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Runway headings


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I am doing some of the Viggen training missions from cor.vinus (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3302241/) and in one of them the mission briefing requires you to build a landing waypoint for a short runway via Ref/lola and an airport code, and then the runway heading via bana/grans.

I am happy with the mechanics of doing all this, but I wondered what benefit the runway heading data gives me for landing? This is not a TILS landing.

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Maybe the runway extended line on the radar




MY SYSTEM SPECS: Hardware Intel pentium 3 @ 800 MHz, 256 Mb RAM, Geforce 2 64Mb, Dell screen 1024x768 + Microsoft sidewhiner joystick + TrackIR 2 + TrackClitPro SOFTWARE: Microsoft Windows 98, Noice Attack & VIASAT PRO, SnackView

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I added the heading so you can use the LANDING NAV mode. In this mode you are steered to the "LB 1" waypoint, which is placed at an offset to the runway. Once you get there, you are steered to the "LF 1" waypoint, which is at the runway. In order to compute the LB 1 waypoint, the CK37 computer needs to the the heading of the runway.


For a TILS landing the runway is less important, as the TILS system will guide you to the runway in (roughly) the correct heading.



This is from page 146 of the manual (RC2), I hope it clarifies things a bit:




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And if you take off again I guess it could be usefull to do a runway fix when hitting the reference button when aligned as well?



The runway position and heading are used when taking off to provide an automatic nav fix. For this to work you have to switch to BER and then NAV on the ground, if I recall correctly. There is no need to press the reference button, this button is only required when taking off under strong cross wind conditions. In such a condition you press the reference button when you are carefully aligned with the runway (see page 241 of the manual).

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