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Access to more features from the scripting engine


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I would like to see access to more features from Lua.


The following are probably low-hanging fruit (greatest increase in what you can do with scripting per ED developer time):

  • add a setAmmo() to ground units so we can reload units with scripts (also important for implementing persistence features)
  • a way to set the contents of a warehouse
  • add a getNextWaypointNumber() for AI controllers. We can give them a route with Lua right now, but figuring out what waypoints they already have passed (to send them to the correct waypoint when implementing a save/load feature) would require complex workarounds involving lots of geometry.

These features would allow a mission designer to implement complex logistics (e.g. having a player transport ammo to units in the field by helicopter).


I'd also like a way to tell any AI group (air and ground units) an exact set of enemy units they are allowed to engage. That would enable a mission designer to define their own rules for when a unit knows about and is able to engage a specific unit. Right now, all we have is setInvisible(), which will affect all enemy units.

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This is a HUGE subject. Scripting Engine Access.


Ian you are interested in the supply side of things. I am interested in the AI unit and AI weapon sensor information and a small subset of the human controlled elements like laser and IR spots.


Still some of the stuff that kills me is not having logical consistency for the targeting objects and targets. It is all legacy stuff - understandable but also frustrating. I decided to wait for DCS 2.0.

Edited by vicx
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