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Mission building: confusion about helicopter service ceilings and hover oge


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I admit I'm not much of a rotary guy - my attempts at flying the UH-1H usually result in bad things happening when I try to hover/land so I'm a little clueless about what should be accomplishable.


I've seen some dramatic photos of a CH-47 delivering troops and cargo to Afghanistan mountaintops with only the ramp touching the ground but I'm confused about what is realistically accomplishable for mission building.


1) The hover OGE ceiling for many of the helicopters is much lower than many areas of the Caucasus range. Does that mean that it is not possible to safely transport cargo/troops to these areas?


2) Also, google searches seem to indicate the service ceiling for a CH-47 is 20,000 ft, but in DCS the CH-47 appears to struggle above 10,000 ft for cruising. What's going on here?

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