not do the B, I will reach through my monitor and strangle you if you do the B :P ).


So yeah, the F-104 is a very cool plane and I'd love to have it eventually. But looking at what we have and what's coming, the other two options simply make more sense at this time. My hope is that in the next two years, we can really fill in the 1970-1990 period. After that, we can then work back to earlier planes such as the century fighters, MiG-17/19 and so on.

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As much as I'd like an F-104 (and I'd really really really like one), Maj_Death raises some good points about "fit".


I'd say that if I can't have an F-104, I'd like an F-5 (and I agree with A or E - ideally I'd like the CF-116 variant, but that's not happening :P).


However, there's something in the wind that indicates that someone may already by working on an F-5, so - unless that mysterious someone doesn't actually exist, or it's really AvioDev - it might not be a good choice for AvioDev.

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True but the F-5 also fought in Vietnam and unlike the F-104, it also fought in the Iran/Iraq war and even remains in active frontline service (IRIAF). The F-104 does fit at the bottom end of the plane set, but only barely. The F-5, F-4 and Mirage F.1 are all right smack in the middle of it and saw more combat in more places. As I said, I'd like an F-104 but I think at least one of those three other options should be given higher priority at this time.

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How about the flight model....?


Pssss........., no I think I´ll stick to DCS.


Hey, I´m not saying at all "leave DCS and got to FSX". I´m just saying that for you people who are entusiast of the F-104, there is a superb simulation in FSX you can fly right now. Also, I´m sure most of the simmers (me, for example) are users of two or more simulators.

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For that matter, there's a Mirage F1 for FSX




Still don't think it's the same :)


I know well this Mirage F1, and yes, it is not the same at all. You can't compare an old freeware, amateur and basic simulation for FS2004 ported to FSX with the F-104 of SSW, that has the real sistems of the plane simulated in a 99% and i's own flight physics.


Again, I´m not saying "You must leave DCS" or "FSX is better than DCS." I´m saying there is no good simulation of the Mirage F1 for any simulator, but there is a superb simulation of the F-104 that entusiast of this plane can fly now (if they want, of course).


I thought that those people that are saying they love the F-104 and would buy this aiplane in pre-release would thank this information, if they are trully fans of the "Zipper" :music_whistling:


And yes, you can make realistic military flights with this plane


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So yeah, the F-104 is a very cool plane and I'd love to have it eventually. But looking at what we have and what's coming, the other two options simply make more sense at this time. My hope is that in the next two years, we can really fill in the 1970-1990 period. After that, we can then work back to earlier planes such as the century fighters, MiG-17/19 and so on.


Despite being a huge fanboy for the F-104, I will say that I agree that an F-5E or early Mirage would be a lot more useful in the current DCS situation. I'd also have a hard time getting mad at somebody developing an F-5 over an F-104 because the F-5 is second on my list of "easy" planes to develop that I'd really love to see in DCS.

Edited by Why485
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