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Open Track question.

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Recently i dowload Open Track 2.3 and i try to configure it with my home made clip. My first program that i use was FaceTrackNoIR and i like it but pitch axis was too short. My problem with that Open Track is when i move the pitch axis the z axis moves too. Can i get rid of it without making dead zones in curves settings. With FaceTrackNoIR dont have that type of problem.

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Yep. Make sure the PointTracker settings for Model Position are accurate. IE Calibration. The important one seems to be the y position, which sets the pivot point just below your ear. In my case, the setting is about -220mm which allows me to look up and down with minimal z movement.


I'm using freetrack though, because I have found that OpenTrack does some odd things, namely it randomly reversex axes. Sometimes I need to invery pitch and x, other times not. I can't figure out why and it is v annoying.

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I have a fix for the axis reversal in opentrack: cover the camera with your hand for a second or two. If the camera loses sight of your lights/points opentrack gets confused and may reverse axis. Covering the camera, adjusting so that the points will be visible to the camera again, and removing the hand from in front of the camera solves the issue for me 100% of the time.


You can prevent the issue entirely by ensuring that your tracking points don't become obscured by each other, other objects, or leave the camera's field of view.

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